Simple Math Equation:
1.) Saudi Arabia does not allow Jewish People into Saudi Arabia, even if you have just a passport stamp from Israel in your Passport by the letter of Saudi Law you are not getting allowed into Saudi Arabia. The Rulers of Saudi Arabia believe in an ideology that demands of them they make their Chief Effort while they are alive the fight for the establishment of Fundamental Islam the controlling Religious Ideology of The Earth.
Their "Main Job", according to Wahhabi-ism, which is the sect of Islam they follow and that is the primary controlling factor within their lives (other than $$$$ from Oil, of course) is that they make as much of The Earth exist under Sharia Law, as possible.
Of Course the Ideal and Goal of Fundamental Islam is that ALL of Earth exist under Sharia Law and The Control of Islam. That all of the people of Earth are United beneath the worship of a single God, in this case Allah.
These are the unalterable Truths of Wahabbi-ism/Fundamental Islam. Obligation to spread Islam is not "negotiable", its not a thing a Wahhabi-ist or Islamist can decide he does not feel like doing.
The Point is, and here is the simple "Math Question":
ISIS and Other Terrorist Groups are also Fundamental Islamists. Just like those who rule Saudi Arabia.
These Terrorists Groups, the ones who are killing people and the ones who, we are led to believe at the least, did 9/11...
...these groups believe in the same stuff that The Saudis do.
The Saudis, as will be shown in the post that will follow this one, have given in excess of $30 Million Dollars to Hillary Clinton.
The Simple Math Question is:
If Hillary becomes President, do you really expect her to be genuinely aggressive about eliminating, battling Terrorist Groups so that Innocent People can stop getting brutalized and killed by these groups when these groups are fighting for the very same thing that a country who has given her more than $30 Million Dollars wants?
When the "Objective", the most Fondest Desire of these Terrorist Groups is the same as a Country that has given her so much money
how do you expect her to really seriously be a President that tries to keep us Safe from people who are the exact same people as those who gave her $30,000,000?