Hey dumb**** Guesser....26 more non-Islamaphobes dead in Brussels


Oct 31, 2004
Chop, what do you think my stance is? And what's yours? Is it Bombing ALL Muslims so we eliminate the few bad ones? And the innocent ones that are bombed, oh well, too bad?

Your stance is very well intentioned but misplaced. I don't think you are a bad person for not wanting innocent Muslims killed.

Its kinda like this:

Lets say there is a hijacked passenger plane with 300 innocent people aboard.

Intelligence finds out that the plane is armed with explosives and is headed to a football stadium with 80,000 other innocent people with intentions of strategically landing and blowing up all 80,000 people at the game.

Intelligence finds out in time to send some fighter jets to the hijacked plane in enough time to take away the threat to the 80,000 at the football game.

Yes unfortunately there are about 300 innocent people on that plane. But what needs to be done is pretty apparent .

Yes some things in life are not fair but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

If you were the commander in chief and you held your philosophy that you spew on this forum basically you would be telling the fighter jets to hold fire and let the plane kill 80,000 people because there are 300 innocent people on that plane that don't deserve to die.

Its just a few extreme idiots that hijacked that plane. The other 297 people are all good .

So let's let that plane kill those 80000 people .

This is pretty much your beliefs regardless if you want to admit it or not.

And it's pretty shortsighted with a lack of seeing the big picture.

Sep 21, 2004
Your stance is very well intentioned but misplaced. I don't think you are a bad person for not wanting innocent Muslims killed.

Its kinda like this:

Lets say there is a hijacked passenger plane with 300 innocent people aboard.

Intelligence finds out that the plane is armed with explosives and is headed to a football stadium with 80,000 other innocent people with intentions of strategically landing and blowing up all 80,000 people at the game.

Intelligence finds out in time to send some fighter jets to the hijacked plane in enough time to take away the threat to the 80,000 at the football game.

Yes unfortunately there are about 300 innocent people on that plane. But what needs to be done is pretty apparent .

Yes some things in life are not fair but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

If you were the commander in chief and you held your philosophy that you spew on this forum basically you would be telling the fighter jets to hold fire and let the plane kill 80,000 people because there are 300 innocent people on that plane that don't deserve to die.

Its just a few extreme idiots that hijacked that plane. The other 297 people are all good .

So let's let that plane kill those 80000 people .

This is pretty much your beliefs regardless if you want to admit it or not.

And it's pretty shortsighted with a lack of seeing the big picture.

So is it your stance that the Muslim Religion needs to be wiped out World Wide? And again, you clearly don't know my stance. In the extreme example you provide, I am entirely with you. But that has NOTHING to do with Radical Extremist Muslims, nor my stance on how we handle the Radical Extreme Muslim Problem.

Oct 31, 2004
So is it your stance that the Muslim Religion needs to be wiped out World Wide? And again, you clearly don't know my stance. In the extreme example you provide, I am entirely with you. But that has NOTHING to do with Radical Extremist Muslims, nor my stance on how we handle the Radical Extreme Muslim Problem.

I am not of the belief of entirely wiping out the entire religion . I believe in freedom of religion but I have to say this world would probably be a better place without Muslims but that is an entirely different issue.

But to answer the question I am not fundamentally in favor of eliminating entire religions.

But it at the same time I would make the safety of "so called" good Muslims secondary to my primary objective of getting rid of the extreme Muslims .

This is going to require some "good" Muslims parishing in the process.

Maybe if these "so called" good Muslims come to the understanding that America is dead serious about defeating these bad Muslims at all cost maybe just maybe they would put forth a better effort on helping us figure out exactly who the good vs bad ones are.

Right now there is basically no incentive for the good Muslims to out the bad ones.

Even if they wanted to (which in a lot of cases) is very questionable .

I realize some of them might feel threatened to out the bad ones but we are going to have to make the threat of them getting killed from us a bigger threat then the threat they feel from the extremist .

I believe Kasich is wrong about this.

The innocent Muslims need to feel the wrath of our military if they cant voluntarily help us weed out the bad Muslims among them.

My plane anology may seem extreme to you but this is exactly the situation we are in right now so I don't see it being extreme in the least.

And maybe since you think it's extreme maybe that's why you don't feel like drastic measures should be taken because you don't realize the gravity of what's going on.

Maybe it will take another 911 in your back yard for you to realize what we are dealing with .

Sep 21, 2004
I am not of the belief of entirely wiping out the entire religion . I believe in freedom of religion but I have to say this world would probably be a better place without Muslims but that is an entirely different issue.

But to answer the question I am not fundamentally in favor of eliminating entire religions.

But it at the same time I would make the safety of "so called" good Muslims secondary to my primary objective of getting rid of the extreme Muslims .

This is going to require some "good" Muslims parishing in the process.

Maybe if these "so called" good Muslims come to the understanding that America is dead serious about defeating these bad Muslims at all cost maybe just maybe they would put forth a better effort on helping us figure out exactly who the good vs bad ones are.

Right now there is basically no incentive for the good Muslims to out the bad ones.

Even if they wanted to (which in a lot of cases) is very questionable .

I realize some of them might feel threatened to out the bad ones but we are going to have to make the threat of them getting killed from us a bigger threat then the threat they feel from the extremist .

I believe Kasich is wrong about this.

The innocent Muslims need to feel the wrath of our military if they cant voluntarily help us weed out the bad Muslims among them.

My plane anology may seem extreme to you but this is exactly the situation we are in right now so I don't see it being extreme in the least.

And maybe since you think it's extreme maybe that's why you don't feel like drastic measures should be taken because you don't realize the gravity of what's going on.

Maybe it will take another 911 in your back yard for you to realize what we are dealing with .
So again, be specific. What would you do? I don't want to put words in your mouth, so be specific. What would you do in Iraq? Syria? Iran? Afghanistan? Saudi Arabia? Here in America? When you give me some specifics, I can respond to them individually.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The problem with Islam in a nutshell:
In every country in which Muslims are the MINORITY they obsess over the 'rule of law' and minority rights.
In every country where Muslims are the MAJORITY there exists neither the 'rule of law' or minority rights.

What Islam Isn't

By: Dr. Peter Hammond

FrontPageMagazine.com | Monday, April 21, 2008

The following is adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat:

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.'

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris --car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam - Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. – Leon Uris, 'The Haj'

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

Sep 21, 2001
Joe, youre fucken always backing shit up with facts and stats - why you got to do that?

Sep 21, 2001
1% in the US - good, great and wonderful - that 1% can stay - in 20 years our goal should be to keep that figure at 1% or less - they have plenty of places to live - we want them to live and enjoy their lives - wherever that destination may be - so long as it's not in North America

Sep 21, 2001
Need to take a closer look at Turkey - 100% Muslim but not a total ghetto war zone shit hole - I will have to figure out what gives here - off the top of my head it must have something to do with the Romans controlling it and Istanbul being where east met west - but those Romans were as barbaric as the muslims r

Jul 14, 2007
The best solution isn't really palatable to most Western governments but dictatorships do work.

Assad, Saddam, Saudi family, Mumbarak, etc

Trying to install democracy in these regions is difficult and we have 1400 years of evidence it doesn't really work.

I think maybe in time with globalization and the internet that many of these people could become westernized but tough to say. It seems like a lot of them want to live in a freer society but then the loons rise up and hijack the Arab springs. And the loons are far more violent and effective in carrying out that violence. The US does a great job of assimilating muslims but they're mostly from Pakistan/India/Turkey/Africa and very well educated. Not from the bad ME countries which is a different animal.
Sep 21, 2004
What Islam Isn't

By: Dr. Peter Hammond

FrontPageMagazine.com | Monday, April 21, 2008

The following is adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat:

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.'

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris --car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam - Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. – Leon Uris, 'The Haj'

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

This is 100% spot on, and needs to be taught
in our schools, and preached on the street corners.
Sep 21, 2004
I am not of the belief of entirely wiping out the entire religion . I believe in freedom of religion but I have to say this world would probably be a better place without Muslims but that is an entirely different issue.

But to answer the question I am not fundamentally in favor of eliminating entire religions.

But it at the same time I would make the safety of "so called" good Muslims secondary to my primary objective of getting rid of the extreme Muslims .

This is going to require some "good" Muslims parishing in the process.

Maybe if these "so called" good Muslims come to the understanding that America is dead serious about defeating these bad Muslims at all cost maybe just maybe they would put forth a better effort on helping us figure out exactly who the good vs bad ones are.

Right now there is basically no incentive for the good Muslims to out the bad ones.

Even if they wanted to (which in a lot of cases) is very questionable .

I realize some of them might feel threatened to out the bad ones but we are going to have to make the threat of them getting killed from us a bigger threat then the threat they feel from the extremist .

I believe Kasich is wrong about this.

The innocent Muslims need to feel the wrath of our military if they cant voluntarily help us weed out the bad Muslims among them.

My plane anology may seem extreme to you but this is exactly the situation we are in right now so I don't see it being extreme in the least.

And maybe since you think it's extreme maybe that's why you don't feel like drastic measures should be taken because you don't realize the gravity of what's going on.

Maybe it will take another 911 in your back yard for you to realize what we are dealing with .

"This is going to require some "good" Muslims parishing in the process."

You can tell that you are from the only state in the US that doesn't have counties. :)

Let's see who gets this...

Aug 6, 2006
A priest is delivering a fiery sermon.

"I'm warning you all, everyone from this parish will perish!"

A man in the third row smiles broadly.

The priest is annoyed and says, "I don't know what's so funny to you. Do you not believe that everyone from this parish will perish?"

"Of course, Father, responds the man, still smiling broadly. But I'm not from this parish. I'm just visiting my sister for the weekend."

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Joe, youre fucken always backing shit up with facts and stats - why you got to do that?

That is comedy gold. Do you know Joe is the guy who said this:

"Mantis, it doesn't matter if what I post is false, I'm not running for president"

lmao. Think about that for a minute.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This is 100% spot on, and needs to be taught
in our schools, and preached on the street corners.

If the unfiltered, anti-PC, ugly truth were taught in schools and drilled into every young mind in the West, we wouldn't have this 'problem'.

There is no practical solution because liberals like Jane Guesser Fonda enable and facilitate radical Islam. They feed off one another...at least until the loony left catches up to reality...


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Jane Guesser Fonda is on record stating he was "angry at Islam a couple days after 9/11" but then realized allowing his "hate" to fester would make him no different than the tewwwowists. And this libtard lives in NYC! face)(*^%

First of all, it's not 'hate', dumbass, it's called righteous anger, moral clarity, survival instinct and resolve - character traits we already know don't exist in libtard DNA.

Right now Islam is at war with the West while the West remains in denial, which means we are losing this war and losing badly.

So, if we use the Jane Guesser Fonda scale, what will it take for a brainwashed PC society to wake up and get serious? A nuclear or chemical attack on a city?

Don't worry libtards, the "misguided" tewwowists (who after all are no better or worse than we are) are working on it...

Brussels attacks: 'Dirty bomb' terror fear as guard from nuclear plant found murdered

Isis 'aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons', say Iraqi and US officials

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Jane Guesser Fonda's people


[h=1]Mississippi woman, 20, who planned to join ISIS on fake honeymoon in the Middle East is set to plead guilty to supporting terrorism[/h]
  • Jaelyn Young, 20, and fiance Muhammad Dakhlalla, 22, arrested in August
  • They were at the airport with flights to Istanbul for their honeymoon
  • But FBI said Young had discussed her plans to join ISIS in an online chat with an undercover FBI agent
  • Prosecutors claim Young pressured Dakhlalla into the ISIS plan
  • Dakhlalla pleaded guilty on March 11, Young to plead guilty on March 29
  • Young faces 20 years in prison, $250,000 fines, lifetime on probation

The 20-year-old Mississippi woman who once planned to join ISIS during a fake honeymoon to the Middle East now plans to plead guilty to a federal terrorism charge.Jaelyn Young and her fiancé Muhammad Dakhlalla were arrested on August 8 before boarding a flight from Columbus, Mississippi, with tickets for Istanbul.
But FBI agents said Young had described the real point of their journey in an online chat with an undercover agent. She said they planned to travel to Iraq and Syria to join the Islamic State.
Young, a high school honors student, will admit to conspiring to provide material support to a terrorist organization on Tuesday in Aberdeen, Mississippi.
She faces up to 20 years in prison, $250,000 in fines and lifetime probation.

Dakhlalla, 22, pleaded guilty on March 11 to a similar charge and awaits sentencing.
Prosecutors have said Young, who converted to Islam while studying at Mississippi State University, prodded Dakhlalla into the plan.
Lawyers for Young did not return a call seeking comment Monday.
Their arrest came just days after the devastating Chattanooga shooting that left five American officers dead in August.
Young praised the shooter, Mohammad Abdulazeez, during an online chat with an undercover FBI agent, according to an affidavit.

'What makes me feel bette[r] after just watching the news is that an akhi [brother] carried out an attack against US marines in TN! Alhamdulillah [Thanks be to God], the numbers of supporters are growing,' she wrote on July 17, a day after the attack, according to the document read by ABC.
Meanwhile, she was trying to save money to move to Syria with Dakhlalla, who is also from Mississippi, to join the Islamist extremist group.
'The only thing keeping me away is $ but working all of this overtime will be worth [it] when I am finally there,' Young allegedly wrote in the online chat.
It comes just two years after she was ranked 19th best in her year at Warren Central High School with a 4.089 GPA and an H. Dean Andrews Scholarship to MSU.
Dakhlalla graduated from Mississippi State University last May with a bachelor's degree in psychology.




Young's arrest comes just two years after she was ranked 19th best in her year at Warren Central High School with a 4.089 GPA and an H. Dean Andrews Scholarship to MSU

Young was enrolled until May as a sophomore chemistry major but had not signed up for any more classes since. Young, originally from Vicksburg, was a 2013 honors graduate from Warren Central High School.
According to The Vicksburg Post, Young had spoken for years about plans to be a doctor. In her online chats with undercover FBI agents she allegedly expressed plans to treat ISIS fighters' injuries.
'I just want to be there,' she allegedly told the FBI agent.
In later conversations peppered with Arabic phrases, she said she planned a 'nikkah,' or Islamic marriage to Dakhlalla so they could travel without a chaperone under Islamic law.
In June, the first FBI agent passed Young off to a second FBI agent posing as an Islamic State facilitator.
The charge says Young asked the second agent for help crossing from Turkey to Syria, saying 'We don't know Turkey at all very well (I haven't even travelled outside U.S. before.)'
Young specified her skills with math and chemistry and said she and Dakhlalla would like to be medics treating the injured.
Later, the charge says, she told the second FBI agent that Dakhlalla could help with the Islamic State's Internet media, saying he 'really wants to correct the falsehoods heard here' and the 'U.S. media is all lies when regarding' the group, which she called by its preferred internal name, Dawlah.


FBI agents claim Young praised Mohammad Abdulazeez, the man who shot dead five servicemen in Chattanooga last year. Her words came in an online chat with an undercover agent, according to an affidavit

Dakhlalla told the first FBI agent in an online conversation in June that he was 'good with computers, education and media' and that his father had approved him and Young to get married.
In July, the charges say, he expressed a desire to become a fighter for the group. 'I am willing to fight,' he is quoted as saying.
Young later told the FBI that she and Dakhlalla had got married June 6 and they planned to claim they were traveling on their honeymoon as a cover story. She also expressed a desire to 'raise little Dawlah cubs.'
The FBI said Dakhlalla and Young both expressed impatience with how long it was taking for them to be issued passports, and the charges say Dakhlalla paid $340 to expedite passport processing on July 1.
Though the charges say earlier messages indicate the couple planned to fly to Greece and then take a bus to Turkey, the couple later bought tickets on Delta Air Lines leaving Golden Triangle bound for Atlanta, Amsterdam and ultimately Istanbul. Young expressed confidence that security at the small airport would not detect them.



New member
Nov 10, 2010
Jane Guesser Fonda's people

Illegal immigrant 'sexually assaulted and impregnated a 12-year-old girl' in Texas

NEW Prosecutors say Jose Alejandro Najarro (pictured), 52, asked the 12-year-old girl to come to his house in Kyle, Texas, in November last year to fix his TV and sexually assaulted her.

Mischabear, Nonya business, United States, 22 minutes ago
Execute him.

gramps, NH, United States, 7 minutes ago
This is the trash that is coming over our open southern border.


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