Personally, shake his hands and make nice. Try to establish a true relationship. When your not playing keyboard warrior your a human being, and having such a crazy common denominator in each of your lives, it would be anything but regretful to not make friends with someone from such a small world you see everyday of your life and finally have a chance to get to know and have a beer with.
That's not to say after you knock a few back, get on him for why he/she acts like a prick/child/fool on the internet and does what they do, but shit, maybe you'll hear something that wasn't what you thought. Remember, when they aren't playing keyboard warrior, they're human. I would actually bet odds favorite a very different, modest response that is probably for the most part true in terms of how they do respond to that question, given the notion we were, that the said person was coming off nothing like they were on the forums to begin with. *hopefully meaning that in the way i took it, that they're humble/genuine/nice in real life, but the opposite on the forum. If it were the opposite, do the same thing! Just punch them in the jaw after you knock a few back. kth)(&^....cheersgif