I don't understand....are they refunding Patriot bets because more people took the Giants?



Oct 29, 2011
How could it be a bad line when NE was up 2 pts late - and if not for a safety would have been up 4 pts which in itself covers this so called "bad line"?? Welker drops a ball that hits him in the hands, that most likely seals the game and cover for NE.

Yet, its a bad line???

It was the proper line, enough with the "bad line" nonsense.

NE had a 10 game winning streak, 13-3, and the Top seed. Yet they weren't supposed to be favored.

And you think the "sharp" people around here thought the line was bad.

Just shut up already. Cash your tickets and move on.

Nov 19, 2006
I'm fairly certain that Vegas puts out lines purely on public perception to get equal amount of bets on each side. I was initially shocked @ SF giving NYG, and then again this past wk @ NE giving NYG. But as the wks wore on, a good amount of people I talked with, and posters here @ RX, liked NE. So Vegas was spot on, as evidenced by the nearly even action they must have received. Even a friend of mine was riding the NYG train throughout playoffs, and he was thinking of going with NE!

NE "D" played a clean gm & gave up no big plays, which is why it was close. And did anyone see how close Hernandez was to scooping that hail mary drop in the endzone? I think that was him, anyway.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
they have a system for making the line, and they may make modest adjustments for bias

the line wasn't a bad line, the game could have went either way at the end. The Pats were one dropped pass from covering


New member
Oct 17, 2011
From 11:25 in the 3rd qurter until 4:26 of the 3rd quarter, the patriots were covering the 3.5 spread (or 3 spread).
The entire rest of the game, the Patriots were not covering.

The Patriots had a CHANCE at the end IF Welker caught the ball, and then IF they got a TD afterwards. And this came AFTER the Giants failed to stop at the 1, in which case these other IFs don't even have a chance.

I don't see what you guys see. You still want to justify the Pats as being the better team and making a mistake. Once again, Brady made big mistakes...BIG mistakes. He threw a, or "the" critical intercepetion, and also completely blew his team momentum when he threw the safety pass.

If the Pats played a perfect game against the Giants, MAYBE they would win.

But the game I saw yesterday showed that the wrong team was favored, or at best, that neither team should have been favored. How you still cling to the line being correct imo is just wrong.

My comment, in my thread, was the season line would have been Pats -6.5, and the correct game line was Pats -1 or Pats -2, which is basically a pick 'em. If you thought the line was right and still think it was right, imo you gotta chill and accept that you got this one wrong.

New member
Nov 7, 2009
they have a system for making the line, and they may make modest adjustments for bias

the line wasn't a bad line, the game could have went either way at the end. The Pats were one dropped pass from covering
Which is all I was trying to get across all week. That it was coin flip game, and that no amount of people on one side or the other changes that. Seriously, that's all I was trying to say all week. I do regret that we got tangled into something else.

New member
Nov 7, 2009
Great post as usual GFX. Thanks.

Not to take away because many super bowls are pretty lame. But Maris man you were 100% correct in your line analysis and I certainly hope your account reflects your position.
Sadly, no.
I'm 100% honest with what I say in this forum (aside from what some people want to say about me), and I have no problem saying that no, my final +/- on this game did not reflect my position on the side. I had a pretty poor day in Props, and also lost a teaser to the Over, so I didn't fare as well as I had hoped to on Sunday.

And to all, my intention over these last two weeks was not to get into arguments with people, but rather to present information (truthful information) in order to help everyone make the best decision they could, whichever way they choose to go.
But sometimes when you present information contrary to what someone wants to hear (not saying anyone specific, just a generality), they get immediately defensive and it turns into a pissing contest which is never my intention (I of course, accept my part in these occurrences).

Anyway, all in fun. Congrats to the Giants and their fans for a strong season.

New member
Dec 28, 2009
Maris, you don't seem like a bad guy. To be truthful, you were fairly aggressive in your position that the Giants weren't getting hammered as much as people were saying. We'll never agree on that. My opinion is that the books did worse than they'll ever admit and this nonsense about last minute Pats money coming in at the end is comedy. The next time a book releases their exact figures will be the first.

New member
Nov 11, 2008
Wasn't it bad enough you started one thread like this, you had to go out and start another one? WTF dude? If ever you were hoping that people would take you seriously on this board and maybe respect your opinion this is not the way to do it.

New member
Nov 7, 2009
Wasn't it bad enough you started one thread like this, you had to go out and start another one? WTF dude? If ever you were hoping that people would take you seriously on this board and maybe respect your opinion this is not the way to do it.

Na I don't really care. The ones that know me know I'm a decent guy and am always just trying to help. The ones that don't...ehhh?
These threads were made for my enjoyment, to those who know who they are. Those that know who they are, should open them up and come get some. Those who weren't part of it, really have no reason to come in as its pretty obvious I'm just messing with a select few DB's right now.

All good man. Sorry if you were offended by it. Hopefully you respect my opinion from the posts I've made in the past. If not, hopefully I can earn it in the future. But this thread was for me, for my enjoyment. Consider it @sshole tax.

New member
Nov 7, 2009
Maris, you don't seem like a bad guy. To be truthful, you were fairly aggressive in your position that the Giants weren't getting hammered as much as people were saying. We'll never agree on that. My opinion is that the books did worse than they'll ever admit and this nonsense about last minute Pats money coming in at the end is comedy. The next time a book releases their exact figures will be the first.

Ya, I don't consider you to be a bad guy either man. All just in fun.

However even if they did have more NY money (which I always agreed they did), it wasn't crazy lopsided. Which was all I was sayin.
Just that the game should be capped on the merrit of the game itself, and not that of public opinion.

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