How is it odd? His picks are posted, and you added up the record. That "discussion" was mainly you not liking how his thread catered to your demands for information. He chose not to respond. You can't keep wishing people well, and tell them they are doing something wrong in the same post. Why don't you stop blindly tailing people and harassing them publicly because you don't get your desired results? Sorry for this response. But seriously. I'm on Moderation, but whoever reads this might see your history of acting like this.
I merely asked if there was a way to track the success or failure of Harry's plays with the strategies he uses. That's all. You're against keeping records? :think2:
It's not about catering to my "demands." I merely asked if results could be tabulated and posted on an ongoing basis throughout the season. That's not "harassment" by any stretch of the imagination.
BTW, I don't "blindly tail" people as you surmise. That's a fiction concocted in your imagination.