Hey RX, I have a great idea how to make this site really fun.

On the subject of your little illegal gambling pool... you'll find out I'm right about it being against the law if I have to call the FBI myself and tell them what you're up to.

Pretty disappointing.
Guess i was wrong about you from day 1.
wow, so you answered these truthfully. So let me see here, you just admitted you have had NO friends in the last 25 years. You have admitted that you have had less than 1.5 girlfriends in the last 25 years. You've admitted you're just a big a stalker as Yucko. You admitted you're on medication. You admitted you've had less than 2.5 friends in the last 25 years. You admitted that both of you are equally sick. You have admitted that both of you have got attitude problems. And last but not least, you never answered if Yucko has asked his 15 year old babysitter to sleep with him. And you also avoided if Spartan had the chance to sleep with a 12 year old, would he, and you also avoided to answer if you were beaten up in school so often.

I rest my case, as everything I just said is true about you. You are one sick f uck!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif
uncle, I didn't even see that. I'm happy you brought that up to show the people here what kind of shit we're dealing with here. Is this guy the lowest of the low, or what? He would actually go squeal on us. Man, this guy is brutal. What a miserable punk.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I didn't admit to anything... just placing my wagers. Everyone knows I'm just a square. /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

"In your heart, you know he's right."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Who needs friends who do THIS to you...

(start sick gambler post)
I got the fu ck out of there and fast. I knew it all along that they were going down. In fact, I just revoked an 8 dime bonus last week and cashed out all my money as fast as i could because I knew something was NOT kosher here. Everyone of their games were 16 cents off on the 10 cent line. I emailed a bunch of people telling them last week to get the hell out of this hell hole. I took out every penny out of there, and let me say one thing. I had quite a bit of money in there, and I am NOT joking when I say, I had quite a bit of money in there. When a book gives you 10 dimes a game on game that you can have a 16 cent scalp on 6 games a day, Cust Serv is crappy, and seeing them inventing their own rules by saying, I only have played 110 dimes in action, when I have 175 dimes in action because they have all of a sudden decided that pushes don't count and so on. That's when I decided, IT'S OVER. Never had I been so happy to get out of a joint in my offshore career like this in my life. I am now kissing the ground that I did NOT get stiffed here, cause this would have killed my year. This place was another Camelot, and I knew they were going down. Too many similarities with the bonuses, and you can't touch your money for the whole rollover. There was too much Markdel in there. I called and asked for Bill 37 times, and 37 times, he was in a meeting. I emailed him several times, NO answer. That's when I knew I am taking out all my money, minus 8 dimes of bonus. Who the f uck cares. I am just thankful I did NOT get the stiff here. I just knew it all along. And had Russ still had an IM, I could have saved 40 more people. What a piece of shit this book was. Yes, I did very well against NAB, but I am just very fortunate right now. From day 1, i swear to God, and you can ask many many posters that I spoke to, i told each one, including Shrink and Russ that this place is going down soon. Russ never believed me. The writing was on the wall here. Any dummy can see it. How the hell can you take 10 dimes on a game, and not move your line. And have the game 16 cents off to boot.They really really pissed me off at the end when they wouldn't even send me my money through NETeller. I had to open up a Securebuxx account. Everytime I asked a question, they would block the receiver, and i could hear mumbling in the background, and just tell me lies after lies after lies. They lied through their teeth about everything. I fu ckin hated this place. Thank you God, I owe you. I wanted to come in here weeks ago and warn people, but I just couldn't. They all begged me to please not announce it till they get paid, and I was also waiting for my last payout to arrive. I was ready to announce it here, but I had to wait.

I knew it all along. I just NEVER trusted these people at NAB, NEVER.

"In your heart, you know he's right."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sicko had the nerve to call me low for saying I'd call the FBI on you guys (when I used a smiley icon to indicate that I was kidding)... when he's a proven lying scamming dirt bag for pimping for NAB when he KNEW they were headed down the toiley, so he could scalp a few more games and pull his (YOUR) money out.

"In your heart, you know he's right."
If you think this copy and paste bothers me, you're totally wrong, buddy. I couldn't care less because first of all, this is irrelevant, because I was NOT talking about NAB, I was talking about SBA, who I thought were part of NAB. I'd been out of NAB for 2 months before this post. So keep putting it in here, cause I don't care. It's just more work for you.

The only thing that pisses me off here Spartan is you're ruining this thread that we are trying to organize to start some fun here at rx, which seems to be pissing you off for some reason by threatening to call the police on us.

Hey shrink or mods, I hope you guys are reading this thread now so you can see the real Spartan and ban his ass fast. He is threatening to call the feds on us if we do this. Can you guys please ban this guy. what the hell are you all waiting for. The guy threatened to call the feds, and you are letting him post. At least Yucko doesn't pull this crap of threatening to call the feds. He does this, wishes that Wilheim's mother is suffering and turning in her grave, and is NOT banned. Are you guys kidding me?? Gimme a break. I think it's time we bring Vega back if this puke gets to stay, and I'm being serious.
Sick man..I lined these two crack whores up for us man..I hope this xmas you have nothing to do and come to the san fran area.. told my old lady about you.. and she said i can set you up in the garage man..its free!!! and i can get great deals in Reno nev this time of the year..The girls would love to go to reno man..email me if you are thinking about coming..posteroldfriend@yahoo.com
This guy is System of a Down, and Ate the Hardway, both banned. Do what you think is right. Given enough rope he will hang himself in time.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
No Sick Gambler, YOU ARE LYING AGAIN, It was YOU who ruined this thread by instigating with the post at the bottom of this message, and by posting your odds line. You have an obsession to get rid of me, so what you do is start a fight and then cry to Peep to ban me for what YOU start. All I did was defend a book from a PROVEN SCAMMER (you), and for this you got a bug up your ass again and decided to instigate a fight and cry to get me banned. If ANYone should be banned it should be YOU. Now read the following post (a response to a serious post by me warning of legal problems), and decide who is the liar:

"I swear to god, I am not saying this to be sarcastic in any way, but these 2 (spartan and Yucko) are so alike, it's incredible. It's like they're brothers. I keep getting them mixed up with each other, and sometimes wonder if they are the same person. They both seem so frustrated at the world. You guys should meet man, and become pals. I would pay anything to see you guys out on a night in town swearing at everyone. Yucko is a perfect name for you Fred, cause you are indeed a Yucko type of person. I really think they both need to go on medication, and with the internet, you just never know, maybe these 2 are on strong medication and are not safe to walk the streets. Now I don't mean to say this in a mean way, but you 2 guys are totally nuts.!!!!!

You guys are funny as hell. The reason why I say you should be on medication is you guys one day are great charming people, and very kind, then the next day, you turn on us. You guys are very unpredictable. It depends what mood you're both in. Sometimes you guys are nice, then you guys go nuts on us. You guys are 2 schizophrenics. What gives?? This is abnormal behavior. I love you guys!!"

"In your heart, you know he's right."
We know who he is, just had hope that he could be a positive contribution here.

Not looking good at this point, stalking other posters is one of my biggest peeves, and he seems determined to drag down every thread Sick posts in.
Hey mods, just read what Willy said, you can sense in this guy's voice that if he met this Spartan punk on the street, there would be no spartan left walking. Willy would beat the living crap out of this guy, it's not funny. This puke was telling willy I hope your dead mother is rotting in her grave. Knowing Willy very well, I know he would kill him and rip him apart. I can read through willy. Willy is my buddy, and I know how he is thinking right now. Read his post again and you will see how willy is holding it inside, but is really telling us how much he hates him. Now if you don't want to listen to me, then you should at least listen to that great guy Wilheim. You should respect his wishes and get rid of this puke. He is good for nothing. You owe it to willy. WHat he said to willy and how he threatened you with the Feds if we have this contest should be enough of an incentive to axe this punk. He is not good for this site. Are you guys that desperate for posters that you need him. He is a piece of shit for what he did. Just the feds alone should be enough for you to ban his ass. If you guys don't ban him, I will really wonder about you guys and the rx, I swear.

The guy threatened to call the feds on us. And he would do it, mark my words, he would. I know his type. He hates to see people having a good time, so he ruins it for everyone by pulling shit like this.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You're wrong... Uncle B. It's Sick who is stalking me, for posting my opinion. I've been a positive contributor, but whenever I say something that Sick remotely disagrees with, he starts with the shit posting stupid odds lines and inflamatory posts. If you can't see it for yourself then you'll just have to bar me, so I can just return with yet another name.

"In your heart, you know he's right."
And it's not like he ever contributes anything here. Just make a search in his posts for the last 2 weeks, and see how many are gambling related. NONE. They are all bashing me and coming into everyone of my threads, and starting it up with me. Don't just look at this thread, look at every thread, as he will start 97% of them. It's not like you will lose a great poster who contributes. You'd be losing shit.
I believe it was you who started in this thread , whining about the legality here...

You guys have a past that has nothing to do with this threads topic and now you John have crapped all over it!

I even remember sickgambler trying to be cordial with you a few days back /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
How will we decide who bets day by day?

We must come up with an conclusion how we would place the wagers,

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yes I posted that there could be a legal question regarding this scheme. But RPM was the FIRST to post about it. WHY AREN'T YOU STARTING UP WITH RPM INSTIGATING AND FLAMING HIM AND MAKING HIS LIFE MISERABLE????? Answer that one Journeyscum. Did RPM "ruin" this thread by posting the SAME THING I did????? can't answer that one huh????

"In your heart, you know he's right."
hey mods, journey is right. Sparkling is saying that I started this crap in this thread. Well why not go look at the start of this thread, and you will see him come back 3 times and try to provoke me, while I kept on ignoring him. Now you tell me if I started this. This guy is a joke and only a troublemaker. I started this thread to get something going here at rx, and look at how it's turned out. Everyone stopped answering it now because of numbnuts. And you guys like having this happen, fine. No problem. If keeping this guy here doesn't bother you mods, when he ruins threads like this, then keep him.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
RPM posted:

sounds fun
but i think shrink would have to check if it would be legal.


"In your heart, you know he's right."

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