Hey Kids- What Time Is It?


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QYB3UxYqyI

(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPQNRy6hL3I

Is it September 11th 2010 ?
Or is it September 11th 2001?
You can't be sure can you?
You see it's always been the same time for us. 10 years ago it was the same time. 20 years ago. Even before that. 30- 40 years ago even they have been telling us what time it is. And maybe even before that?
You may not have known this- but you will very shortly.
If you would like to know of what I speak sit back and watch and you will understand that in a certain place time has never changed and never will.
Burned into the celluloid memories of hundreds of scenes where it will always be the same time- over and over and over again.
A place where like in the movie "Groundhog Day" you are forced to always repeat the same perceptions again and again that lead to the same actions that lead to the same conclusions that lead to the same time lived over and over again.
Welcome to the nightmarish experience called "foreshadowing" which may make you feel very strange, very small and very insignificant for a very long time.
Foreshadowing is a time honored technique which provides the clue to what will happen in the near or distant future.
It is deliberate, it is intentional, it is meant to confuse and enlighten you at the same time.
It is suspenseful, it is exciting, it is thrilling, it is effective. In short- it works.
It gets your mind abuzz with the possibility that something is going to happen that you already know is going to happen though you don't really know how or why.
You just know.
It turns you into a psychic. A seer. A prophet of future events.
Nowhere has this technique been more on display than in Hollywood, and in particular a mass of movies churned out during the 80's and 90's, as well as some in the 70's, the 60's and perhaps even before that.
All with the same reference in mind.
All with one thing in common.
It was always the same time.
Try to wrap your mind around this incredible rollercoaster of references to that day in these two 10+ minutes movies and when it's over ask yourself just one question:
Is it really just coincidence?
Note: After September 11th 2001 this anomaly stops in all movies made subsequent to the event in question. Why?
These two movie compilations may be disturbing to some. They may leave you queasy, anxious, and without words to describe the feelings they may engender.
Try not to be too alarmed. These feelings are normal.
That is because for about 20 minutes of your immediate future you will be experiencing what we used to call REALITY.
Before they changed it into something else.
The sad truth is you have not had this experience in a very long time and you are well overdue.
Even temporarily awakening from the slumber of an enforced hypnotic programming cycle that you have been under the spell of can be a shock to the system.
Only the bravest and most adventerous of you should attempt to do this without someone to keep you calm and relaxed- sort of like getting through an acid trip without lapsing into insanity.
Good luck to all of you who decide to ignore these warnings and forge full steam ahead into the unknown- alone.
Like Clint Eastwood always used to say "A man has got to know his limitations."
I fervently hope you know yours.
Only one thing is certain.
You will never be the same after you have learned what you are about to learn.
You may attempt deny this- but you will always lying to yourself and you will always know it.
You will never forget what you about to see until your dying day.
Nothing more need be said.
Nothing debated. Nothing argued. Nothing screamed.
The case will be closed forever without a word having been uttered- except one.
The one you've always been hearing- in your subconcious that is.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"they" found the TR cave and poisoned him with the swine flu


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
teeny tiny font rocks steady

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Well, it's clear now that you guys will believe ANY TING !!!.

Go to 3:27 to see the poster girl for the charade of heroes of 9/11.

In 2010 the truth is finally out. It was all literally smoke and mirrors.
All the "witnesses" were Media whore execs and or paid actors. People on the street shots were shot long before the actual day of the event. Trillions of dollars were spent to bribe everyone into silence. After all- if there was no one really killed - who cares. Take the money and shut up. The victim lists are mostly made up people who never existed in the fist place. They even fooled me. You can check the SSDI index and you will see for yourself there is mostly no record of their deaths. They proved you CAN fake the deaths of 3000 people. I never though that could be possible. Would you? There were no planes and all the passenger lists were virtually ficticious. All the calls from inside the WTC to the cell phone calls from the planes were faked. All the "amateur" videos are fakes. The collapses of the WTC are fake.There was nothing about 9/11 that wasn't faked. All the 9/11 truth movement sites are part of the psyop. All the truthers are phonies. All the stories are lies. All the 9/11 movies like Loose Change were lies. All the experts are liars. All the sobbing parents are liars. All the witnesses are liars and paid actors and actresses. Just like Amy Ting. The stories don't hold up under intense scrutiny however. the veil has been removed. Lower Manhattan was actually evacuated early on and sealed off. Alex Jones types are paid whores paid keep the lie alive. 911 backwards with letters spells LIe. Most of the WTC was actually vacant. The floors above the impact zones were virtually empty. The truth is that only a handful of people actually died. There was no mass murder of 3000 people after all. No 300 firefighters dead. Mostly all faked heroes who don't even exist. Everyone basically got out who was in the WTC except a few. Everyone was paid to keep their mouth shut or else. If they didn't the were suicided.

The only mass murders were the 1st responders who are now dying in record numbers. 1000 have died so far. They ask for help and are getting told you can't have 9 billion to fight your blood cancers but 59 billion is ok'd to keep a fake war on terrorism going in Afganistan.

That's the real tragedy of 9/11.

They really had us going didn't they. For 10 years we argued this thing back and forth never knowing the real truth. Now we finally do.


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Here is your "Heroine" sheep- just another paid actress caught in the BIG LIE that was 9/11. Academy Award should go to Amy Ting!!!


Miss Wonton

Back Miss Wonton





Colour, 35mm
USA/Singapore, 2001, 87 min
Section: Another View

Director: Meng Ong Screenplay: Meng Ong Dir. of Photography: Tsuyoshi Kimoto Music: Evan Evans Designer: Cecile Thalman Editor: Meng Ong Producer: Dave Johnson Production: Dreamchamber Films Inc. Sales: Media Space Inc. Contact: Mdeia Space Inc. Cast: "Amy Ting", Ben Wang, James Burns, Chyna Ng, Sakura Ting, Scott Chan, Shen Han Ying, Victoria Rong, Claire Peng, Yang Liu, Cornel Chan Synopsis

Young Ah Na comes to New York to work at Buddha’s Happiness Chinese restaurant. She has left bad experiences and the malice of the people in her hometown behind her. Like many other Chinese immigrants, she believes that New York is a place to start over and fulfil her naive conception of the American Dream. Despite the warnings and experiences of her co-workers, she decides to go after her dreams. One day she finds herself at New York’s Grand Central Station where she comes across many immigrant women who are waiting downstairs at the ‘Golden Palace’ for the opportunity to find a man. . . . Director Meng Ong on his film: “I often think of Miss Wonton as Ah Na’s Freudian dream, Chinese style. I externalise her Freudian elements of identity and sexuality into the scenes at Grand Central Terminal. . . . Her traumatic experience in China has branded her as a bad girl. But in the basement of Grand Central, it seems okay to be ‘bad’ and free – she is allowed to make choices... When I first came here I saw America as Ah Na does: fresh-eyed, impressionable, and excited by its opportunities, but reality sets in later. . . .”

About the director

Meng Ong was born in Singapore but now lives in New York. He began making movies at age 16 and later graduated from New York University Film School where he made award-winning short films and videos. Many of these were chosen for screening at festivals in Clermont-Ferrand, Singapore, Japan, Philadelphia and many others. Miss Wonton is his feature film debut. Filmography: News for Frankie (short video,1984), The Garden (short video, 1985), Sweet and Sour (short video, 1988), The Dancers (short video, 1990), Waves of a Distant Shore (short film, 1992), Buddha’s Garden (short film, 1993), The Wooden Clogs (short video, 1995),

"Miss Wonton (2001)."


2001 - Marriot worker, Military recruit, Actress, 9/11 hero.

Wow-this was one busy girl !!!


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

people know people who died

pilots know pilots who died

friends, families, colleagues, neighbors, spouses, parents, children.................................................. mourned people who died

and now your conspiracy just grew from at least 200,000 people to 2,000,000 and up, just stop. You're wrong, and you are the sheeple that believes anything no matter how silly it is, so long as it reaches your desired delusional conclusion.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Post #6 is the greatest piece of silliness posted in the RxPoliticoPub since at least Dec of 2007 when we had "Ladies & Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States - FRED DALTON THOMPSON!!!!"

"Trillions of dollars were spent to bribe everyone into silence"

Hey Willie, how did you spend your share? I'm keeping mine buried in the backyard until the heat blows over......

New member
Jan 9, 2009
You have to be shitting me. Were the bodies jumping out of windows just dummies. No I think the only dummies involved in this whole scenario is anyone who buys into this crock of shit. It would make more since to say the airplanes were not piloted that they were remotely controlled. Were the bodies in the airplances dummies too. Good God!!!!!!!!

Sep 21, 2004
The bad Muslims did it. They kill many innocent Americans on 9/11 and they were happy about it. I saw the planes fly into the towers on the television and many Muslims celebrated in dirty streets giving candy to their children while American families were crying. For some scrupulous reasons the Liberals of this here country blame America for this dispicable deed. These Liberals should be shot to death and drag into the streets and spat on. This is what i think about this here issue and this here matter.

PS. Michael Moore is anti American in my opinion and should be tried for treason. The end of this here story. God bless our great country.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You have to be shitting me. Were the bodies jumping out of windows just dummies. No I think the only dummies involved in this whole scenario is anyone who buys into this crock of shit. It would make more since to say the airplanes were not piloted that they were remotely controlled. Were the bodies in the airplances dummies too. Good God!!!!!!!!

you haven't been around here very long. The planes were holograms, and the buildings were taken down by our own military using a secret new "energy weapon".

No, I'm not joking. That argument has been made.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I never knew Men in Black II was a documentary, damn

don't look at the flashy thing sheeple

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I’ll bet TR busts a gut laughing every time he posts one of these conspiracy stories and anyone takes him seriously.

I’ll admit I think it’s a strange way to get your jollies, but if it works for him, I say go for it.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
It would make more since to say the airplanes were not piloted that they were remotely controlled.

heh...To be truthful, you're too new to our PPub fraternity to realize that in fact poster TR insists there were "no planes".

Rather, the insidiously clever agents of Them employed the use of holograms projected into the airspace surrounding the WTC towers so as to deceive the millions of easily gullible New Yorkers who witnessed the events that fateful morning.

Apr 14, 2006
heh...To be truthful, you're too new to our PPub fraternity to realize that in fact poster TR insists there were "no planes".

Rather, the insidiously clever agents of Them employed the use of holograms projected into the airspace surrounding the WTC towers so as to deceive the millions of easily gullible New Yorkers who witnessed the events that fateful morning.

Now that was funny !

New member
Mar 29, 2007
ok...I have not watched the videos yet and I am very new to the political forum so please excuse any ignorance....but is this post fucking serious? I can not imagine how offended I would be god forbid if my son, daughter, mother, father......no you know what...I didn't know anyone that died on 9/11 but shit I am offended...can't even imagine...if some one lost a person close to them on 9/11 and had to read this garbage....

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
gotta love how TR says it's US GUYS that will believe anything :)

good to know the asylum allows him an hour of internet privileges each month to bestow his wisdom upon us. So glad I can be in a forum with such an enlightened one

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
I’ll bet TR busts a gut laughing every time he posts one of these conspiracy stories and anyone takes him seriously.

I’ll admit I think it’s a strange way to get your jollies, but if it works for him, I say go for it.

First authentic post in this thread right here.

Fellas, please don't feed the trolls like TR. It only encourages him to post more of what he already knows is nonsense.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
It only encourages him to post more of what he already knows is nonsense.

What about your brand of nonsense smart guy? You tell me jumbo jets got vaporized I say- NO. Only a lunatic would believe that.

You tell me jets don't crash, they melt when they hit skyscrapers I say - NO. Got any more kook stories for me QL?

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