[FONT="]Not all of these precincts went unanimously for Obama, however. Gary Johnson, Jill Stein and Virgil Goode were able to scrounge up a few votes in these areas, but then none of those minor candidates had been as thoroughly dismissive towards black voters' concerns as Mitt Romney and the Republican Party were.
[FONT="]On the other side of the ledger, Barack Obama received zero votes in several mostly white precincts in Utah, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi. Although admittedly none of these precincts was as large as the biggest urban precincts where Romney appears to have been shut out, they nevertheless suggested that unanimity is not strictly an inner city phenomenon.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Quite simply put, if people are going to argue that Barack Obama's four million vote popular vote margin and his decisive 332-206 electoral vote margin were achieved because of fraud, they are going to have to do better than to continue to promote fake reports of exaggerated turnout and real reports of Romney's colossal failure to secure the votes of urban African-American voters. They are going to need compelling evidence, of which to date, there is none.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Not all of these precincts went unanimously for Obama, however. Gary Johnson, Jill Stein and Virgil Goode were able to scrounge up a few votes in these areas, but then none of those minor candidates had been as thoroughly dismissive towards black voters' concerns as Mitt Romney and the Republican Party were.
[FONT="]On the other side of the ledger, Barack Obama received zero votes in several mostly white precincts in Utah, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi. Although admittedly none of these precincts was as large as the biggest urban precincts where Romney appears to have been shut out, they nevertheless suggested that unanimity is not strictly an inner city phenomenon.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Quite simply put, if people are going to argue that Barack Obama's four million vote popular vote margin and his decisive 332-206 electoral vote margin were achieved because of fraud, they are going to have to do better than to continue to promote fake reports of exaggerated turnout and real reports of Romney's colossal failure to secure the votes of urban African-American voters. They are going to need compelling evidence, of which to date, there is none.[/FONT]