Is this legit?
After reviewing various wagering accounts, analyzing phone records, email, ip logs, and noticing specific wagering patterns, we began to investigate what seemed like a case of Identity Fraud, and blatant violations of our Bonus Program & Betting Policies.
Rick Cxxxx, a resident of Quebec, Canada, appeared to be holding multiple accounts within our group of companies. IP checks began returning different names, and voice records quickly revealed the fact that it was one single person we were dealing with, and not several. We tracked the phone line he used to call us to match that of another player's account, whose registered name was Andre Hallal. Immediately this search returned another name, AM Munari.
Rick Cxxxx then called inquiring on the status of a payout request he submitted. The caller's identification was required faxed to us prior to processing any further banking transactions. The caller voiced disbelief that we would request such a thing, stating "you mean I got to run around town all day to get that to you?"
Using the name of Rick CXXXXXXX, again this individual entered into a chat session with me, and was again advised that no further transactions would be processed until he submitted a faxed copy of his Identification.
After ending the Live Person chat session, it was decided that we would call the phone number on file for Rick CXXXXXXXX. I asked Rick basic questions regarding his account to which he had no answers. The questions were:
1.. Please repeat your account - DID NOT KNOW 2.. Please repeat your account's - DID NOT KNOW 3.. What is your account's - DID NOT KNOW 4.. What was the last wager you placed this - DID NOT KNOW 5.. Do you recall chatting with me over LivePerson minutes - NO.
Due to the severity of the case, we immediately requested the assistance of NETeller Inc. in our investigations. Neteller Inc confirmed that multiple accounts had in fact been opened under different names from the same IP, proving to us a case of IDENTITY FRAUD & A BLATANT ABUSE OF OUR BONUS PROGRAM.
After the individual was informed that his account was under investigation for fraud, the caller then identified himself as Cxxxx Hxxxx for the first time, and not Rick like he had previously stated. The investigation continued.
After analyzing our sports wagering records, we then found that this person, Claude Hxxxx, was also in VIOLATION OF OUR ESTABLISHED
Any Cash Bonus recipient(s) found to be in collusion with other cash bonus account holders to place wagers on opposite sides of a game, utilizing their cash bonus to make such wagers, will be suspended and may be subject to confiscation of funds pending investigation.
Such wagering activity was in fact evident under the accounts in question, and such activities are explicitly prohibited under our Rules and Regulations.
1.. Rick has never called to wager with our company. 2.. Rick was not aware of **** purposes. 3.. **** Hxxxx viciously created multiple Neteller and Sportsbook accounts seeking to defraud. 4.. **** Hxxxx acted using another person's identity under deceit.
As per advice from our legal department based on the these findings, we conclude the following:
1.. That all funds deposited under the fraudulent account be refunded within the next 20 business days. 2.. That any remaining balance and bonuses awarded be confiscated according to Rule # 6 of our Cash Bonuses Policies. 3.. That all accounts associated with this person be permanently terminated, immediately.
[This message was edited by The General on August 01, 2003 at 08:42 PM.]