It's the 6th Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the 4th remake of the original. The last one with Matt McCaunahay in '97 was better but nobody stinking remembers it. Only good thing about this one was Jessica Biel. Kemper got killed too fast and the storyline was way off base than the original. More funny than scary if you ask me but i'm a big horror movie buff. These are the 3 biggest things i hated about the movie. 1. It was dark as $hit and you couldn't see anything when it got to the basement parts and later in the movie in the meat factory. 2. The Hewitt family having dinner with all kinds of crazy $hit going on at the dinner table. For example girl being tortured etc., hardly any rats and where the heck were the body parts?? Not a scary movie because most of the time Leatherface was chasing someone instead of torturing or doing his cannabalistic rituals. 3. By far the worst thing about the movie was the whole damn movie theater was filled with teenie boppers that didn't have a clue. I think i was like the only adult in there besides my girl. Horror movies producers are without a doubt catering to younger audiences now and that is why actresses like Biel are thrown into these types of movies. By the way i love that tummy Jessica!! :}