Lol, it's funny how hypocritical Republicans are. They want Obama impeached for saying Benghazi was over a video couple days after the attack but George Bush didn't lie about WMD's for years, lol.
The part I find ridiculous, is when they didn't find WMD's, the mission changed to some philanthropic nation building mission which is the last thing conservatives would ever want to do, lol. Imagine if Obama said, let's spend a trillion dollars and kill thousands of Americans to build a democracy in Iraq. They would flip shit.
But nope, a Republican did it, so they have to spin their little wheels to try to make it out to not be one of the biggest mistakes in American history. And then if that's not bad enough, they then blame Obama for what happened after we pulled the troops, haha. New Age Republicans are just the most dishonest and despicable people on the planet.