Cheated on my ex. Wasn't worth it. It amplified my problems at home. In fact, I wasn't even willing to deal with it anymore. Worst part was the guilt; while the funny part was the justifications and rationalizations. Tried to convince myself she too had slept with someone else. I realized I should handle any problems at home. I don't miss my ex. We weren't meant for each other. But I could have ended that relationship before sleeping with anyone else. As for the sex part, making a fantasy real involving a stranger was quite disappointing. She was hotter in my dreams.
guess I have no problem with guilt.....never lied to her tho....but not always told the truth either.
I cheated. had an the long run...the marriage was not a good one. The sex was AWESOME in the affair. had a few actually. For me it was always about the lack of sex at home....and I found good sex.
My ex on the other hand.....had also had an affair...but it was one of the heart that she takes no responsibility for. Stayed in touch with an old flame that she constantly told him she loved him....but never got to see him over the miles. but she never told me those yeah it was worth it...
Present day.....Still in the divorce procedings....I have found an awesome lady I am seeing.....and wouldn't cheat on her for ANYTHING....won't even NOT tell her something....we are both totally honest to each other......and NEITHER of us want to Marry again......
Sorry for rambling.............probably too much info too...
(but that one affair.....did I mention the AWESOME sex?).....F@#*ing incredible.....