baronman CG looking for a career since he is done gambling after sunday, right now how is the BUS BOY market looking? any health care benefits? is the salary still 3 dollars an hour minus the tips?
Dude, that's some vicious shit spewing from your pie-hole as a fellow gambler hits a rough patch.
It's totally uncalled for. Heaven forbid you go on a protracted gambling losing streak.
HCG bets REAL money. Decent sized bets. Not chump change. He'll even take photos of his betting slips and post them here. Have you seen them? I have. That takes BALLS to post IMO.
My advice to you is to pipe down with the negative rhetoric before you anger the Gambling Gods any further. They're fickle and if they see you revel in another gambler's misery like you do, they're liable to cast a real bad whammy on you. Then you'll be the one losing his ass. Just saying.
We're all here in this forum to help each other BEAT THE BOOKIE-MAN, and NOT each other. Pretty simple concept IMO.