Only a liberal hack would put any credence into unemployment rates. The only thing that matters is the labor participation rate which has declined steadily under Obama.
What the F is "need some need material"?
Weren't you just the jack hole playing grammar nazi a few posts up the page? You're a fucking retard and I would love to shut your pussy ass little bitch mouth.
What an idiot you are.
"what a pussy you are" say the same stupid shit over and over again. Take a dildo, smear it with acid and cram it up your ass, you blubber bellied, needle dicked, one-minute-shooting motherfucker.cockingasnook()azzkick(&^Slapping-silly90)):bigfingercockingasnook():madasshol:bigfinger:fckmad::Countdown^^
Coming from the faggot who talks about dicks, cocks and other men in every post he makes...followed up with the same, stupid, gay ass emojis.
Now you're talking about dildos in someones ass.. You are either a complete loser or just a flat out over the top twinker.
The U-6 is the real number for unemployment. Also, the entire nation has gone to a part time economy because of barack hussein ebola's ebolacare. What a fuking disgrace you are for being so ignorant.
"what a pussy you are" say the same stupid shit over and over again. Take a dildo, smear it with acid and cram it up your ass, you blubber bellied, needle dicked, one-minute-shooting motherfucker.cockingasnook()azzkick(&^Slapping-silly90)):bigfingercockingasnook():madasshol:bigfinger:fckmad::Countdown^^