He dances in circles with groups of men but claims he gets tons of pussy and women love him. I wouldn't say shit if he didn't respond in every post that everyone needs pussy but him. That leaves one to ask....why dance with a bunch of men when the ladies love you? Lololol
Sir if you would like to come to one of our all dude dance parties here in the suburbs of Chicago. I would request that you two settle your beef.
Perhaps a hand shake, an apology, then hugging it out followed by a slow dance. Just two mature dudes settling their differences like real men.
No need for "Mods" at a sports betting forum to help two grown men settle their differences and underlying tension that you two manly men share.
Also the avatar is him just kidding around. He's just joking. He's just playin' as you kids in the inner city gangs of Baltimore say. Cut my Chicago Bear
some slack dude. Or you will never be allowed to dance with our crew. And crying to the "Mods" will not get you an invite. Only showing respect. Peace.