In other words.....there isn't a lie anywhere.....but your mindless rant of idiocy to deflect from your lie about me is comedy at it's best. I hope you will be here to console the other trump idiots next can be in rx group therapy to help start her impeachment will help the rest of us normal people laugh even more.
Who is a Liar........
As it stands,
Hillary will likely be watching the sun rise and set over Pennsylvania Avenue for the next four to eight years. You
can thank your government for that. Another part, though—maybe the larger part, and surely the more practically consequential part—is that Hillary Clinton,
and the Clinton political machine itself, is really, really good at lying. There is really a kind of genius to it all—a conniving, narrow-eyed genius, to be sure, but one which requires a considerable amount of talent and investment.
BTW I was shopping for 2 weeks and the best price I found was @ Geisinger! Their Silver Plan 30/60/3500 with Cost Share Reduction Obamacare is alright but TRUMP cares is for the bett
My Pulse is normal BP 161/76 normal just a bit overwight @ 183 probably due to the Miller's
Dr. HIGI doesn't charge
Atlanta 30-24
Tampa 3-16 @ Home past 3 years will they go 0-4 @ Home in 2016? I'll chance without RB's. GB Rogers almost beat Falcons in Atlanta w/o a running game but Winston has some baggage..... What was her name? Is she one of Trumps accuser's looking for another payoff..... I'll give the pointsbyebye)(&^