I'm calling brokered convention for the Dems as well.
i think this is about right. there are a lot of people who would only hold their nose and vote for Hillary if the only other option was trump. I am still not sure i could vote for her, but can't back Trump. Bottom line is eventually it becomes a general election so you can't piss off so many groups and have a solid chance to win.
Thought I heard today that the super delegates don't count before the convention starts.
That just shows how much Hillary is hated when Sanders is giving her all she can handle.
And as usual per what you say in the offshore forum.
The correct answer is the exact opposite of what you say.
Even your cousin Cruz has a better shot at beating Clinton then Trump.
A good poll (and only for Trump supporters, meaning he was your #1 choice, no one else can vote) is would you support the nominee if Trump had a plurality but not the majority of delegates and they gave the nominee to Cruz or Kasich.
Cruz has exactly zero chance against Hillary
Say what you want about your poll results, that shit is skewed against Trump just like everything else in this crooked election.
Given the latest results, going to email Cruz that great line as well. Maybe he beats Hillary to using it.
@JustinCruise....Feel like most would have the opposite view given that Cruz crushed Kasich in the primary but I could be wrong. Who knows.