I obviously was speaking about the two major parties. Please post another 1000 word essay complete with pics and videos to get your point across.
Part of me understands that bcuz there is no basis upon which for you and other Hillary supporters to understand the (mandatory) Brutality of Islam towards Non-Believers, that there is a degree of "Innocence" to your choosing the path for this country and our families that you did.
If we'd grown up here with a similarly savage ideology, if such a thing had been a part of our upbringing, we'd have some foundation upon which to comprehend what Islam is as result of what Mohammed wrote in the latter part of the Q'uran and what others added in related texts but we don't:
Have any foundation upon which to comprehend that, the reality of what Islam is and what is demanded by the God and Prophet of that ideology.
You all had all the evidence needed though, to her Corruption and her having been bought for $50 Million by those behind 9/11 and that are the reason Islamic Terrorist Groups can exist to the degree that they do: because Saudi Arabia funds them gives then the $$$ without which they would not be able to exist to the degree that they do.
And you still Voted her in.
You had all the info needed to know exactly Who and What she was.
And you still elected to give Us, USA and our Families the Fate that you did.