Thank You for Your Reply
It's pretty much a free for all down here, so there really isn't much that will be held against you.
This isn't rocket science-keep the bashing & missing matches down here & you'll stay out of trouble. We're just trying to keep the sports forums civil. You got warned once, ignored it, and then got tossed. Should that come as a surprise?
I could probably get you a second(well, third) chance in a while....but when you screw that one up, you're really screwed.
Good morning. Thank you,
TTinCO, for taking the time to reply to my post. I know you have better things to do during your busy schedule than to provide personal advice to Rx reclaimation projects such as myself.
No, it doesn't come as a surprise that I was booted for the bashing and pissing matches I engaged in at
HOMEDAWGS'S thread recently. Looking back, it certainly was a disruption of the entire thread. When the group of individual posters came in and started taking cheapshots at me, I know now I should have taken a different tactic. Instead of allowing the "inner critter in the basket" come out of me in self defense mode, I should of merely politely invited them to the
RUBBER ROOM for a full scale slugfest. Well, not to that extent, but I think you know what I'm saying.
The fog is lifting slowly but surely. Yes, this is not "rocket science." When up in the sports forums, merely post in a civil nonobtrusive fasion. When in the
RUBBER ROOM, pretty much anything goes.
My reputation is tarnished forever at the Rx. Truth is, I'm a fun loving gregarious individual. Now I will be labeled as the "bad seed" by many of the rest of the Rx population. I can only look in the mirror to see whom is to blame for that. The name "Basket Case" is now on everyone's avoid list.
I'm the Adam "Pacman" Jones of the Rx. If I get reinstated once more by the league (the Rx), and blow it.... well, my posting career is finished for good. Maybe with the passage of time, people will forgive me and forget my transgressions. We are a forgiving society.
OK, thanks for listening and I vow to keep a low profile and avoid confrontation from here on out.
Have a nice day! :toast: