Actually, lets be fair when it comes to bribes. The police are corrupt they ask for the money not the other way around. Gringos are profiled for this type of behavior. Secondly, its your country that allows this type of behavior on a larger level. It starts from the top and festers till it reaches all aspects of government. How could you blame a gringo for using the system in his favor when its your system that allows that type of behavior?
Right, its all the Costa Rican Goverment´s fault. Maybe you didn´t read the part where I said whoever bribes is just as guilty as whoever takes the money.
Your tax question which is loaded can be answered by the laws which are created by your government. The laws state any income derived outside of costa rica are not taxed. This is simalar to Panama and many other "offshore" countries that try to lure foreign investors. Not saying nasty money issues don't exist, but some of these companies provide great jobs for people here that could never gain that level of income. Not to mention "major" companies like Intel, HP, Microsoft get huge tax inncentives to operate here.
They are here for a reason. Lets not play stupid. They are getting highly trained individuals who are getting paid a fraction of what US workers would have to be paid. Its a win win situation for everyone. And I´m talking about sportsbook workers, who work here which means their income is generated here. How many of you get paid underneath the table?
Of course 9-11% income tax paid here wont do much to aleviate most the issues you address either. This of course means every Costa Rican would pay tax on the income they earn....right.
Any money helps. When you add up the millions that are lost every year due to corruption and bad policies it does represent a lot of money. Things are changing, slowly, but they are. I can guarantee you that if you work for a serious company, you automaticaly pay income tax since it gets deducted before you even recieve your money.
I already addressed how money comes to this beautiful country and by whom, but you'll continue to hate on "gringos"...
I have no problems with most gringos, not with the ones who come here to enjoy the tico lifestyle and make an honest living. I must say there are quite a few scumbags here who bring nothing but trouble. Specially in this business.
Real Estate commissions should be taxed, so do it!
I see you love to point out only issues with gringos since your a hater so lets take a look at something that happened last week. Your country obtained a huge shipment of Coke. [SIZE=+3]320 kilos [/SIZE]Then they allowed it to be stolen What a joke.
Right. I guess there are no corrupt cops in the US. This only happens here. Guess which country most of these drugs end up in. But ok, its only our responsability.
Costa Rica is a nice place. I like it and love my wife and I am happy to support her and her family here. Not all gringos are out to hurt your country or the people that live here. We already establised that we are not the people who create its laws or pollute its enviornment. We happily provide assistance and income. I am proud to help in any way I can. I think Jack, you should be attacking Canadians they are purly evil!!!