Hey Sportsbooks...grading U.S PRESIDENTIAL WAGERS...


Nov 17, 2004
Why do you care? You already pussed out and conceded your bet. You may have moved from Cali to Texas but you obviously still have that yellow liberal blood in your veins! Are you gonna cry real tears when Trump pulls this off after you have already conceded your bet?

What wrong elf boy? Did Santa give you a lump of coal in your stocking? You have 27 more days until you and your delusional buddy have to face reality. Hopefully neither one of you is dumb enough to throw away any more money....but I doubt it. You just can't fix stupid. Take your meds and sleep it off.

Jan 13, 2019
What wrong elf boy? Did Santa give you a lump of coal in your stocking? You have 27 more days until you and your delusional buddy have to face reality. Hopefully neither one of you is dumb enough to throw away any more money....but I doubt it. You just can't fix stupid. Take your meds and sleep it off.

Why didnt you answer the question? What is it to you that others did not puss out and concede their wagers with Crude like you did?

Sep 21, 2004
Why didnt you answer the question? What is it to you that others did not puss out and concede their wagers with Crude like you did?

Because he's a realist the bet has been dead and over. Trump the petulant child and narcissist is trying to save face and look for loopholes. As he tries to steal an election he lost two months ago with weak cases that are DOA. Worst, dumbest and most corrupt traitor demon seed of a President ever! He's been rejected by the lower courts, appellate courts, SCOTUS, Republican leaders as Chris Krebs, Brad Raffensperger, Chris Christie and even his most crooked loyal buddies like Barr, Pompeo, McConnell stopped pushing and refuse to continue any further as they abandon ship and leave kooks and crooks like Mrs. Biblical Sidney Powell, Guiliani, Michael convict Flynn defending the conman and mafia boss the Donald. It's over sadness.

Nov 17, 2004
Because he's a realist the bet has been dead and over.

Don't waste your time with this delusional dipshit. Looks like he drank himself into a drunken stuper on Christmas Eve. His buddy has replied back completely off topic in other threads to try and harass me, so he's fair game now and I'm more than happy to remind him that he's beyond an idiot to keep wagering on Trump at this point. With that said, he could have just let the thread die, but the moron got it top posted again so I have no problem replying back.

26 more days for him and his buddy to keep pretending their alternate universe exists. Again, you can't fix stupid. Admittedly, I'm pretty sure he's going to be a ghost after January 20th. I would be very surprised if he paid off anything that hasn't been fronted.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Why didnt you answer the question? What is it to you that others did not puss out and concede their wagers with Crude like you did?

In an earlier post , he said he conceded because he was a classy guy , whatever the hell that even means.. He probably doesn't even know what that means .... But then again , he's been flailing with this topic ever since election night..

Apparently I'm delusional , others are too for making wagers on Trump after the election. Not sure why its delusional. Maybe he's the new judge on this forum to determine which longshot odds bet are delusional or not.

Then he determines after the 20th , that I will be ghosting , stiffing over a few hundred dollars.. Delusional is posting idiotic stuff like that without any facts to support it. If he thinks I will ghost after the 20th , after being on this forum for 20 years , he's the one thats delusional , maybe even hopeful...2nd , I have more credibility on this forum then most here .. Credibility is established when you have solid interactions on this site with other posters. Interactions meaning , transactions with posters off this forum , involving wagers in Vegas with alot more cash involved then we're dealing with here... That doesn't even include working with the main RX forum Vegas proxy here for years.. So if this clown wants to keep running his mouth , I would advise him to get his facts straight before he steps in it anymore.. Way better off just leaving the topic alone..

Nov 17, 2004
In an earlier post , he said he conceded because he was a classy guy , whatever the hell that even means.. He probably doesn't even know what that means .... But then again , he's been flailing with this topic ever since election night..

Apparently I'm delusional , others are too for making wagers on Trump after the election. Not sure why its delusional. Maybe he's the new judge on this forum to determine which longshot odds bet are delusional or not.

Then he determines after the 20th , that I will be ghosting , stiffing over a few hundred dollars.. Delusional is posting idiotic stuff like that without any facts to support it. If he thinks I will ghost after the 20th , after being on this forum for 20 years , he's the one thats delusional , maybe even hopeful...2nd , I have more credibility on this forum then most here .. Credibility is established when you have solid interactions on this site with other posters. Interactions meaning , transactions with posters off this forum , involving wagers in Vegas with alot more cash involved then we're dealing with here... That doesn't even include working with the main RX forum Vegas proxy here for years.. So if this clown wants to keep running his mouth , I would advise him to get his facts straight before he steps in it anymore.. Way better off just leaving the topic alone..

What's your new ghost name gonna be, Mr $1600 in the hole. Keep wagering Einstein.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
What's your new ghost name gonna be, Mr $1600 in the hole. Keep wagering Einstein.

I'm $400 in black at the moment.. Don't believe we need to compare dick sizes here , but maybe why stiffing and ghosting is an issue here , a few hundred dollars would strike that match for you . Losing these bets isn't going to cause me to lose sleep , the bigger issue is Trump not getting the 4 years..

Each post of yours is getting worse.. Think someone needs to tell you this

Nov 17, 2004
I'm $400 in black at the moment.. Don't believe we need to compare dick sizes here , but maybe why stiffing and ghosting is an issue here , a few hundred dollars would strike that match for you . Losing these bets isn't going to cause me to lose sleep , the bigger issue is Trump not getting the 4 years..

Each post of yours is getting worse.. Think someone needs to tell you this

And for anyone not in an alternate universe, you are $1600 in the hole. How about Einstein for you new ghost name? Keep wagering.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
26 days delusional boy. It's all over except your crying. Be proud to be the only moron that keeps wagering on this sinking ship.

I wasn't the only one.. 10 others. None of them have conceded either... Unlike the other nonsense you were throwing out , Willie isn't on Crudes board. Willie couldn't have conceded on Crudes board , because he never was on it. Only 1 quitter ..

Nov 17, 2004
I wasn't the only one.. 10 others. None of them have conceded either... Unlike the other nonsense you were throwing out , Willie isn't on Crudes board. Willie couldn't have conceded on Crudes board , because he never was on it. Only 1 quitter ..

You're the only moron adding to it :pointer:

Keep betting delusional boy

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
You're the only moron adding to it :pointer:

Keep betting delusional boy

I can forward losing wagers to you if that helps you with your campaign.. You can give us your spin , and let us all know whether they're delusional wagers or not.. Whatever floats your boat eh......

Nov 17, 2004
I can forward losing wagers to you if that helps you with your campaign.. You can give us your spin , and let us all know whether they're delusional wagers or not.. Whatever floats your boat eh......

Continue to double down on your own stupidity. You wear it like a badge of honor, moron. More Trump wagers because you're the 'smart one'


Quitting while you're ahead isn't the same as quit
Nov 18, 2005
Continue to double down on your own stupidity. You wear it like a badge of honor, moron. More Trump wagers because you're the 'smart one'

Why do you even care about what he wagers on? I don't get it am i missing something here? Its his money to win or lose. You look like an obsessed idiot just dragging this on.

Nov 17, 2004
Why do you even care about what he wagers on? I don't get it am i missing something here? Its his money to win or lose. You look like an obsessed idiot just dragging this on.

Why do you care? Next time try reading before responding. The answer to your question has already been explained.

Quitting while you're ahead isn't the same as quit
Nov 18, 2005
Why do you care? Next time try reading before responding. The answer to your question has already been explained.
I did read a little but hey i got a life. You my guy need to get a life. No for real..get a fukin life lol smh

Nov 17, 2004
I did read a little but hey i got a life. You my guy need to get a life. No for real..get a fukin life lol smh

Apparently you didn't read much. You also are confusing me with someone that actually cares what you think, lol.

But hey, hats off to Harbaugh. He was smart enough to figure out a way not to lose to Ohio State this year, lol.

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