The worst part is that most of it is about dems vs pubs which are just two sides of the same coin. It's kinda like arguing about tastes great vs less filling and taking it seriously.
Just because John McCain and George Bush aren't as conservative as you would like them to be, doesn't mean they are "two sides of the same coin."
Would you say child-prostitute advocate Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Chief Justice John Roberts are "two sides of the same coin?"
Would you say that with Obambi as president you will get to keep as much of your money as you did under Bush?
George Bush withdrew the United States from the International Kangaroo Court. Obambi will use Kerry's "global test" for EVERYTHING, thereby compromising the security and safety of the American people.
George Bush (unsuccessfully) tried to reform entitlements privatizing social security; Obambi will make the New Deal look like Milton Freedman economics.
John McCain promises to balance the budget within four years by going after entitlements and wasteful govt spending. Obambi is a tax-and-spend lib who will add TRILLIONS to the deficit, not only because of the INCREASE in GOVT SPENDING but the fact that his massive wealth redistribution shams will sink the economy and overall govt revenue. Also, unlike Bush, John McCain DOES have a very good economic record on cutting govt waste and reducing spending. I don't agree with McCain on a lot of things, but on this issue he brings credibility to the table and we should give him the benefit of the doubt. REDUCED GOVT SPENDING is what everyone wants, isn't it? :think2:
George Bush thinks if someone wants to kill you, it's wise to get up a little earlier and kill them first; Obambi wants to "talk" to our enemies and believes he can win over and harmonize the entire planet with his repulsive, gullible charm. Obambi would make Chamberlain look like Sir Winston Churchill -- and similarly would end up igniting another world war.
John McCain says he's pro Cap'n Trade -- but only if China and India come on board, which essentially renders his position non-existent. Obambi, arrogant moron that he is, preaches to Americans that they have to "lead by example" regardless of what other countries are doing and will choke off the economy with layer upon layer of eco-fascism, while China and India say thank-you very much Mr. Obama, while simultaneously giving the American people the finger.
Obambi wants a "global poverty tax" -- the first of it's kind -- which would allow the UN to tax Americans so Obambi could bring socialism to Africa (Obambi's roots) on Darryl's dime. What a swell guy.
uke1: There's nothing remotely flabbergasting on the GOP side.
John McCain will increase military spending and modernize our military ensuring the US stays on top. He'll weaponize space and not allow Communist China and Russia to beat us to the punch. Obambi would start dismantling our nuclear arsenal without any promises or preconditions from our enemies....because "it's the right thing to do." Obambi believes in the fallacy of treaties. "Peace through good intentions" is Obambi's motto, as opposed to Reagan's "Peace Through Strength."
John McCain is for DRILLING ONSHORE and will build 45 new nuclear power plants because he understands energy costs are a huge financial burden for Americans and our dependence on foreign sources of energy compromises our national security. Obambi -- like all Democrats and limo libs -- enjoys giving Americans the finger and telling us that we need to 'conserve' and not heat our homes 72 degrees year round. Meanwhile frauds like he, Ted Kennedy and Al Gore fly around in jets, limos, water their pristine manicured lawns 24/7, heat their floors in their homes etc.
Husseini Obami is Jimmy the Dhimmy -- Part II.
Look Darryl, it's one thing to say John McCain or George Bush are "not conservative enough" (a sentiment I hear lots and I agree with, btw), but quite another to state that "both parties are two sides of the same coin" and that your life won't be impacted one way or the other.
You obviously haven't lived through a socialist Democrat controlled government to understand how foolish and intellectually dishonest that statement is.
So what if Republicans haven't lived up to Joe C's and Darry's high standards? So what? Don't take your anger out on America, Darryl. That's childish and you're not one who's known to be childish.
Husseini Obambi will wreck the country and set us back decades -- FACT. You seem to subscribe to this unsubstantiated theory that we should let the country go to hell which will be followed by an age of true enlightenment. Sorry, just like the New Deal, it'll be impossible to repeal Obambi's "UN global poverty tax", Darryl. Once the cat is out of the bag...
It's not about a political party bending to every whim, Darryl -- it's about what's best for your COUNTRY.
It's the choice between "not so great" and "HELL ON EARTH"...
So Darryl, this Nov, hold your nose (if you must), but think very carefully what I am saying and do the right thing: