What's bad about Internet forums is that it gives people a voice that don't actually have a voice in the real world because nobody hangs around enough to listen.
You believe the things you say which is very scary
Look at Somalia. 100% black and they can't even get along long enough to have any sort of government. I feel like that country is a video game. 2 blacks walking down the street openly armed. If one dies, it is forgotten about 5 minutes later.
I am not some pretend "internet tough guy". I would have the same conversations in person and have. I am not making threats or any of that. Just the facts are the facts.
Is "caring" symbolized by all these protests over a black teenager (that was always doing something to initiate the police contact) that was killed by a police officer representing 1/10000 of the blacks that are murdered? or would really protesting in black communities that u r sick and tired of blacks having no respect for human life show you really care? seems like if they gave a fiddler's fuck about black lives they would be worried about the 9999 that were murdered by blacks and not the 1 that was murdered by a police officer
Let's not forget about the no snitch rule. This whole debate starts at the top with Obama. He should be the one imploring black people to stop the violence in Chicago and every other inner-city but he is silent on the issue. Every time he opens his mouth he is wrong. Ferguson, Missouri? Another poster mentioned it in this thread. The blacks in America are just like the Palestinians They burn down their cities and then demand government assistance.