I got a escort in route to my apartment need to clear head before this play
Your dealer drives a ford escort?
Speaking of "vilemush", enjoy the Captain. The escort will assume you purchased it for her, since it's a GIRLS drink. LOL. Either way, I'm curious as to what she thinks about tonight's game. I can't pick a winner to save my life.
Yo, willneverstop, ffs man give it a rest. He did get the best line he could when he made the bet. How the fuck is he supposed to know which way it's going to move?? I mean if you're going to troll the guy non-stop at least give him the benefit of the doubt every now and then.
GL on the play, 10 is a lot to cover in the NFL. Ravens D better be on their game. :smoking:
Now, hurry up and give banana-boy a shout out before he spends the night crying to his wife about how no one on the internet likes him. azzkick(&^