Way to shift the topic from your idiot lie, stupid.
Nobody said anything about a horrible beat, dumb fuck. You claimed that someone else, other than you, came up with the "should have won" nonsense. When your laughable lie is pointed out to you, your response is to pathetically try and change the subject.
The problem bp is you're not speaking with normal people. These fools are loons and actually think Ted Cruz can win a national election. You've seen enough bumped threads on what happens when these guys make predictions.....on sports and elections....they are a collection of mushit would be a waste of time and make them look foolish to normal people
The “Silent Majority” are a tough group to motivate.
The can smell a RINO a mile away.
you are very stupid. I made the comment once after one bed beat over 300 posted picks here. For you and the other moron to make constant reference to it is idiotic
you are very stupid. I made the comment once after one bed beat over 300 posted picks here. For you and the other moron to make constant reference to it is idiotic
shoulf I bump the pick thread where you bashed me and said I could never finish over 500 and then went 60-47?
you are still 0-1 this year
" I would have won if I took Boise instead of ole miss". Oh the irony
I made one, count em,one comment about a bad beat and you and the other stooges come up with this should have won nonsense.
Um, another point nobody was talking about, idiot. What is even funnier is the topic came up based on a comment you made. Nobody else, you.
Yet again, when your stupid bullshit lie is pointed out, your response is to bring up points nobody is talking about.
You are so fucking dumb it is unreal.
Are you saying the law doesn't give businesses the legal right to discriminate?
The "Silent Majority" is counterbalanced by the Commie Gaystream Media which one study I read estimated to be worth about 20+ points in the polls for the bad guys.
Can it be overcome? Yes, but only if the right conservative candidate has the requisite skill and smarts to bypass all the 'noise' coming from all directions (dinocraps, establishment RINOs, Commie Gaystream Media etc.) and communicate directly to the American people.
As we have seen, most - almost all! - Republicans wilt under pressure and aren't up to the job.
Instead of trying to make a point I don’t understand why a business doesn’t just charge an outlandish fee for their services, make their profit and donate the rest to their church.
That would make their point and avoid all the bullshit.
I do get a kick out of this being about religious freedom. Another knock against the religious and republican brand, these social issues are what separate themselves from average voters come presidential elections.
Bullshit is the right word.
Wedding-Related Religious Liberty Violations
I would stick a huge sign in my bakery window that said:
"All proceeds from services rendered to homosexual couples will be donated to the Cruz For President campaign"
He's going to sign it.