Hillary is IMPLODING


Feb 2, 2010
And if he wins you can have a seat next to me on the train as we head to the swamp to drain it. No brakes on this MAGA train!

New member
Jan 29, 2009
nah, again you embellish, not sure why continue to think everyone shares your thought process..must be one of your personality defects...if i dont get my way, ill show them..

your debate skills, if you can even call them are soft man..trying to install yourself as a thinker or at least by default, a victim

when we elected a community organizer, majority wanted him to do well...who cares he wasn t qualified and had terrible associates, we had to shake the white guilt out...hope and change? really? i guess the worms are doing better

she and her family are the scourge of politics, the worst, made rich off connections

no one is really praising trump as most are praying the country gets spared maybe 4 years of status quo and embarrassment ..

think she will steal furniture again?

New member
Nov 6, 2007
Albatross;[URL="tel:11876936" said:
11876936[/URL]]And she just cancels her presser......lol. Team Hilldawg knows they are down by 8, ball at midfield, 4th and 20. 3 seconds left.

Best part is Vitterd is going to be the one to pull the plug on the swamp as we all watch it drain.


How does JANE DOE receive threats? Lmfao. Libs are in severe desperation mode with this accusation. Hillary is DONE

Nov 4, 2009
How does JANE DOE receive threats? Lmfao. Libs are in severe desperation mode with this accusation. Hillary is DONE

What recourse does The Donald have to fight back against this immediately? If he's got none then he's done and they won.

Cuz MSM is gonna hammer this 24/7 for as long as needed.

These people have got to be stopped.

They just keep coming with thing after thing after thing and now the worst thing possible cuz Comey won't get up off Hillary.

They're BURIED NOW or even maybe scrubbed from Google altogether but there used to be reputable articles definitively clearing Trump of this.

Is there any law against The Clinton Machine doing this?

I guess he can sue them all for slander but that would take time to go to court.

Nov 4, 2009
Flight logs show Bill Clinton on trips with Epstein much more than previously known By Malia Zimmerman
<time itemprop="datePublished" pubdate="" datetime="2016-05-13T11:43:00.000-04:00">Published May 13, 2016</time> FoxNews.com
Epstein, (inset left), and Clinton flew together at least 26 times (John Coates, airport-data.com)

Nov 4, 2009
Mind-Boggling if this Box gets opened cuz if MSM runs with this there is real risk that a few wealthy and "important" people wind up also implicated, their names dragged thru the mud as they were before. Prince Andrew over in England probably the name that when implicated the last time this box got opened caused the biggest mess. This blows up then goes where it could The British Monarchy is gonna be livid.

Nov 4, 2009
So is the plan, after all what some said the ultimate goal would be: to have Obama remain in office under the Emergency whatever Act...Provision, whatever its called. That says No Transfer of Power occurs during National Crisis/Emergency? That way O can move in another 350 Muslims every day, as it is said that he is doing now and get even more underhanded shit done?

They gonna take Both of them Down?

Or are they just gonna take Trump down?

What then though?

Everyone's Only Ballot Choice is Hillary, Johnson and the 2 others?

Or The Election would get Postponed? and Obama would be able to stay in?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would like to thank Vitturd for making this thread. Great to see him come to his senses. Now if he could only cure the compulsive lying

New member
Nov 6, 2007
Breaking per FBI. AT LEAST 5 foreign countries hacked into Hillarys private server putting our national security at risk. Lock her up. She is fucking done.

Nov 4, 2009
Looks like MSM not gonna run the Trump association with Epsten story bcuz the accuser has attempted to Roll This Out before, her accusations made previously to try and take Trump down during the Primaries and Behind The Scenes of this, the two guys who've set this girl up with New Apartment and other things plus money of course are a shady as hell former producer of The Jerry Springer Show and some other guy who eMailed Paul Ryan more than 1200 times getting him a visit from FBI ordering him to stop eMailing Ryan and stay the hell out of Janesville WI.

These guys apparently tried to get $1 Million Dollars from Gawker, for the video and the eMails mentioned above were along the lines of trying to shake others down, for $$$$$ to use the story.

So it appears that this is just so blatant an attempt, on the part of a couple of guys, to Take Trump out via this girl making thins accusation but also make some money along the way, while accomplishing their goal of eliminating Trump from the Race.

To say that there are some snakes in this garden is an understatement. To say that there are some dumb as fuck snakes in this garden, closer to accurately descriptive.

Things could always change, of course, as Media might still be vetting a story but right now it appears that this particular story designed to take Trump out is a Hot Mess made by a couple of really unskilled Scam Artist Nobodys who have deep deep Mental Problems.

Nov 4, 2009
Simple Math Equation:

1.) Saudi Arabia does not allow Jewish People into Saudi Arabia, even if you have just a passport stamp from Israel in your Passport by the letter of Saudi Law you are not getting allowed into Saudi Arabia. The Rulers of Saudi Arabia believe in an ideology that demands of them they make their Chief Effort while they are alive the fight for the establishment of Fundamental Islam the controlling Religious Ideology of The Earth.

Their "Main Job", according to Wahhabi-ism, which is the sect of Islam they follow and that is the primary controlling factor within their lives (other than $$$$ from Oil, of course) is that they make as much of The Earth exist under Sharia Law, as possible.

Of Course the Ideal and Goal of Fundamental Islam is that ALL of Earth exist under Sharia Law and The Control of Islam. That all of the people of Earth are United beneath the worship of a single God, in this case Allah.

These are the unalterable Truths of Wahabbi-ism/Fundamental Islam. Obligation to spread Islam is not "negotiable", its not a thing a Wahhabi-ist or Islamist can decide he does not feel like doing.

The Point is, and here is the simple "Math Question":

ISIS and Other Terrorist Groups are also Fundamental Islamists. Just like those who rule Saudi Arabia.

These Terrorists Groups, the ones who are killing people and the ones who, we are led to believe at the least, did 9/11...

...these groups believe in the same stuff that The Saudis do.

The Saudis, as will be shown in the post that will follow this one, have given in excess of $30 Million Dollars to Hillary Clinton.

The Simple Math Question is:

If Hillary becomes President, do you really expect her to be genuinely aggressive about eliminating, battling Terrorist Groups so that Innocent People can stop getting brutalized and killed by these groups when these groups are fighting for the very same thing that a country who has given her more than $30 Million Dollars wants?

When the "Objective", the most Fondest Desire of these Terrorist Groups is the same as a Country that has given her so much money

how do you expect her to really seriously be a President that tries to keep us Safe from people who are the exact same people as those who gave her $30,000,000?

Nov 4, 2009
Saudi Arabia by itself has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

A group called “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” co-founded “by a Saudi Prince,” gave an additional amount between $1 million and $5 million.

The Clinton Foundation says that between $1 million and $5 million was also donated by “the State of Qatar,” the United Arab Emirates, and the government of Brunei.

“The State of Kuwait” has donated between $5 million and $10 million.

Theoretically, one could say that these regimes are donating because they deeply believe in the charitable work of the Clinton Foundation and want to help those in need. Is there a single person on the planet who actually believes this though?

Is Clinton loyalty really so strong that people are going to argue with a straight face that the reason the Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti and Emirates regimes donated large amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation is because those regimes simply want to help the foundation achieve its magnanimous goals?

Are there people who can genuinely convince themselves that Hillary Clinton as President is going to support the destruction of Terrorist Groups who's beliefs and what they are battling for is exactly the same religious and political ideologies that the regimes who've given her so much money, believe in?

Hillary's Largest Contributors, regimes that have given her in excess of $50 Million Dollars, also give money to fund these Terrorist Groups, via many various "Charities" that exist to hide their funding of these groups.

These are the very Terrorist Groups that have killed innocent people in Germany, France and other European countries in those highly visible attacks we all saw on TV and these are the same Terrorist Groups that US Gov says were behind 9/11.

The regimes that fund these Terrorist Groups bcuz they want the same thing, Sharia Law, Muslim Dominance of the World and Non-Believers existing as 2nd Class Citizens paying TAX to Islam (Dhimmi Status) are the same regimes that funded Hillary Clinton to the tune of $50 Million Dollars.

Are there people who expect that she is going to be against Terrorist Groups that those who gave her that $50 Million support financially also?!?

Obviously its two teams here, guys. And the team that We, The American People, are on is not the one that is getting financed by the regimes detailed above.

Thats the team that Hillary Clinton is on.

The Team We are on had better start considering ways to keep our families and our selves Safe. From that other Team.

Because members of that team don't "play". They are not Fucking Around, like us, as We sit around figuring its only other people who get blown up, shot, stabbed or run over by a truck driven by one of their Cockroach SubHuman Martyrs.

That team is planning shit and getting Terror done as We on Our Team sit around tapping our Godamned Cellphones figuring the odds are so astronomically low of it being our wife or daughter that gets brutally gangraped by a group of the Barbarians on that other team that Hillary is on.

You can be a Motherfucking Coward if you want. If you are not intelligent enough to see what is right in front of your eyes, if you make this woman who owes Saudi Arabia and other Stone-Aged regimes services worth $50 Million Dollars PRESIDENT I don't personally give a shit if you live or die.

You can be a Motherfucking Coward.

If You want.

You can be like Vitterd and the other liberals here just if you choose that?

Have some Mercy on your kids if you've cursed this planet with offspring, a re-creation of yourself, get your Kids in the care of someone who is not a fucking coward like yourself so that they can be in a Safe Environment.

Thats the least you can do. Which is exactly what everyone Voting "Hillary" will do. The very fucking minimal possible.

Fuck You Cowards.

Nov 4, 2009
The Bitch is funded to the tune of $50 Million Dollars


by the exact same countries that fund the Terrorists

who are killing innocent people and sexually assaulting kids

and you are willing to lay down and let her have the presidency of "your country".

You stupid worthless motherfuckers.

You do realize that you are part of The Stupidest generation of American to ever exist, right?

And part of The Most Cowardly culture to ever curse this planet with it's presence.

You do realize that right? Or are you too stupid to see even that?

This Transparently Evil Islamic-Owned BITCH gets the presidency and History is gonna speak of this generation of Americanas the most pathetic weak cowards that ever lived, we who let her become president then allowed Inbred Stone-Aged fuckers with IQs half of what ours were to control us.

You do realize that History is not gonna have real kind things to say about us? Right?

And that We deserve that.

To think of all the Brave Women and Men that lost their lives fighting for us, just so we could give this country they left us....away.

Just so we could lay down and whimper like Cowards as an ugly old woman and a bunch of Muslims killed us.

What a Waste.

All those Brave men and Women who gave thier lives for this.

What a fucking waste.

How does it feel to know that if they could have seen this, what we have let ourselves become, that they would not have given their lives?

For This.

Bow To Your Queen, you stupid fucking coward.


This Old Lady

and some goddamned 44 IQ having MUSLIMS, beat you.

you were too fucking stupid of Pussies to save yourselves :):)

from these fuckers that everyone beat.

Time after Time, for 1400 years now.

but you just couldn't :):)

Nov 4, 2009
These guys apparently tried to get $1 Million Dollars from Gawker, for the video and the eMails mentioned above were along the lines of trying to shake others down, for $$$$$ to use the story.

In Red was referring to a Video Statement the female accuser made, that these morons behind this plan filmed.

To eliminate any confusion that might have come from the accidental implication on my part that their was Video of the accused act.

Sorry to go nuts on the Muslim Stuff and be mean to us with my words above but how obvious this bitch is and the fact that its all right there to see

she owes Muslims big time

50 Million Dollars worth of ____________

It just pisses me off.

That anyone would actually allow themselves to be so easily deceived. And Vote for this Evil Bitch.

Burn Me at the fuking Stake.

I don't give a fuck.


Jan 15, 2005
So is the plan, after all what some said the ultimate goal would be: to have Obama remain in office under the Emergency whatever Act...Provision, whatever its called. That says No Transfer of Power occurs during National Crisis/Emergency? That way O can move in another 350 Muslims every day, as it is said that he is doing now and get even more underhanded shit done?

They gonna take Both of them Down?

Or are they just gonna take Trump down?

What then though?

Everyone's Only Ballot Choice is Hillary, Johnson and the 2 others?

Or The Election would get Postponed? and Obama would be able to stay in?
Cuckoo, cuckoo

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hillary screaming hysterical! Not a good look as the op would say. Glad you flipped Vitturd! #MAGA

Nov 4, 2009
Cuckoo, cuckoo

Hey it looked like that, at that particular moment. I mean that Trump accusation story isn't a Trumped Up POS and Hillary would have been Indicted already were it not for Lynch at DOJ keeping that from happening...my questions were valid Ones, as to what would happen if both candidates went down just moments before an election.

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