In order to recognize a good middle situation, you would to have to be able to cap an opening # or consensus line that you think is off by a couple or more points. You would then buy into that #, and hope the line moves your way and you would then buy into the other line. If you're lucky, it lands in the middle!
This is very hard to do because not only do you have to spend alot of time capping, you also have to spend a good deal of time line shopping and looking for variance. There just isnt enough time in the day.
As far as the arguement about middling being idiotic, well those that can do basic math know the answer to this!
In order to recognize a good middle situation, you would to have to be able to cap an opening # or consensus line that you think is off by a couple or more points. You would then buy into that #, and hope the line moves your way and you would then buy into the other line. If you're lucky, it lands in the middle!
This is very hard to do because not only do you have to spend alot of time capping, you also have to spend a good deal of time line shopping and looking for variance. There just isnt enough time in the day.
As far as the arguement about middling being idiotic, well those that can do basic math know the answer to this!