"I Can't Breathe" tee shirts

Jan 24, 2012
Every one of these "police brutality" incidences have one thing common:

the suspect resisted arrest

It's pretty simple, really.

If you don't want to place yourself in an unpredictable chaotic situation, don't resist arrest. Whether the law is "right or wrong" in any given situation ("big tobacco" taxes are bullshit!) is totally irrelevant. Sometimes the police may use "excessive force" (total political bullshit, unless you've walked a mile in their shoes) trying to restrain the suspect, but that's what happens when you give the law the finger.

If you don't want to lose an eye, use safety goggles.

If you don't want to get yourself shot or mauled by a dog, don't break into someone's home.

If you don't want to get yourself killed or badly injured, don't resist arrest from instruments of the law.

Pretty common sense stuff, right?

Nope, not in an entitlement society.

The fact is, unless a cop is caught shooting or beating to death an unarmed suspect with his hands up totally unprovoked, a jury is not going to convict the cop.

That would set a TERRIBLE precedent allowing the inmates to run the asylum. Frankly, I honestly couldn't put it any better than this:

"If you're black, surrounded by white cops, resist is a way to survive!" face)(*^%

Enough said.

Fuck Holder!
Fuck Sharpton!
Fuck Obama!

And fuck every other sanctimonious race-baiting POS -- they're the biggest 'racists' of them all!

So Eric Garner should have to follow the rules or face the consequences, in this case death, but the cop does not have to follow any rules and should be applauded. Yeah, that's real common sense stuff.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Eric Garner Criminal Past Emerges: 30 Arrests In 34 Years, Including Assault and Grand Larceny


Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1659026/er...-years-including-assault/#M4yWF4mJROkB80mi.99


twenties on top, fifties on bottom
Oct 1, 2008
Jan 24, 2012
NOTHING but a POS criminal, but the liberal cry babies wanna scream racism! DON'T resist! Do what you're told and you'll get to go home to your baby mom and dozens of welfare babies! It really is that simple!

Come on, man. That's beyond ignorant. Criminal or not, he did nothing that would deserve death.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Someone needs to put a choke hold on vitterd

Please do. Nothing I like more than whipping some right wing ass...verbally or physically. I'm undeeated here in debates for a reason. The king has spoken..now go back to your other log in screen

New member
Oct 29, 2010
So Eric Garner should have to follow the rules or face the consequences, in this case death, but the cop does not have to follow any rules and should be applauded. Yeah, that's real common sense stuff.

Can you ask joe why he won't accept my challenge or post picks. Would appreciate your help on trying to get an answer. Tia
Jan 24, 2012
Can you ask joe why he won't accept my challenge or post picks. Would appreciate your help on trying to get an answer. Tia

I doubt Joe is too fond of me, as we don't see eye to eye on much. He thinks I'm too PC and possibly a liberal. I doubt I can be of much assistance there. You might want to try Dave, Seymour or Willie.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I doubt Joe is too fond of me, as we don't see eye to eye on much. He thinks I'm too PC and possibly a liberal. I doubt I can be of much assistance there. You might want to try Dave, Seymour or Willie.

Lol. Doubt they would help. Figure if we get enough people to ask he would show some self pride and answer
Jan 24, 2012
I was just a question, that's all.

As an example, I've never been arrested or charged for a crime. Yep, have rec'v several driving tickets though.

I understand, but even if he's been arrested 100 times it doesn't excuse the cop using an illegal chokehold and it doesn't mean he deserved to die.
Feb 6, 2007

A medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide that was the result of the apparent chokehold and compression to Garner's chest, according to the Times. That report also listed other factors as contributing to his death, including his asthma and weak heart.

Pantaleo said that when he heard Garner say he couldn't breathe, he tried to disengage as quickly as possible. But as the Times points out, the video shows Garner yelling at a police officer who had apparently approached him, saying that he wasn't selling anything and that the police are always harassing him even though he's not doing anything wrong.

When police officers approach him and try to grab him, he tells them not to touch him. Then, an officer is seen grabbing him from behind. It appears that at first, the officer is trying to pull Garner's arms behind his back, but Garner resists and then the officer puts his arm around Garner's neck and pulls him to the ground.


After Garner says he can't breathe, the officer with his arm around Garner's neck releases his hold, but then presses Garner's head into the sidewalk with his hands as Garner continues to say he can't breathe.

He went into cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/what-we-know-about-eric-garner-death-2014-12#ixzz3LYMQvpbA


Which is why the jury (including 9 non-whites) couldn't convict the officer. He did his job.


the picture you posted you would have to be a worthless alabama scum piece of shit fat white dude to not realize the guy has his right hand up and the left behind his back on the ground with the cop still choking him. It doesn't matter what happened before that because now you can clearly see the man giving up but they are still choking him lolol. Are u fucking blind? I dont give a fuck what he said or what he did prior to this innocent. If he was resisting. ...he sure as hell is not resisting in this photo. Only a worthless piece of shit who prolly hates all races but whites and asians would side with the cops here. Facts

New member
Jan 29, 2009
see, we have laws, your feelings,are just feelings...im a white guy from philly, so see, im kind of a minority though i never looked for special treatment...i got popped ( every time i was arrested, i deserved the cuffs...and a million other times i didnt get caught..) and i put my hands on the hood or behind my back and we all went on with our lives...jesus, i am embarassed for u guys that make these thugs out to be martyrs...there are so many upstanding people in the black community, lets glorify successful men and women, not some pos bail jumper

sorry cuz...your feelings dont trump laws..
Feb 6, 2007
Anyone who thinks you don't have a disadvantage being black in this country is prolly a closed minded hillbilly redneck. And im not black

New member
Feb 16, 2005
I understand, but even if he's been arrested 100 times it doesn't excuse the cop using an illegal chokehold and it doesn't mean he deserved to die.

Some might say the cop did society a favor on that Fergunson situation. One less punk azz thug running around terrorizing law abiding folks.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So Eric Garner should have to follow the rules or face the consequences, in this case death, but the cop does not have to follow any rules and should be applauded. Yeah, that's real common sense stuff.

What rules? The officer did nothing wrong or illegal - NOT GUILTY!

The fat fuck thug brought it all on himself...Karma finally caught up to him.



Not a chokehold: Truth of the Garner arrest


The officers who approached Garner were responding to community complaints about his ongoing activities. When he grew uncooperative and resisted arrest, they followed protocol on taking him into custody.

Officers are required to be as quick as possible in getting a perpetrator into custody so that he has no chance to injure the officer, innocent bystanders or himself.
Garner was 6-foot-3 and 350 pounds. Using a headlock to bring down a man of that size was appropriate.

Headlocks are used in thousands of arrests each year, especially of individuals not cooperating with the police. I used the maneuver in dozens of arrests.

And it was a headlock, not a chokehold. To be a chokehold, there must be constant pressure on the person’s neck, compressing his windpipe or cutting off the flow of blood to the carotid artery, rendering him unconscious.

Watch the video: It’s obvious that the arresting officer put his arm around Garner’s neck to bring him to the ground — but once Garner was on the ground, he was still conscious and able to say he couldn’t breathe.

That’s when the officers called for medical back-up. Tragically, the EMS personnel failed to administer oxygen or to ascertain that Garner was asthmatic and use an inhaler to assist with his breathing.

A top medical examiner (who can’t publicly fault the city ME) tells me it was very irresponsible for the Medical Examiner’s Office to issue the press release stating that Garner’s death was caused by a chokehold (with asthma, heart disease and obesity as contributing factors) and ruling his death a homicide.

Two big points: 1) The final autopsy report hasn’t been released. We don’t have the full story, just headlines. 2) “Homicide” only means that one person has caused the death of another.

The term has no bearing on intent or recklessness. The ME’s press release only poured oil on an already fiery situation.

Again, it’s unfortunate that a life was lost — but to blame Garner’s death on the officers doing their job is ridiculous.

Whatever crime you’re accused of, whether selling untaxed cigarettes or murder, you must comply with an officer making a lawful arrest. (Anyone who believes he’s been unlawfully arrested can appeal to the well-oiled machine of the Civilian Complaint Review Board.)

It’s not your right to disregard an officer’s order.


30+ prior arrests, including assault and grand larceny, and the usual bleeding hearts want you to believe the cop was the problem.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Ok so lets check out both sides of the argument with a couple questions.....

Im white... That's a fact lol.

So, If Im walking down the middle of the street, and a cop tells me to get on the sidewalk, I refuse his request. Then the cop realizes I fit the description of someone who just committed strong arm robbery, and pulls up to me. I decide to (according to the physical evidence) go into the drivers side window and start struggling with the cop, and presumably try and go for his gun.

Since I am white, nothing will happen to me, the cop doesn't have to escalate my force, with even more force to combat and get control of the situation. I would be free to go on my merry way.

Another example. Im in a big city, with huge taxes on cigarettes. I know I can make a few dollars by buying packs and selling the loose cigarettes in singles. Even tho I know this is illegal, I know what I am doing to try and make a quick buck. So, When I am confronted by an officer, I refuse to comply with the initial demands. So then that officer calls for more back-up, and still I refuse to comply with officer requests, even tho I see I am surrounded. And for the sake of this argument, I am overweight and have asthma.

So, since I am white, the cops will just shrug their shoulders, and walk away... leaving me alone, and allowing me to go about my business?

All of these situations involving police being involved with killing a citizen have the same things in common. Refusal to comply, resisting arrest and escalating a situation, that DOES NOT need to be escalated. It doesn't matter if the citizen is black, white, yellow or whatever.

Police are trained to get control of a situation, If you escalate it, they have to also escalate it. If you don't agree with what the officer is doing, still comply, you will have a court date, an attorney, and your LIFE. I was pulled over cause the cop said I ran a stop sign (which I didn't). I was polite, and took my ticket, and awaiting my day in court. NOW, had I jumped out of the car as soon as I pulled over, yelling and screaming at the cop, posturing up, and not complying with his commands... what could have happened? More cops? Officer fearing for his life? That cop DOES NOT KNOW ME... he doesn't know if I have a gun in my waistband... he doesn't know if I just murdered someone 20 minutes ago, and I fear getting caught and have nothing to lose. All sorts of things can go through his mind.

Just comply and follow the instructions.... simple as that. No need to escalate anything. And you will still be alive today.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You have no idea what goes on with cops in black neighborhoods.


"A total of 1,501 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 58 hours or 150 per year. There were 100 law enforcement officers killed in 2013."



Maybe you're the one who has no idea what it's like to deal with defiant scum like Eric Garner on a daily basis?

Typical ignorant dumb fuck response from one of the Rx's dumb fuck posters!


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Joe taking yet another beating. Lmao

Ummmm...garner was surrounded by several officers and posed no threat...so your statitics have zero to do with this case. You just keep swinging and missing glass joe.

Wabash is asking why you're scared to post picks. I will even let you use your Gameface or beefdeisel ghost. Hahahahaha

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