HOCKEY Best bets 33-6 year-to-date posting record

Players69 no doubt has a good record. If you wish to flame I have requested a copy in the RR

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Are you on or off with Player???? I think everyone is a little upset that no matter what he does he seems to get bashed. From what I can tell his record is accurate and in this thread (I may be wrong couple of Bloody's M's this morning) but all he changed was if he placed a bet or not.

We continue like this and he won't post anymore

My thoughts /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif


New member
Sep 21, 2004
player, don't change what's working!
once you stop posting your plays on this forum..
you'll start losing!!

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
For those fools wondering why I am not posting today, it is because there is only 1 game!!!!!!!! The ggame happens to suck and i will not bet it. And if you bet it just because it is the only game on teh board, then you are the dumbass. That is how sportsbooks make money when people dont study each game and find the best bets. If there is not a game to play, then take the day off and GET OFF THE COMPUTER!!
I am not "on" anyone, but I don't critisize or bash anyone for following others. I do know that this is the second time he edited his post, correct? He did apologize the first time about a Islander play that may have disappeared, but no big deal. Posting a play after the game starts is never cool with me and it should'nt be with you either. Like I said Players may be a good capper or a guy who is throwing darts and hitting the bullseye don't know yet. Following A guy who does'nt like hockey or watching it would make me a little nervous. And the regular plays shit does'nt make sense either it's a play or it is'nt

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good to see that player is still checking this site. Don't want these simple minded fools to chase you off. Those of us that have followed your posts since the beginning know that your record is the truth. I can't believe how some people react to a winner...jealous people are stupid.
Your right! people that question a couple of edited posts, a play disappearing, and a past post are just jealous.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
Well I will clear up the confusion, sort of. The only plays that go into my record are the best bet picks. The bottom picks are opinions, but if you think that I bet them the same way, then you are crazy. OBVIOUSLY, you should bet the best bets and if you like the same side, bet the regular plays. No down to the late post, WHY ON EARTH DOES IT MATTER TO YOU AT WHAT TIME I POST?????? This isnt a contest or anything!!!! I just posted the plays that I play, whether you played the best bets or not is another. Look at it this way, you must not even read my post entirely since I happen to go 1-1 in that minnesota game and when I posted the score was 1-1 in teh first period. That would be stupid for me to post a losing under pick with my record. Now maybe my email customers got different picks, but WHO CARES!!!! Some of you guys were not hugged enough as a child(or maybe too much in the wrong places). I just dont want to play the hockey game tonight, I will have picks on Monday for sure

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well its nice to know there are some resonable people here. I hope you didn't think I was calling you out or anything I have seen you support Player so was just curious. I looked through his plays its says edited but I can't find any changes, but I do agree it open a person up for critics.

Player your right on the Hockey I think with one game everyone just looking for a yeah or neah.

Hope to see you on Monday and good luck with your Football plays today.

You to Dicky W good luck with todays plays

Great response:

WHY ON EARTH DOES IT MATTER TO YOU AT WHAT TIME I POST?????? This isnt a contest or anything!!!

I don't care! some of your followers might

Now maybe my email customers got different picks, but WHO CARES!!!!

Some of the posters will be glad to hear that

Good Luck Players69
BTW does Atom shine your shoes too
First thread I ever requested in the RR, I think it's a fvckin masterpiece. Another hot capper promoting himself to tout. I would be laughing my ass off right now if it was'nt for some of these sad posters in this forum. These poor guys who can't pick their nose so they make excuses why it's ok for a tout to edit posts and past post hockey picks.

What a capper giving Boston a 1.5 goal favorite against the worst team in hockey his pick of the year.

"In a battle of 2 shitty teams, take the 1.5 goals and run before they switch the spread and make Atlanta the favorite"

Has to be the stupidest square quote I have ever heard. Hurry before they make a 2-7 road team a favorite against a 5-4 at home team. Then what do you expect from a guy who says hockey is boring and he does'nt watch it.

This will be fun to see how all his supporters jump ship when this guy goes to the shitter, witch will be very, very soon
I took NE for 100 units, Atl for 100 units and Miami for 100 units. Let me check DB in a little while and I might add some more plays. Or maybe I'll change the units on these. But I guarantee all of my followers that I'll have a winning record today. That's a mortal lock. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Here is the question I have for you If I posted.

"Philadelphia under 5 goals. , this is an underdog selection, but will get there. Philly has gone uner 5 goalsin 7 of their last 9 games with the other 2 games being ties!

Are you to assume this is a play? It' a underdog and it will get there, but is it a play? Or would you assume I just wanted your opinion or I wanted to discuss the play? Since the play was a winner should I grade it as such.

Another question:

I am also doing the below 2 team parlay for big bucks as it will pay huge since they are both like +115 or so.

Dallas -.5 goals parlayed with Detroit under 5 goals

Would you assume this is a play? I am playing it for "big bucks" but is it a play. If it loses do I grade it a loss or is the fact I lost "big bucks" punishment enough
It all boils down to whether or not the place you play is as understanding or dumb as the people following this guy's picks. A good bookie understands that if a play doesn't hit then you really didn't want to play it. Just like any idiot that follows a tout understands that you should only take the winning plays, not the losers. That way you can post that you have a preposterous record and have newbies come in and defend your record when someone with common sense questions it. At least Tony and all of his alias's didn't try to do this BS. GL today.
Now I got it! Funny as hell how some posters are cool with someone lieing and cheating as long as they have a winning record. Thank god for the RR and posters like you or I would'nt even read this shit
atom smush called you a <simple minded fool>

ouch! thats gotta hurt

maybe player can hook up with mouse and rod and they can have a handicapping <TRIUMVIRATE>

Ouch is right! I have a good mind to tell him to pick up his shine box and go home. Could you imagine Rods bankroll, Players69 picks, and mouse predicting the score? there would'nt be a bookie or offshore left
between the <law of avrerages> the wag theory and the ability to cancel bets this should be a tough crew

might be a little hard working around mouse with shit all in his diaper though

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