as much as i love your picks and how you are always in charachter, terrible post on why to vote mccain coldweather... specifically the abortion factor, which I see alot of people including catholics etc. saying that they are voting for McCain because he is pro life...
My answer to that is even with 3 seats going to be up in the next 4 years, no president will ever overturn Roe v. Wade, on top of that, I might also like to remind you that President Bush is pro life, its been 8 years? what has happened on that front? end of story...
As far as the Republicans should vote republican and vice versa comment, that couldnt be more wrong, you shouldnt declare what you are, liberal or conservative and then vote a specific way all the time...
I will give it to McCain that he has a better plan for energy from what I have read, it is more in depth and detailed than Obama's. Other than that I cant give myself a reason to vote for another Republican who allowed bidding on futures which is why the United States has the highest oil reserve in 7 years and yet until now gas prices were so high and Exxon is still showing record profits. Also the deregulation that lead to the economic crisis we are in came from a republican campaign.
Also, when independent but served as republican Colin Powell endorses Obama, I have much respect for him and that also helps my decision.
for those of you who think it matters, I am white.