Just another Drumpf supporter, doing his thing. Zeig Heil Baby.
So many questions about this video:
Where is the Zieg Heil? It looks like he was pointing and telling those guys holding the sign for them to go to Auschwitz.
Why doesnt the camera show the signs that the cameraman (or his friend) is holding? Is the sign saying "Go back to Auschwitz", and thats why the Trump supporter was pointing towards Aus and telling "them" to go back?
Where the cameraman and his friend there with a derogatory sign, just to get reactions from supporters to get on camera?
Why did the guy in the middle of the video stop and say "Racisim huh?". Did the sign say something about trump or supporters being racist? What did the sign say?
Why did the video all of a sudden shut off? There were tons more Trump supporters coming out? None of the rest of the footage supported the agenda they are trying to put out?