How did you lose your Virginity?


New member
Dec 22, 2005
Junior year in high school. Our french class took a field trip to a local french restaurant. I rode with this girl in her car and somehow we ended up back at her house...alone. First she showed me some pics of her on vacation in bikini on a beach. Can't remember exactly what happen next but we ended up doing it on the couch. We did it twice but the first time I was so nervous I didn't even cum.
The next day back at school both of us got suspended for skipping class. I got suspended a few times in high school (fighting, cheating ect.) but this one was well worth it.
Haven't seen anyone here lost their cherry to a hooker. :bunnies:

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
patrick_perry said:
Junior year in high school. Our french class took a field trip to a local french restaurant. I rode with this girl in her car and somehow we ended up back at her house...alone. First she showed me some pics of her on vacation in bikini on a beach. Can't remember exactly what happen next but we ended up doing it on the couch. We did it twice but the first time I was so nervous I didn't even cum.
The next day back at school both of us got suspended for skipping class. I got suspended a few times in high school (fighting, cheating ect.) but this one was well worth it.
Haven't seen anyone here lost their cherry to a hooker. :bunnies:
re-read post 2.......i didnt think it needed to be said

Sep 25, 2006
feb 15th 1985. I remember it like it was yesterday. for months i kept telling my dad that i was "going to get it" with a 15 year old redhead. i was 13 at the time. next thing you know, i get home around 1130pm, my pop is in the den watching a movie. he looks at me and says, "so, how was your night". I just glare back with a huge smile. he says, you didn't, i said i did. he said, "that's my boy" gave me a big hug and we went into the kitchen to split a beer and talk about it.

one of my fonder memories.

13!!! WTF!? I dont even know if I could even have had a boner then..:ohno:

She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
tkim11 said:
13!!! WTF!? I dont even know if I could even have had a boner then..:ohno:

actually, I banged two girls at 13. the next one was when I was visiting my grandma in west palm beach florida. there were some grandkids there during spring break. Most were 15 and 16, but one grandmother who played bridge with my grandma had a 14 year old grandaughter visiting. we would hang out like normal kids would do. then one day, my older brother bought some bartles and james wine coolers for the gang to party. next thing you know we are trashed and hooking up like all of the other kids. the following night, we were caught bunning in the weight room by her mom who happened to be looking for her and opened the door. stupid me, i should have taken her to the beach. anyway, she called my grandma and in front of my whole family, my grandma said that she heard what i had did, and that i am not going to get away with it. didn't i already???

make a long story short, things got weird and we stayed away from each other that trip till we met again the following spring break. Then, it was back to bunning again for a week. she was too cool.

two things i remember about her, she could do a full split and that she loved reo speedwagon.

ah, the memories...

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