huge huge huge dumb joe public money coming in on cavs. huge stupid dumb rookie green ass punk ass idiot dope loser mush money yup yup. warriors are the easiest money yoi will ever make in a lifetime. Me, "The Real DC" Dee Costen both 5 dimes. The Underground Mafia is all over the Warriors. Chili Dog Charlie, The Greasy Rican, Krazee Carlos NYC, The Sports Practitioner, Eye In The Sky, GoGoTrips. HUGE All the syndicate. ..
If you're not betting the Warriors tonight then you don'tlike money! {or you're the beef)
cash it stash it boom boom boom time to shaaaake the room :aktion033
If you're not betting the Warriors tonight then you don'tlike money! {or you're the beef)
cash it stash it boom boom boom time to shaaaake the room :aktion033