They give me a addresed envelope so its quicker than calling, besides how will I be able to tell if the postman has come if I dont put the flag up?
You don't know if the mail gets delivered on time, 99% + of the time, it will get there. Phone pay works great for me....2 minutes once you're used to the procedure for the particular water,gas,elec. co., etc.
Screw this shit, I let the Connecticut water company, Southern Connecticut gas company, Connecticut light and power, Sprint, Comcast, etc ....send me a paper bill, I review it, then pay by phone ( most often), if I don't dispute the bill, no auto pay BS....just bill me, I'll pay whatever you say....doesn't work for me.
Mail me a bill the traditional way, I'll phone in payment ...if I agree. Two minutes average ( per bill) on the phone, while I surf the net.
Works for Doug !
That's my way, for now !