you really don't have a problem with a Presidential Candidate avoiding the press?
Do you really need to hear these candidates say the same fucking shit for 300 straight days. Between all the primary debates and conventions I've heard everything I needed to hear from both Trump and Clinton. I'm thrilled to not have to hear what she has to say for a few months, wish Trump would disappear for a few months too before the debates start. Now skipping the debates would be a whole different story, that I would have a problem with.
These candidates are campaigning for something. All you here from any of them during this part of the process is self serving, agenda driven drivel. They will say whatever they can to whatever groups they can to try to gain votes, whether they truly believe it or not..
Trump is behind by a bunch so feels it necessary to campaign hard right now to try to catch up. You really think he wants to pander to some of these minority groups every week to try to gain votes?? Not a chance, of course he'd rather just keep holding rallies with his like minded base of supporters. But he has to do something to catch up, so he has to walk the thin line of staying true to his base and totally selling out for votes.
Clinton is ahead so she is choosing not to campaign hard right now and is content to sit on the lead.
Remember, these are just job candidates, even if it is the most important job in the world! They have already stated their cases and stances and beliefs. They will have to go into further details on those stances when the debates hit. Anything before then is just them pandering for votes, they are not giving press conferences for "you". They are doing it for themselves to try to win more voters. In Trumps case it's probably a combination of both that and him needing the attention. If Trump held the big lead I'm sure he would still be staying in the limelight. But please don't think he is staying front and center for "you" the citizen.