Hunter Biden update


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
What’s on there should have he and Biden in prison at this moment. All of govt , fbi, cia , fake news is corrupt

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is weird as I heard this last year but kind of dismissed it as a freak thing, even though I know there are no coincidences in Politics.......

It has NEVER been confirmed as Hunter's voice but yet it is weird to show up during a Biden speech...Now that the laptop has been confirmed by the MSM, this clip is showing up quite a bit, I have my own opinion as to what this REALLY is but dont want to give at this time

Also for those thinking this is a hoax, the original vid is still up on the WH Youtube channel so IT WAS NOT dubbed in after he fact, it happened during the "speech"


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
They impeached Trump to prevent the exposure of Ukrainian corruption, which Hunter's laptop reveals.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
They impeached Trump to prevent the exposure of Ukrainian corruption, which Hunter's laptop reveals.
c'mon man this shit has been exposed time and time again. there are dozens of independent journalists that have written about it, dozens of books available, there's documentaries streaming, and nothing happens because the GOP is a nutless bunch of twats and the MSM are told to stfu

pretty decent overview from

when i learned that Joey, while serving as the head of Iraqi situation as VP, signed-off on his brother being awarded a $1.5B contract to put up condos in Iraq i did a double-take. Then when i learned that his brother had NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE in the construction industry i just shook my head.

Biden is nothing but the current figurehead for an organized crime family that includes the Bush's, Obama's, Clinton's, Kerry's, and Romney's

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
8 Joe Biden Scandals Inside Hunter Biden’s MacBook That Corporate Media Just Admitted Is Legit

1. Pay-to-Play in Ukraine
2. China Deals
3. Moscow, Kazakhstan Connections
4. Ukraine’s Firing of the Prosecutor Investigating Burisma
5. Obama-Biden Administration Ignoring Conflicts of Interest
6. The Intelligence Community’s Briefing of Biden
7. Possible Collusion to Interfere in the 2020 Election
8. Joe Biden Is a ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
c'mon man this shit has been exposed time and time again. there are dozens of independent journalists that have written about it, dozens of books available, there's documentaries streaming, and nothing happens because the GOP is a nutless bunch of twats and the MSM are told to stfu

pretty decent overview from

when i learned that Joey, while serving as the head of Iraqi situation as VP, signed-off on his brother being awarded a $1.5B contract to put up condos in Iraq i did a double-take. Then when i learned that his brother had NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE in the construction industry i just shook my head.

Biden is nothing but the current figurehead for an organized crime family that includes the Bush's, Obama's, Clinton's, Kerry's, and Romney's
Yes, you and a tiny minority knew how deep and corrupt the entire sewer was for years.

But think about what is happening - now the ENTIRE WORLD is seeing it! Old hat to you, but the beginning of a mass awakening for everyone else...the normies. All by design.

Durham is meticulously working behind the scenes. Unlike Mueller, no leaks, 'sources' spreading propaganda and 5am raids creating fake headlines.

"Laptop from hell" - look how the intel frauds have been exposed yet again!

Don't make any prejudgments until Durham's job is complete.

Forget the GOP.

Durham is untouchable. Trump is untouchable.

Hunters becoming the Hunted.

Justice IS coming.

Apr 2, 2020

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Here's a video of Hunter smoking crack."

"It's fake."

They can't say that.

And when THIS comes out? You know they'll want to hide it. BUT THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO.

"Here's a video of Hunter engaging in sexual relations with his dead brother's 14 year old daughter."

"Yeah well that's fake too."

They STILL can't say that. They'll be FORCED to admit the video of Hunter Biden having sex with his 14 year old niece is 100% real and genuine.

You'll be outraged about the huge amounts of bribes changing hands, the shady business deals, the in-your-face corruption didn't blow the the lid off of this. The evidence that's already been out there for years.

And you'll be right.

You'll be right to be outraged.


Because it's the pedophilia that's going to blow it all up and make it so they can't contain the scandal. They can't stop it.

The pedophilia and how it was all covered up and who covered it up is what finally destroys the Biden Crime Family forever.

THAT is what rips the lid off the Pandora's Box. That's what finally breaks the dam and lets all the rest of it out.

One of the sickest, foulest and most evil families ever is in the White House right now.

This is not a country that is ok with diddling kids. I don't care what idiot tells you most Americans will see the video and the pics and shrug and be fine with it.

Oh no they won't.

97% of the people who see the videos and the pictures and know they are genuine are going to be shocked and horrified beyond belief.

Even Democrats will be red pilled. "My God man, I can't support a family that does this!"

You won't have to wait for Joe Biden to be impeached.

When this breaks he won't dare stick his head out of his basement ever again. He will resign and his entire fake installed regime will implode underneath him.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
So weird seeing this story on regular news channels


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
"Here's a video of Hunter smoking crack."

"It's fake."

They can't say that.

And when THIS comes out? You know they'll want to hide it. BUT THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO.

"Here's a video of Hunter engaging in sexual relations with his dead brother's 14 year old daughter."

"Yeah well that's fake too."

They STILL can't say that. They'll be FORCED to admit the video of Hunter Biden having sex with his 14 year old niece is 100% real and genuine.

You'll be outraged about the huge amounts of bribes changing hands, the shady business deals, the in-your-face corruption didn't blow the the lid off of this. The evidence that's already been out there for years.

And you'll be right.

You'll be right to be outraged.


Because it's the pedophilia that's going to blow it all up and make it so they can't contain the scandal. They can't stop it.

The pedophilia and how it was all covered up and who covered it up is what finally destroys the Biden Crime Family forever.

THAT is what rips the lid off the Pandora's Box. That's what finally breaks the dam and lets all the rest of it out.

One of the sickest, foulest and most evil families ever is in the White House right now.

This is not a country that is ok with diddling kids. I don't care what idiot tells you most Americans will see the video and the pics and shrug and be fine with it.

Oh no they won't.

97% of the people who see the videos and the pictures and know they are genuine are going to be shocked and horrified beyond belief.

Even Democrats will be red pilled. "My God man, I can't support a family that does this!"

You won't have to wait for Joe Biden to be impeached.

When this breaks he won't dare stick his head out of his basement ever again. He will resign and his entire fake installed regime will implode underneath him.
we're putting a pedo-enabler on the Supreme Court, funding and siding with Ukrainian Nazis, creating a central bank to convert your assets to digital currency run by the govt, and installing Kamala Harris to POTUS once Biden is impeached....

and you're taking a victory lap? :)

the left is absolutely fine with pedophilia and grooming, they find it uplifting and powerful. look what's happening in Florida, watch them forcing 7-YO's to wave rainbow flags for gay pride school parades in Austin, and don't get me started about the trans-teaching of kindergarten's in Portland. and now we're gonna have one making laws for future generations of Americans? the only storm is see coming is a perverted, disgusting one led by the Democratic Cartel in this country

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