I guess tho, its not easy for us to understand how deep a meaning there might be maybe she was named after a GrandMother or some other deep significance to her. of the name.
Also: English Language. Should someone switch up their name just bcuz a portion of Earth's People think (been Told to believe) that sound/combination of letters/noise "Means" a certain thing that it completely don't mean to THEM?
Especially if that word mean something great to them. Is the noise by which they've always been called and thus Identify themselves as? If that word is very special to them bcuz it means they themselves?
Should a girl remake herself to please (not "offend") others?
If that Girl is Supersonic maybe she decides to just play the hand she's given.
The look in her eyes in the bottom pic is creepy.
Like she could have a bomb strapped around her waste and not give a shit.