btw if i talk like that on democratic underground I'll get banned, but thats what I mean when I talk about change. socialism at its finest. cant wait.
Straw man. I believe competition will force poor systems to improve.
Let bad teachers find a new line of work, rather than sheltering them for all of eternity.
If I suck, I starve.
Socialism has never worked...anywhere...thats a fact.
Once you kill incentive...where do you think the money will come from?
Oops....didn't think of that. :drink:
Socialism has never worked...anywhere...thats a fact.
Once you kill incentive...where do you think the money will come from?
Oops....didn't think of that. :drink:
working fine in canada. smaller countries in europe and south america and parts of new zealand.
your premise is that you can't be happy without financial gain being the main part of your life, which is a flawed and failed argument.
you got that here with capitalism and that act of capitalism led to the birth of socialism here. you should be the last one to talk on that.
:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingteDon't try to use reason with a fucktard like gtc. The uneducated (Grad school, is it? Nice fucking grammar, dumbass. People might take you a little more seriously if you used the proper form of then/than and their/there/they're once in a while. Nevermind your half-baked woe-is-me bullshit out look on the life.) piece of shit has a picture of che guevara as his avatar and knows nothing about the man. To him, it doesn't matter that socialsim and communism have failed miserably wherever instituted, it just matters that they're different than capitalism (where he'd actually have to EARN his keep), and he heard some beret wearing fags talk about it at his "school" sometime. He's your typical idealistic lefty with no opinions based in reality. Fuck him. He'll learn soon enough or the world will pass him by. Just like it did his beloved che.
thats why i like obama.
he's going to eliminate the upper class and put the strangle hold on them. everyone is going to be happy now. everyone is going to be sad now. the upper class wont be just happy, and the lower classes sad.
this is a long time coming and its good to see these guys put in there place. i dont even think they know what's coming. these rich guys just sit there chanting obama. they have no idea. none.
viva la revolucion!
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working fine in canada. smaller countries in europe and south america and parts of new zealand.
your premise is that you can't be happy without financial gain being the main part of your life, which is a flawed and failed argument.
you got that here with capitalism and that act of capitalism led to the birth of socialism here. you should be the last one to talk on that.
fundies fear that their 8 years of bullshit write offs and getting tax cuts are now drawing closer to an endOf course, I'm still looking for an example of how a tax cut helped someone to succeed in life, the very thing Obama said his tax cuts will make possible.
So you think that there are ineffecient, unmotivated teachers so you want to apply the free market rules so they might perform more like wall street or our banking business?
I am reasonably certain that every person reading this Thread will - in the event Obama is elected President - happily remain within the USA and consider it the best place in the world for them to live, raise a family and to operate a business.
If I'm mistaken, please identify yourself and tell us to where you plan to relocate in the event Obama is elected POTUS on Nov 4