Here Is The Stock That Will Make Us Rich



New member
Oct 26, 2007
NOSOF News today, its not the news I was expecting (assay results DE2)but it has the sp up 21 cents so thats a good thing! Here is a post also from AB. It puts thing into perspective as to the great job the management team at Noront Resourse is doing. :toast: Lor

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>RN and team continue to execute on their plans, which continue to improve shareholder value.
This latest NR is proof that they are busy closing deals. Great sign.
If you believe RN when he said there's a lot of "bluesky" and hold on to your shares than us so called "perma bulls" will be handsomely rewarded.
If your paying close attention, watching what the company is doing is sending us some subtle signals some not so subltle.
- At the NOT luncheon, the FWR pamphlets on each of the attendees seats & MW sitting at the head table.
Now we are wondering what the E2 assays will look like...
- the 33 holes they punched into E2 , speaks very loudly to me.


NEWS - Noront and Freewest to Jointly Explore Key Airborne Geophysical Target Located Proximal to the Eagle One Deposit in the McFaulds Lake Area, Northern Ontario

Posted by: AGORACOM on May 14, 2008 08:45AM

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>TORONTO, ONTARIO - (May 14, 2008) - Richard Nemis, President and CEO of Noront Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NOT) and Mackenzie I. Watson, President and CEO of Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FWR) today announce that their respective companies have agreed to jointly explore a key airborne geophysical anomaly, situated in the Eagle One deposit locale in the McFaulds Lake area. The McFaulds Lake area exploration play is situated in the Sachigo greenstone belt, 300 kilometres north of Nakina in the James Bay Lowlands of northern Ontario.

Under the terms of the agreement ("FWR-NOT JV"), Freewest will contribute 68 acres (27.5 hectares) comprising a small portion of their 100%-owned property. Noront in turn, will contribute 70 acres (28.3 hectares) of their adjoining land to collectively form the joint-venture property ("the Property"). Freewest and Noront shall share exploration costs on a 50%-50% basis and will share any mineralization found on the Property on a similar basis. Freewest will act as the operator of the initial exploration program which is to be agreed upon by both parties.

The Property covers a prominent bulls eye-shaped magnetic anomaly strikingly similar to the magnetic anomaly intimately associated with the Eagle One deposit, located some seven (7) kilometres to the southwest. The magnetic anomaly on the Property is also coincident with an electromagnetic anomaly (conductor), defined in a recent airborne geophysical survey completed by Aeroquest Intl. Limited, utilizing their AeroTEM II helicopter-borne system. A map showing the location of the Property and the subject airborne geophysical anomaly (Figure 1) comprises part of this news release and is posted on the Freewest website at

At the Eagle One deposit, Noront has encountered some exceptional grades including 5.90% nickel, 3.10% copper, 2.87 g/t platinum and 9.78 g/t palladium over 68.3 metres (NOT-07-05) as well as 6.30% nickel, 2.80% copper, 1.90 g/t platinum and 10.20 g/t palladium over 46.2 metres in drill hole NOT-07-27. Noront is currently completing an NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate with an accompanying technical report on its Eagle One deposit and is also drilling several other targets within their large land tracts (see Noront news release dated May 9, 2008).

Following the spring break-up, a deep-penetrating ground electromagnetic survey (TDEM) will be completed on the property in an effort to more closely locate diamond drilling targets. It is anticipated that the geophysical survey will be completed in June with diamond drilling following shortly thereafter.

Donald Hoy, P. Geo., Ontario, Vice President of Exploration and a Director of Freewest Resources Canada Inc is the qualified person on the Property under National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the preparation of this news release.

A thorough quality control program was implemented for the Double Eagle project which included grouping samples into batches of 35 into which was added 2 certified reference material standards, 2 field blanks comprised of sterile drill core, and a field duplicate. It can be said with confidence that all assays as reported in this Press Release have passed the strict quality control guidelines as set out by Noront's Qualified Person ("QP").

Freewest is a well-funded mineral exploration company with working capital in excess of $9 million, exploring for gold and base-metals in Eastern Canada. Corporate information can be accessed on the Internet at Freewest's shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol FWR.

As well this press release has been completed under the supervision of Noront's senior management including Neil Novak P.Geo., a director and Vice President-Exploration and John Harvey P.Eng. Executive Vice President of Noront, being Qualified Persons under Canadian Securities guidelines.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading symbol NOT, with 129,403,883 shares issued to date.

Investors are invited to visit Noront's IR Hub at where they can post questions and receive answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to where they can also request to be added to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.

Please note: Figure 1 is available at the following link:

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Noront Resources Ltd.
Richard Nemis
President and CEO
(416) 864-1456
Fax: (416) 367-5444


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Hey Lor, how are you? I have been really busy with the new job and moving back to Sacramento area from Southern Cal, so I am back. NOSOF is holding its own in this crazy investing world. I would much rather be back above $6.00 but, close to $5.00 is hangin tough. I really hope all of the news coming out soon is good so that this stock stays up until the really good stuff comes out. Hope to hear from you soon. Long on NOSOF and lets get this thing moving up!


New member
Oct 26, 2007
Hi Lovetowin, Glad to hear all is well with you & your still long on NOSOF. I expect exciting times coming for NOSOF. We should be getting a steady stream of news releases on assays. With the new lab up & running and the promise of a two week turn around on the results and other jv's in the area starting to drill. It's going to be fun! Lor


New member
Oct 26, 2007
Here is a phone call Glorieux from AB had with Richard today. Man, I'm getting pretty impatient waiting for these assay results! But there isn't any bad news, patience will pay off in the long run.
But the waiting sure does suck :sad3:Lor

I just had a quick conversation with Richard

Posted by: glorieux on May 21, 2008 01:23PM

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>I went to him with one question only and that was:
Is there any loopholes that can be used by Noront to delay assay results to help corporate objectives.
His answer was a resounding NO! He explained that they do not do NR for 1 or 2 holes but rather for big batches and this implies a lot of work at every level before getting to the NR stage. He did say that ActLabs was getting ready to turn on their equipment in ThunderBay and that this will speed things up shortly.
I stated that I believed they were up to 30 holes at E2, that they kept drilling during break up where others packed it in. They continued to spend millions per month on this one anomaly and so E2 must be substantial. He laughed!!! He said of course I cannot comment on that but I can say that when we find mineralization in the ground that we keep drilling to dileniate the deposit.
I said I was dissapointed in a way that 2 drills were on E2. That this meant that E3 was no longer being drilled. He said that they have moved that drill around and have drilled other anomalies in that area. Now when I hear that and I think back of NN words that both drills were in the vicinity of E2, they may be drilling at depth between E1 and E2 or they went back to the anomaly near FNC which is close to E2...Can anyone think of what else is in the vicinity of E2...
I talked about the 3rd drill and he said that NN left this am at 6:00 on his way up there to organise a plan for the 3rd drill among other work.
He finished up with keep the faith and I told him I have too much money and time invested to walk away now and he laughed again and repeated keep the faith...He was in a very good mood as you can tell. I am not sure if a NR is imminent as NN would probably be around to write it but who knows. The main thing for us longs is things are still moving forward at light speed from a mining perspective regardless of delays in assay results!!
Keep the faith,


Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
I highly doubt they would ever release ANY sort of news on a USA national holiday...Plenty of money played on the TSX comes from good old USA...Tues is a better bet...There was some large chunks traded that is a bit of good news


New member
Oct 26, 2007
Here's a post from AB, hope he's right.

I met the MEN

Posted by: Deisel 93 on May 26, 2008 10:01PM

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>Just got back from a reception in T.O. hosted by Pope and Young for Canadian Orebodies. Had the pleasure of meeting both Mr Nemis and Mr Harvey. Both were in very very good spirits. I will not say who i heard it from, but i did hear NEWS tomorow. Lets hope i heard right.
Sleep tight.



New member
Oct 26, 2007
<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>Noront Receives Assays From Earlier Holes and Significant Visuals From New Holes at Eagle Two Occurrence

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 27, 2008) - Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront") (TSX VENTURE:NOT) wishes to present the following progress report on its exploration activities in the McFaulds Lake area of northern Ontario in the James Bay Lowlands. The anomaly drill testing program on the Double Eagle Project continues with two machines testing visible copper-nickel sulphide and chromite mineralization located by geophysical surveying. Acceptable assay results are again being received by the Company and both SGS Laboratory in Toronto and Activation Laboratory in Ancaster, Ontario are submitting results complying with the Company's strict QA/QC program supervised for Noront by P&E Mining Consultants of Brampton Ontario. Noront's geologists report the following highlights from their most recent results emanating from its diamond drilling programs.


1) Latest drilling at Eagle Two (Anomaly AT2) continues to delineate, at depths now exceeding 400 meters vertically below surface, significant copper - nickel mineralization. The most visually impressive and deepest core intercepts of mineralization have been encountered in some of the most recently completed holes, indicating significant improvement with depth.

2) Hole 40 is visually the most interesting hole drilled to date at Eagle Two, encountering a total core length of 24.7 meters, of intermittent sulphide lenses within the shear hosted sulphide zone, starting at a vertical depth of 270.8 meters, of which 17.2 meters contained strongly mineralized sulphides in one continuous lense with visual copper (chalcopyrite) and nickel (pentlandite) mineralization.

3) Noront management feels that the drill results obtained to date at Eagle Two are consistent with the conceptual model it has developed to date, which would suggest that there is potential for the discovery of another Eagle One - type deposit, as the Eagle Two mineralization is traced northwestward into a possible feeder conduit. The potential for both Chromite and Ni-Cu deposits within the Ring of Fire Intrusion ("RFI") itself remains virtually untested.

With the exception of diamond drilling, the Noront operated exploration programs were suspended for a short spring breakup period, while plans were being finalized for the commencement of very aggressive spring-summer field programs. In anticipation of the upcoming field season, line cutting and ground geophysical surveying have already commenced on the Double Eagle - Grid Two and other projects around the Ring of Fire in joint venture with other companies, and being operated by Noront. Numerous additional claims staked by Noront earlier this year will be surveyed by contracted Airborne geophysical equipment over the next few months. A third drill has commenced on the Double Eagle Project to test airborne anomalies AT-5, 6, 7 and 12 all east and north of Eagle One.

EAGLE TWO (AT2 Anomaly)

In general terms, the number of mineralized zones encountered increases with depth as the drill-holes explore this Shear Hosted Sulphide ("SHS") zone. At greater depths the tenure of sulphide mineralization is greatest in holes 1G32 and 1G40. Assays for samples selected from Hole NOT-08-1G32, 1G35, 1G38, 1G39 and 1G40 are pending, however, Noront can report the following visual observations.

To date, 23 holes totaling 7,412.9 meters have now been completed at Eagle Two to assess the SHS occurrence discovered by Noront earlier this year (see press release dated February 25, 2008). Two additional holes are underway (Holes NOT-08-1G40 and NOT-08-1G41). The eight holes with assays reported herein and those completed since the last press release on April 2, 2008 have continued to extend the mineralization containing visible copper-nickel sulphides and chromitite to vertical depths of 350 meters and 400 meters respectively. Both zones (sulphides plus chromitite) occupy positions conformable with and near the stratigraphic bottom of a wide Peridotite Sill (that defines part of the Ring of Fire) which in turn unconformably overlies a Granodiorite older basement rock. Assays are pending for the more recent holes.

The recent drilling at Eagle Two has continued to return increasing widths from the SHS occurrence which thus far has consisted of intermittent bands and stringers of sulphide mineralization containing visible copper and nickel minerals with other less important sulphide minerals. From the narrow widths initially encountered in holes NOT-08-1G2 and NOT-08-1G3 near surface the SHS zone has been traced down a dip slope length of 450 meters or to a vertical depth of 350 meters. No attempt with the recent drilling has been made to define the lateral or horizontal length of the SHS zone at this time. Instead, the objective of the current drilling program at Eagle Two is to follow the mineralization to progressively greater depths in search of postulated pooled concentrations of copper - nickel sulphides lying on the basement rock as evidenced at Eagle One. With the increased widths of the mineralization and additional parallel zones encountered in drill holes numbered NOT-08-1G32, 1G35 1G38,1G39 and 1G40 as reported in the table below, Noront's geologists are encouraged with the depth potential being encountered.

Starting with Hole NOT-08-1G32, the 18.5 meter core width from the SHS zone was earlier preceded in the drill hole, 70 meters above by a new parallel 5 meter wide geologically similar appearing weakly mineralized copper - nickel stringer sulphide zone. Within the 18.5 meter SHS zone, 8.1 meters contains strongly mineralized Cu-Ni sulphides.

Hole NOT-08-1G35, a 50 meter horizontal step-out hole, down dip to the west, encountered, starting at 260 meters core length, a 60 meter upper zone of weakly mineralized stringer copper - nickel sulphide mineralization followed by the main SHS zone 55 meters below consisting of 13.3 meters of stringer copper - nickel mineralization, representing the continuation of the SHS zone. Of this 13.3 meter SHS zone 3.7 meters is considered to be moderately mineralized with respect to Cu-Ni sulphides.

Hole NOT-08-1G38 after encountering a 12 meter core length from the upper zone, starting at 117 meters, encountered the SHS zone a further 70 meters down the hole which returned a core width of 29.1 meters of stringer sulphide mineralization consisting of pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite as narrow (10 cm to 120 cm) intermittent mineralized zones in a talc-altered peridotite. Of this section 18.5 meters is considered to be moderately mineralized.

In Hole NOT-08-1G39 the SHS zone was encountered between 405 meters and 420 meters, consisting of narrow zones of Cu-Ni mineralization, with a moderately mineralized continuous section of Cu-Ni mineralization between 411.8 and 420 meters.

In Hole NOT-08-1G40 the SHS zone was encountered between 270.8 and 295.5 where there was a number of intermittent strongly mineralized narrow Cu-Ni zones with the strongest mineralization observed between 278.3 meters and 295.5 meters.

Management believes that the recent drill hole results, with the presence of visible copper - nickel sulphide and chromite mineralization being observed by the geologists on site is very encouraging, and could be of significant importance for Noront, if the assays pending are favourable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, visual observations are estimates only and pending assay results may not confirm visual observations in whole or in part.


On-going exploration work at the Double Eagle project is partly predicated upon a conceptual model of the mineralizing systems associated with the Ring of Fire, developed by Noront's technical team including its independent consultants, such as Wayne Ewert Ph.D., P.Geo of P&E Mining Consultants. This theoretical model has been formulated by incorporating recent drill data along with geophysical, geological and other technical survey results on the project to date. Salient features from other established geological models for similar mineralizing systems from around the world have also been incorporated into the conceptual model, which is in a constant state of revision as new data becomes available. Key points of the Ring of Fire conceptual model are as follows;

- A mantle derived, highly magnetic ultramafic "peridotite" intrusion ("the Ring of Fire Intrusion" or "RFI") has been emplaced along the margin of a regional scale granodiorite pluton which had been intruded into and caused a doming of the host Sachigo greenstone belt rocks. The RFI is thus situated between the granodiorite on one hand (footwall) and the surrounding Sachigo Greenstone Belt rocks (hangingwall) on the other. The RFI is magnetically distinct allowing it to be traced more or less uninterrupted, for tens of kilometers along the granodiorite margin. It appears that a series of conduits cutting across and through the granodiorite have acted as feeders to the RFI.

- On a world-wide basis ultramafic intrusions, similar to the RFI, are known to host several types of deposits such as:

-- Layered chromite deposits

-- Nickel-Copper deposits

-- Platinum Group Metals ("PGM") deposits.

- Recent drilling within the Ring of Fire area confirms that both PGM-rich Ni-Cu deposits (Eagle One and possibly Eagle Two) and now chromite occurrences are associated with the RFI and its related conduit feeder system. As would be expected under the conceptual model, on-going drilling by Noront and published results from other junior companies working in the area, suggest that the layered chromite mineralization is likely to be confined strictly to the RFI, while the platinum rich Ni-Cu sulphide mineralization appears, at least at this stage of exploration, to be related to the conduit feeders, localized in pools or traps. Based on observations from similar intrusives globally there is no reason, at least conceptually, why Ni-Cu or PGM deposits could not be hosted by the RFI itself. The exploration potential in this regard remains to be tested.

- Using the conceptual model, the Eagle One deposit would be interpreted to occur within a conduit feeder, at some distance from the RFI. The Eagle Two discovery on the other hand is interpreted under the conceptual model as occurring within the "throat or mouth" portion of the conduit where it empties into the RFI. The mineralization yielded by Noront's results at this point in the system consists of mineralized zones that contain numerous thin (10 cm to 120 cm) Ni-Cu bearing sulphide layers occupying a shear zone that collectively amass to 10's of meters thick "fingers" that "feather" out into the RFI. Individual semi-massive to massive sulphide lenses within the SHS zone attain core lengths of up to 7 meters.

- The most recent drilling (holes NOT-08-1G32, 1G35, 1G38, 1G39 and 1G40) at Eagle Two suggests that the zone of finger-style mineralization is coalescing and increasing in overall thickness as it is drill tested along strike to the northwest, presumable into a conduit that is part of the original feeder system. The sulphide mineralization is also interpreted as moving away from the Chromite mineralization further suggesting that the Eagle 2 mineralizing environment is moving further away from the RFI and into a possible feeder conduit environment similar to that observed at Eagle One.

- Noront management feels that the drill results obtained to date at Eagle Two are consistent with the conceptual model it has developed to date, which would suggest that there is potential for the discovery of another Eagle One - type deposit, as the Eagle Two mineralization is traced northwestward into a possible feeder conduit. The potential for both Chromite and Ni-Cu deposits within the RFI itself remains virtually untested.

The SHS zone, dipping flatly approximately 50 to 60 degrees to the west and striking north-south within the Peridotite Sill has been intersected on UTM Section 5841875 north to 5842100, a total strike length (drilled to date) of 225 meters. Widths are variable in the erratically spaced drill holes completed thus far and the assay widths reported below in the first four holes also share erratic distribution of the significant minerals. The results reported below are considered by management to be very encouraging for this near surface mineralization. Notwithstanding that these results appear to confirm management's conceptual theories, there can be no guarantee of actual results, which may differ from management's expectations.


Hole # from to interval Copper Nickel Platinum Palladium
(m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
NOT-08-1G2 34.0 68.0 34.0 0.09 0.62 0.01 0.22
including 34.0 39.0 5.0 0.06 0.38 0.03 0.15
followed by 39.0 43.0 4.0 0.21 1.44 0.00 0.37
followed by 43.0 68.0 25.0 0.07 0.55 0.02 0.22

NOT-08-1G3 42.3 47.9 5.6 0.21 2.24 0.02 1.38

NOT-08-1G6 114.7 123.8 9.1 0.06 0.69 0.05 0.28

NOT-08-1G8 124.0 129.5 5.5 0.33 1.98 0.01 0.45

NOT-08-1G15 NSA

NOT-08-1G16 NSA

NOT-08-1G17 136.8 144.1 7.3 0.13 0.59 0.01 0.09

NOT-08-1G22 196.5 211.1 14.6 0.08 0.58 0.04 0.23
including 196.5 201.6 5.1 0.13 1.00 0.04 0.39
followed by 201.6 211.1 9.5 0.06 0.35 0.03 0.14


As stated above widths are variable for these reported mineralized drill intercepts, therefore there is no true width estimate available until such time as this new occurrence gets additional drill testing. NSA refers to no significant assays

Management believes that the recent drill hole results, with the presence of visible copper - nickel sulphide and chromite mineralization being observed by the geologists on site is very encouraging, and could be of significant importance for Noront, if the assays pending are favourable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, visual observations are estimates only and pending assay results may not confirm visual observations in whole or in part.

SUMMARY OF RECENT DRILLING EAGLE TWO (since last press release, assays

Hole Northing Easting Northing Easting azimuth dip Length Mineral-
ID (local) (local) UTM UTM (deg.)(deg.) (m) ization
(m) (m) (m) (m) from - to
G22 680 N 3125 E 5841962 546118 0 -90 303 199.0 -
240.9 -
247.5 (py,
po, minor
G24 725 N 3200 E 5842025 546125 0 -90 372 191.2 -
280.5 -
(minor py,
295.8 -
(int. Cr
312.1 -
G25 725 N 3175 E 5842025 546100 0 -90 447 218.8 -
349.5 -
py, po)
372.0 -
(int. Cr
386.0 -
G28 785 N 3215 E 5842062 546100 0 -90 432 232.5 -
325.0 -
353.3 (py,
353.3 -
(int. Cr
364.5 -
413.0 -
(int. Cr
G31 835 N 3237 E 5842100 546100 0 -90 453 264.0 -
(minor Cu-
336.7 -
341.6 -
G32 769 N 3140 E 5842025 546050 0 -90 594 204.0 -
(minor Cu-
270.0 -
(minor Cu-
287.8 -
tent Cu-
292.5 -
494.0 -
(Cr bed)
G35 821 N 3106 E 5842025 546000 0 -90 462 230.1 -
290.6 (py,
po, Cu)
383.3 -
393.1 -
425.1 (po,
minor Ni)
445.5 -
462 (minor
G36 743 N 3155 E 5841987 546100 0 -90 19.5 abandoned
G37 743 N 3155 E 5841987 546100 0 -90 15 abandoned
G38 743 N 3155 E 5841987 546100 0 -90 519 137.8 -
(minor po,
235.5 (po,
minor Cu-
(209.3 -
426.9 -
505.6 9
(po, mt
minor Ni)
G39 850 N 3060 E 5842025 545950 0 -90 447 313.4 -
(minor po,
min Cu)
405 -
420 (inte-
(411.8 to
420.0 semi
Cu- Ni)
G40 800 N 3150 E 5842062 546050 0 -90 270.8 -
295.5 (po,
(278.3 -
295.5 semi

For the above table:

Cu refers to copper mineralization, typically chalcopyrite
Ni refers to nickel mineralization, typically pentlandite
po refers to pyrrhotite a sulphide mineral
py refers to pyrite, a sulphide mineral
mt refers to magnetite
Cr refers to chromite mineralization

Semi-massive refers to sulphide mineralization, predominantly po, pn and cp


AT3 anomaly

A total of 2,621 meters were drilled in eight holes testing airborne anomaly AT3, located 4 kilometers to the southwest of Eagle One. These holes intersected altered (talc-chlorite alteration) and non-altered strongly magnetic peridotite units that were locally mineralized with disseminated sulphides. No significant assay results have been received to date. The presence of magnetite veinlets and disseminated sulphide mineralization in the peridotite provide some evidence of conductivity and explain the high magnetic signature. Samples were selected from all mineralized sections, were submitted for multi-element analysis, and results are pending. The following table lists the holes drilled at AT3 anomaly, with the results from holes assayed to date.


Hole North- East- North- East- azimuth dip Length Mineralization
ID ing ing ing ing (deg.) (deg.) (m) (sample
(local) (local) UTM UTM information)

NOT-08- assays
1G10 925 900 5840582 544326 315 -52 281 pending
NOT-08- no significant
1G12 1100 900 5840731 544210 135 -45 309 assays
NOT-08- assays
1G14 1100 700 5840576 544068 135 -45 228 pending
NOT-08- no significant
1G18 1100 700 5840575 544065 135 -75 405 assays
NOT-08- assays
1G19 1340 1100 5841021 544195 135 -50 471 pending
NOT-08- assays
1G23 1000 900 5840639 544273 135 -45 294 pending
NOT-08- assays
1G26 695 990 5840500 544137 135 -45 222 pending
NOT-08- assays
1G27 1100 500 5840451 543894 135 -65 411 pending



A total of 951 meters in three holes were completed to test airborne anomaly AT4 and its southwestern extension, located 5.5 kilometers southwest of Eagle One. Two holes encountered volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") style mineralization in intermediate to felsic volcanic assemblages and the third hole was lost. The holes returned several large widths of barren sulphide mineralization in favourable volcanic rocks uncomformably overlying the Ring of Fire. Minor visible copper - zinc mineralization observed here justifies continued exploration along this favorable north-east to south-west trending stratigraphy. All samples selected will be reported upon once assays have been received. The following table lists the holes drilled in this anomaly area; all assays for these holes are pending.


Hole North- East- North- East- azimuth dip Length Mineral-
ID ing ing ing ing (deg.) (deg.) (m) ization
(local) (local) UTM UTM (sample
(m) (m) (m) (m) inform-
1G30 -375 -300 5838812 544345 315 -50 549 minor py, po
minor py, po,
Cu, Zn, Pb
1G33 -55 -300 5839049 544128 135 -70 15 abandoned
1G34 -55 -300 5839049 544128 135 -70 387 minor py, po
For the above table the following applies:

py refers to the sulphide mineral pyrite
po refers to the sulphide mineral pyrrhotite
Cu refers to the copper sulphide, typically chalcopyrite
Zn refers to the zinc sulphide, typically sphalerite
Pb refers to the lead sulphide, typically galena



Only one hole tested this anomaly located 6.3 kilometers to the southwest of Eagle One and 2.0 kilometers east of AT3 anomaly. Hole NOT-08-1G29 tested airborne anomaly labeled AT8. The hole encountered altered peridotite with little sulphide mineralization. The peridotite exhibited strong chlorite alteration and only minor sulphide mineralization was observed. No sampling was done on this hole. Deeper penetrating geophysical surveying is required here to further explain the cause of the airborne anomaly.


Hole ID North- East- North- East- azim- dip Length Mineralization
ing ing ing ing uth (deg.) (m)
(local) (local) UTM UTM (deg.) sample
(m) (m) (m) (m) information
NOT-08- significant
1G29 1925N 1100W 5839920 542199 315 -50 303 mineralization



The aforementioned assay and sample information, as well as geological descriptions are taken from drill logs as prepared by the Project geologists for the drill program onsite. Billiken Management Services Inc. is providing all services on site for the Noront Double Eagle Project., Billiken is a holder of Certificate of Authorization issued by the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario. All samples from the early part of the 2008 exploration program were submitted to SGS Mineral Services in Toronto, Ontario. Samples were selected in the field under the supervision of the site geologist, then were cut by diamond saw. One half of the sample is retained for record at the base camp, the other half of the sample was placed in a plastic bag and individually sealed. The sealed bags are then placed in durable rice bags in batches of 5 and a numbered security tag seals each rice bag. The rice bags are placed in plastic pails and batches of 40 samples were sent by bonded courier to SGS Mineral Services in Toronto, Ontario.


A thorough quality control program was implemented for the Double Eagle project which included grouping samples into batches of 35 into which was added 2 certified reference material standards, 2 field blanks comprised of sterile drill core, and a field duplicate. It can be said with confidence that all assays as reported in this Press Release have passed the strict quality control guidelines as set out by an Independent Qualified Person ("IQP").

All samples reported upon herein were completed by SGS Mineral Services (SGS) at Toronto, Ontario or Activation Labs (Actlabs) of Ancaster, Ontario. The samples submitted to SGS were analyzed using four acid digestion followed by multi-element analysis ICP40B. The samples that received base metal analyses greater than the detection limit using the multi-element analysis underwent further analysis using FAI323 (Fire Assay) for precious metals and ICP90Q for copper and nickel. For more information on assay methodology please visit the SGS website

Drilling results in this press release have been reviewed and approved for dissemination by Noront's senior management including Neil Novak P.Geo., a director and Vice President-Exploration and John Harvey P.Eng. Executive Vice President of Noront, being Qualified Persons under Canadian Securities guidelines.

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the US Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Other than statements of historical fact, all statements are "Forward-Looking Statements" that involve such various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Readers of this press release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these "Forward-Looking Statements".

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading symbol NOT, with 129,493,883 shares issued to date.

Investors are invited to visit Noront's IR Hub at where they can post questions and receive answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to where they can also request to be added to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.


R. Nemis, President and Chief Executive Officer
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.



New member
Oct 26, 2007
Here is a post from AB about todays news release.

NOT News today...Assay results implications..Geology Model to follow..

Posted by: johndefur on May 27, 2008 02:19PM

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>As you all must have noted, the first NR was devoted principally to Chromite...It appears clear that E2, will be primarily a Chromie deposit , with accompaning Ni Cu and some PGEs.... This is very good news indeed....It's a pity that NOT chose such a "downer" day when the PPT is out in force, and frantically trying to cool off the return of the Commodities Bull..they knocked Gold down $20, aloong with Oil and all metals...this will not last no matter what desperate interventions they try, the die is cast...US economy is in much worst trouble, especially with the consumers spending which account for a LARGE % of the economy...Obvioulsy NOT and all McFaulds were effected....
I need to get this off my chest...In most financial arenas, including this Forum, all the talk has been about Ni Cu...everytime a drill core is examiined and it doesn't seem to match E1, it's taken as a disappointment...what nonsence !!! IMCO , this Forum at least should totally reject this thinking, and thereby influence/educate the market place, that there exist many other types of mineralization that are equally as valuable....take this NR today as an example...
The word is "CHROMITE"..a metal that is widely used worlddwide for a myriad of applications, including :
  • <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">In metallurgy, to impart corrosion resistance and a shiny finish:<LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">As dyes and paints:
    • <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium(III) oxide is a metal polish known as green rouge. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium salts color glass an emerald green. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium is what makes a ruby red, and therefore is used in producing synthetic rubies.
    • also makes a brilliant yellow for painting
    <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">As a catalyst. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromite is used to make molds for the firing of bricks. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium salts are used in the tanning of leather. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Potassium dichromate is a chemical reagent, used in cleaning laboratory glassware and as a titrating agent. It is also used as a mordant (i.e., a fixing agent) for dyes in fabric. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium(IV) oxide (CrO<SUB>2</SUB>) is used to manufacture magnetic tape, where its higher coercivity than iron oxide tapes gives better performance. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">In well drilling muds as an anti-corrosive. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">In medicine, as a dietary supplement or slimming aid, usually as chromium(III) chloride, chromium(III) picolinate, chromium(III) polynicotinate or as an amino acid chelate, such as chromium(III) D-phenylalanine.<SUP>[3]</SUP> <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium hexacarbonyl (Cr(CO)<SUB>6</SUB>) is used as a gasoline additive. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium boride (CrB) is used as a high-temperature electrical conductor. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Chromium(III) sulfate (Cr<SUB>2</SUB>(SO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>) is used as a green pigment in paints, in ceramic, varnishes and inks as well as in chrome plating.
  • Chromium(VI) is used in the post Ballard preparation of Gravure (rotogravure) printing Forme Cylinders. By electroplating the metal onto the second coat of copper (after the Ballard skin), the longevity of the printing cylinder is increased
pay special attention to it's catalyst uses, since iscompatable with Hydrogen, the future power supply for cars...

Let's then examiine the "value" of our descovery at E2...Chromite is an exceedingly complex subject...just to keep it simple..Chromite, provided, some contains over 51% CR203, just as is. it is worth about $6 processing Chromite into the element CR Chromium , which in our case will yield 35.4% Chromium, CR is worth $74 a pound...quite a handsome return, indeed, 6 TIMES the price of can do the I hope you get my drift here...

Further the lengths and dimensions described are superb...and don't forget that we have mostly massive chromites, with lengths ranging from 42 Ft or so to over 210 FT mineralized intersections, and this is just from 5 holes, many more holes from E2 are assay pending....In addition, there is the value of Ni Cu some PGEs and Iron up to 12%...

Therefore the total "value of E2 will be substantial per ton, just firgure out @ 74$ a pound how much is in 1 ton @ 27% Cr.... and as I suggested previously, it will certainly add to NOT's value and 'tonnage" total and that's what really counts ....

Geology Model to follow...





New member
Oct 26, 2007
coutts99, What's your take on this news, do you think we will be getting the rest of the assay results from DE2 any time soon and will they be received better than the last batch of results was? Thanks, Lor

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The results were pretty much as anticipated. The nickel grades were a little low, the intersections were a little narrow and rather deep.

I honestly can't give you an opinion on the significance and value of the chromatite.

I was actually suprised the sell off hasn't been deeper and more violent.

I am currently short 4000 shares that I sold at $4.63. However I am sleeping with one eye open. I almost covered today at $4.08 but I am waiting until tomorrow or Friday.

I think it is the visuals on the other holes at DE2 that are holding up the s/p. I can't really say when we might get results on those holes. It could take awhile as assay labs are backed up. However if the cores looked blow the doors off they could put a rush on the assays ( at 3-4x the cost) and have a 10-20 day turnaround.

Quite honestly I would love to see the stock drift down to $3.75 and then I would cover my short and then maybe go long again. My concern is that Eagle 1 doesn't have enough tonnage to support a mine because of the lack of infrastructure and possible Native land claim issues. NOT or someone else in the ROF needs to hit on another anomoly to get some + mojo back.

If I get any further info on the assay result I will update the board.

Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
NOSOF appears DEAD to me....With news the stock drifts lower...witout news the stock drifts lower???

I feel that even if we have great news it puts us at 5-6 tops a share...NOT worth my time or resources...NEXT!


New member
Oct 26, 2007
coutts99, Here is a post from AB. With this reply from the management at NOSOF office, you will be able to cover your short position at below $3.00 a share would be my guess.

Re: Agoracom Please request following update from Noront Management

Posted by: AGORACOM on May 29, 2008 03:37PM
In response to: Agoracom Please request fol... by Polylabel

We received the folowing reply from Noront management.
General Corporate
At one point it was indicated that a move from TSX to TSE might be contemplated and perhaps even done by end of March. Is this still regarded as worthwhile and in progress?
No-one that Noront is aware of at Noront has indicated that Noront is moving to the TSE from the TSX, this has not been reported mentioned in any press release ever issued by Noront.

Some time ago it was mentioned that some short holes where going to be drilled in the area where fairly high grade ore was encountered, when doing the hydrological drilling at Provincial request. Could we expect news about these and an update as to how close the portal/ramp is to first section of gold bearing ore? Perhaps a comment if underground horizontal drilling of short holes for testing ore bodies might be done?
If the holes get drilled the results will be announced. The focus of the Noront program at Windfall at present is to advance the decline to the first target zone.

Double Eagle
Any kind of timeline as to when 43-101 might be released?
There has been no timeline indicated when the 43-101 report will be released on the Double Eagle, it will be released once it is completed in a form that is acceptable to management and counsel within the guidelines of the National Instrument and its amendments.

DE1 cores where to be tested for Rhodium content after one returned positive results. Is this something that's being waited for?
There is no project or anomaly called DE1 that Noront is aware of. The results of selected sampling for Rhodium and other precious metals like Ruthenium, Osmium, Iridium on the 20 selected samples from hole NOT-07-01, 02 and 05 were released much earlier this year. The result of the test work concluded that Noront should be assaying samples for the other precious metals on a regular basis. Then we started having trouble with the analytical labs providing analysis that would pass the QA/QC program in place. We have not asked the lab to go over the anomalous Pt, Pd samples and re-assay for Rhodium at this point. This can be done at anytime we choose as the labs have sample pulps left for any additional analysis that we may ask for.

The recent news release contained visuals on two cores sent to the lab for assays which 'depending upon assays could be important for Noront'. Where these a 'rush' and might we cross our fingers and hope for news by mid June.
The lab we are currently using does not rush samples, rushing samples is something we tried last fall, until everyone else started requesting rush.

Chromium: Consensus is that the 'Market' completely misses the significance of this rich and thick body of mineralization and assigns no value for it. Would your geologists be working with outside analysts to promote some understanding? Any comment on what's below these lenses of chromium? (I'm hoping that not only will the Chromium be economic to mine BUT that getting it out provides low cost access to rich pools of ore below).
Your definition of market and our definition of market may very well be different. We agree that that the retail market likely does not understand the significance of chromium or the grades encountered. There will be a learning curve on this element.

Joint Ventures
Will the FWR/NOT joint venture have drilling initiated in June
Management of Noront or Freewest have not made any statements on this matter, however they will make statements once they have determined when the drilling will start.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wow. Very bearish response. It almost like they are saying we don't care where the stock trades. I wonder if they could be setting a little trap. Getting rid of the weak players.

They will definitely be drilling the anomaly which they JVed with Freewest this summer. The geophysics look great and the Geos are horny to punch some holes into it.

Regardless of those answers and the current sentiment my gut tells me to cover.

Covered at $3.68

I will be talking to guy in the ROF in the next few days and will provide an update.


New member
Oct 26, 2007
coutts99, Nice profit in a weeks time, wish I had the guts to follow. I was going to sell part of my shares at the open BUT didn't (NO GUTS)! I still believe NOSOF will prove they have discovered a world class mine and will be very profitable, just not as soon as I thought or would like. The reply from Noront's management was very disappointing and discouraging. I will be waiting to hear what the guy in the ROF tells you. Have a good weekend, Lor

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