none of the problems you're concerned about were fixed by Obamacare, most were made worse (especially the cost), and the problems with healthcare coverage was just shifted
you espouse solving one man's problems by shifting them to another man, and even the world's best socialize medicine program will be a step down for many if not most Americans that have (had) existing employer plans
Obamacare never had a chance to fuck with the so called Cadillac Plans, your boy kept issuing executive orders delaying those provisions unions opposed, it becomes even worse than it is
the solution is to try and return to our former system, hope private companies return to the health insurance industry, offer CHOICE and FREEDOM to consumers, allow insurance companies to cross state lines, eliminate the wasteful and idiotic bureaucracy, recognize politicians suck at their jobs, have the medical profession establish care standards (including end of life) and mitigate the practice of defensive medicine, allow states to continue to provide benefits that fill the gap
you can't legislate utopia, stop pretending we can