Hey Kids- What Time Is It?


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Here is the latest lead in solving the USA's crime of the century.

From "September Clues."

The 9/11 TV imagery (of the crucial morning events) was just a computer-animated, pre-fabricated movie. It featured for the most part what were meant to be “chopper shots” of the smoking towers - and very little else. The sum total of “Action Shots” (“Planecrash” and “Tower collapses”) amounted to little over 30secs of the entire morning's TV broadcasts ! Needless to say, much as the rest of the animation movie, none of these “Action Shots” depicted any sort of reality. Now, it may be difficult for many to understand why the 9/11 plotters needed to fake even the tower collapses; yet this was undoubtedly the most crucial aspect of the entire operation - and needs to be fully understood in its plain logic: The unprecedented WTC demolition job was far too risky an affair to be shown on LIVE TV - (or to let any amateur cameraman capture it on film). The 9/11 conspirators had no intention whatsoever to offer such a "pyrotechnical" spectacle to world scrutiny - just imagine how unspeakably foolish this would have been. Thus, in all probability, the oldest trick in the manuals of covert military ops was used: smokescreens. More recent technology deactivated temporarily all cameras within sight of the area. In reality, the towers were most likely enveloped in thick smoke (military obscurants) as they collapsed - and no real footage exists of that brief event. Thankfully - for all normal people of this world - the 9/11 planners hired a poorly skilled animation crew : in their efforts to simulate reality, their crass 'artistry' and countless mistakes provide ample and repeatable proof of the trickery - forever engraved in the TV archives.

These images are an intolerable insult to human intelligence :

See: Detailed Analyses of Airplane Animations

See: Detailed Analyses of Collapse Animations
WHY FAKE THE NEWS BROADCASTS ? The 9/11 TV broadcasts were designed to ‘sell’ a fictitious terror attack to the world– by replacing the real-life events of the day (the WTC demolitions) with fake imagery. The official story was quite surreal - as were the TV images of the day and the preposterous tale of 19 kids roundly outfoxing the US Air Defense. It is essential to judge with one's own eyes the broadcasts actually aired by ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and CNN.

WHAT ABOUT THE "AMATEUR" VIDEOS ? All the other videos (endlessly replayed on TV) were released only later. They have all been extensively analyzed by scores of video analysts; each and every video snippet of "amateur imagery" has been methodically dissected and compared - and empirically proved to be nothing else than computer-generated fabrications.

HOW WERE PRIVATE VIDEOS IMPEDED ? In order for the 9/11 TV-deception to succeed, full visual control of the Manhattan area had to be in place. The existence of EMP/HERF technology is undisputable: only the hypothesis of it being used on 9/11 remains unverifiable. It is, however, a reasonable postulation supported by a series of electronic blackouts which occurred in NYC that morning. In any event, the logic of using EMP/HERF holds water and effectively explains the ruse with disarming simplicity: NO private photography of the real-life events was allowed: thus, the imagery aired by the TV networks feared no comparison and was passed off as reality.



"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Coldweather "I saw the planes fly into the towers on the television."

People believe anything they see on TV. Then they are always willing to believe anything they hear about what they are shown on the television. That make them be very stupid. Lack of critical thinking has doomed Americans to a future of slavery and poverty. That's about all on this here issue. Over and out CW.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
TR reminds us:Lack of critical thinking has doomed Americans to a future of slavery and poverty.

Bar: Except for the tens of millions who will die in next couple years after being administered deadly vaccines by the Doctors of Them. And the tens of millions who will die thanks to the oil cleanup chemicals used by Them.

TR: That's about all on this here issue. Over and out

Bar: Ah, quit teasing, P. You'll have another late night drunken epiphany which you'll feel compelled to share......We can't wait!

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
OK Barman, no more teasing. Sit down and get ready for this.

Nobody died on 9/11. It was all just a media hoax. This is tough for even me to wrap my head around. But I checked around- and it makes sense of a lot of weird things that were going on that day. So much sense that I will share this shattering news with you. It sure gets you thinking doesn't it?


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I'm sitting down

Get ready for what?

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Did anyone ever tell you you'd make a lousy comedian?

The last time Barman was so deep in the woods stuck in a tree it fell and didn't make a sound.
Anyone with two braincells to rub together want to explain how 80% of the people "killed" do not even exist, according the U.S. Social Security Administration?

New member
Feb 1, 2005
While the claim that only a handful of people died on 9/11 or there were no planes is ridiculous, the 9/11 report is also full of shit.
None of the buildings (WTC 1,2, 7) were taken down as a result of being hit by planes...or in the case of building 7...as a result of diesel fuel catching fire in the basement.

ok...I have not watched the videos yet and I am very new to the political forum so please excuse any ignorance....but is this post fucking serious? I can not imagine how offended I would be god forbid if my son, daughter, mother, father......no you know what...I didn't know anyone that died on 9/11 but shit I am offended...can't even imagine...if some one lost a person close to them on 9/11 and had to read this garbage....

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Did anyone ever tell you you'd make a lousy comedian?

The last time Barman was so deep in the woods stuck in a tree it fell and didn't make a sound.
Anyone with two braincells to rub together want to explain how 80% of the people "killed" do not even exist, according the U.S. Social Security Administration?

Campaigning for Rx Kook of the Year using material that got you over back in 2007 is pretty weak stuff, brother.

Aug 6, 2006
Claiming the US government planned 9/11 puts thousands of people into a conspiracy.

Claiming 9/11 was fake puts millions in on it.

But you're both equally nuts.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
You have to be shitting me. Were the bodies jumping out of windows just dummies. No I think the only dummies involved in this whole scenario is anyone who buys into this crock of shit. It would make more since to say the airplanes were not piloted that they were remotely controlled. Were the bodies in the airplances dummies too. Good God!!!!!!!!

Russ- bodies were CGI animations using fake soundtracks. Here is proof. The same Audio soundtrack is heard from "supposedly" an amateur video taken on the street and a video from high up in another building .

My question to you is. If you have two amateur videos taken from different locations how come the Audio is the same voice saying the same thing?

The only possible answer is you are watching a movie with paid actors and CGI animations. Listen carefully and you will understand,...


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Say "Uncle" sheep. The game is over. Shame on you all defending these plane vaporized stories for about a decade only to find out the craziest of theories - my personal favorite- was right all along.

Nimue- can't you understand there were no planes by now? Youre a fu*king truther so youd better catch up fast. The old truther theories have been superseded by new ones that are ironclad proof of inside job.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! My sides are hurting!!!

You like anagrams huh?

Good catch DEAC.

That was so you didn't think I'd lost my sense of humor.

Now- if you managed to catch the implications of the story itself I'd really be impressed.

Jan 15, 2010
I've seen loose change, and some of the Alex Jones stuff, but it all seems highly unlikely. You give the gov way too much credit, there's 0 chance that there are millions in on this.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

The game is OVER!

Shame on me!


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Ever since 9/11 theres been a war going on between two diametrically opposed camps. It's like the Civil War which often saw brother against brother.

Theres the Blue, the Planers, who believe that the LIVE footage they were shown was real, much as those who believe the official story do, and that therefore planes shown striking the WTC must have been be real as well, even if remote controlled according to some.

Then there is the Grey, No-planers. For most of the last decade they have been shunned by most truthers. The truth movement has been predominantly bankrolled by the NWO using movies like Loose Change and its maker Jason Bermas and people like Alex Jones to control thought, to hold sway over over the mental machinations of millions of truthers without even trying because they had no competition.

The No-planers were at first called psychos for their ideas, for fracturing the movement, making it harder for the truth to come out. They were sure that there were no planes, but they were unable to understand yet exactly how. A lot of them, and I count myself among them, made references to the possibilities of Holograms because we gave way too much creedence to the so called "amateur videos." which showed aircraft that looked very large.and very real.
Supposedly taken by absolutely innocent bystanders, we gave too much credit to people who said they saw Airliners, when, for example the truth is, initial reports were that a small aircraft had impacted WTC 1, not a jumbo jet. If you tell a lie over and over eventually it becomes the truth and the original truth is forgotten.

Now, almost a decade later the tide is beginning to turn. About 2 years ago, a movie called September Clues emerged from the depths of the truther movement. Instead of using the vague notion of the U.S. GOVT as the villian behind 9/11, it called the Mainstream Media, specifically CNN, MSNBC, and FOX NEWS to task for it's role in the whole affair. It clearly pointed that out the Media was caught using CGI (Computer Generated Images) for the plane crash of WTC 2. That elevated the No-planers to an equal status with planers in the Truth Movement. Now Jason Bermas and Alex Jones find themselves locked in mortal combat for control of the movement which is slowly but surely moving away from Planes to No-Planes, because in the past year or so, there has been a breakthrough so large that it threatens to topple all the Plane Truthers for good.

The No-Planers, led by a man known only as Simon Shack, has recently rocked all Plane theorists into temporary submission by the never before heard charge that not only were the planes you saw a product of CGI technology, but the entire scene. Viewed by millions of people, the Towers, the surrounding buildings, bridges, backroung landscapes, everything was fake. And yes, that includes the scenes of people walking around in a daze, covered with blood, jumping out of buildings, or running for their lives.

As if that wasn't enough truth to chew on- he gives the old ineffective truther theories a fitting coup de grace' by revealing to the world that all the victims lists were faked. To this day an exact count of the passengers has never been given by the Airlines, nor the exact names. Grieveing loved ones found to be actors with sons and daughters who never existed. 9/11 was a Hollywood movie, and nothing worse, which set out to fool the masses, not kill them. Jumpers were made of celluloid, not human flesh. The closest to reality you would get in all the 9/11 films of that day.was stolen actual footage of people, fireman, police, involved in training videos, evacuation drills, and other legitimate pieces of film that weren't made on that day, and much of the footage easily be made to show broken windows, hear thuds, explosions, "phone calls" and all manner of CGI trickery. You were simply served up whatever you needed to see, whatever was needed to "SELL" the lie, to play your heartstrings like a Stradivarius, to get you mad at the Muslims, mad enough into thinking war against the Middle East which you no longer would oppose billions of dollars already appropriated for as the plans had already been drawn up.

Ironclad proofs are coming in now at lightspeed concerning the delibrate faking of every single sound track and visual record of every single video ever released that puports to show real things happening to real people on 9/11. Many are so obvious they are an insult to human intelligence. In multiple instances they have used the same actors in different disguises in different random scenes, or the same voices like the OMG woman in others. Both Towers were hit by a JASSM missle, a type of Cruise missle that can easily be mistaken for a small plane. They were later destroyed by other means, none of which you ever witnessed, All you were shown for 95% of the time were the smoking buildings with a few seconds for the plane hits and coptor shots, and a few minutes for man in the street interviews with paid actors. That's all you were ever shown.

What people do not realize is even if you consider all the money and resources this took, it is nothing compared to the budget they have needed and gotten to justifiably keep the LIE alive and well. That includes creating their prefered version of conspiracy theory and mocking any other and ignoring anything that gets too close to the real deal. That is why no planers have never been seen on television but for brief periods early on, never to be called back.

No real video of the Towers collapsing was ever shown. What you saw was in fact impossible to be real. The Towers were eventually purposely surrounded with smoke (ever hear of a a smokescree?) and an EMP bomb was detonated in lower Manhattan as well which would have rendered all video equipment inoperable while they brought them down, and much of the radio communications were affected as well. That is why there are no new 9/11 videos still surfacing from people who have held on to them for years for whatever reason. They don't exist. They never existed. All 9/11 videos you were ever allowed to see were fake.

So get over your Plane-hugger heroes like Jason and Alex truthers. Their era of rule has come to and end. Believe me. Its a new dawn.

That's why the NWO and its puppet prez will soon try to shut down the Internet.

The Awakening cannot be allowed to become complete.

You must hurry though NWO. It may already be too late!!!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
OK Barman, no more teasing. Sit down and get ready for this.

Nobody died on 9/11. It was all just a media hoax. This is tough for even me to wrap my head around. But I checked around- and it makes sense of a lot of weird things that were going on that day. So much sense that I will share this shattering news with you. It sure gets you thinking doesn't it?


People died, you ought to be ashamed of yourself

I'm not even sure how anyone can take the loony toons stuff you cite seriously

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Ever since 9/11 theres been a war going on between two diametrically opposed camps. It's like the Civil War which often saw brother against brother.

Poor analogy, New England

In the American Civil War, the overall population was divided roughly in half.

In the year 2010 when we visit Downtown Kook City, we find a handful of straggling, overmedicated and often excessively drunk ne'er do wells who have lost all ambition to enjoy a healthy future and have decided to surrender to the insanity of having their remaining moments in life dictated by the nefarious Agents of Them.

Soon the Interwebs will be shut down and they will be left alone in their tents located within the dreaded FEMA camps....howling at the moon and proclaiming We Told You So!!!

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004

The beauty of it was that no one had to die as long as you let them control the vertical. You let them control the horizontal too and they took you to THE OUTER LIMITS didn't they. Heck- you still haven't recovered yet have you?


Now, about that guy who plays three separate people on national TV telling three different stories as the man on the street. Now that takes courage to stomach. I will also salute anyone who can not feel ashamed that he believes this poor struggling down on his luck bad actor is sincere and not trying to regurgitate in a stilted fashion some insane theory about which he knows nothing but a poorly memorized script. The 1st rule of acting eludes him. Never look like your acting.

Finally, to all the experts out there who took out valuable time from their day to give the the full story of who did it and why, only minutes after it happened.

I tip my hat to anyone who can bring so much itegrity to evil.


New member
Nov 21, 2013

In honor of the man who - were he alive today - would be crushing the OS Forum w award-winning threads re Covid that dwarf anything possibly offered so far by Redeye, rwjr and other phanatics

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