I Am Still Waiting For You To Prove That This Year The Cards Defense Is Not Good. You Can Only Play Who Is On The Schedule But All I Hear Is A Lot Of Talk From You Without Proving Your Point That This Year The Cards Defense Is Not Good. This Is A Top 15 Defense At Least. Last Time I Checked, Which I Will Try To Go Back And Find It, Cards Defense Was Near Top Last Year As Well In Top 15. I Am Convinced You Are Good At Blowing Hot Air But Waiting For Stats Or Anything Else You Can Come Up With To Prove Cards Defense Is Bad This Year. If You Say That Schedule Up Coming Will Prove Your Point Then That Is Not A Legitimate Argument Until The Games Are Played. Names Don't Make A Defense. Results Do My Friend. I Am Not Trying To Get Into A Pissing Match With You But It Does Seem Like You Are With Me But Not Backing Up Your Own Argument.
That's just it my friend YOU overshot your wad by saying they are a LEGITIMATE defense.
Last year they were ranked middle of the pack (17th ranked Defense). All I see is a team that made no splash shinings (Leboy, is not a splash signing, he's an example of team overpaying money to appear as if they've improved) They're only half decent DL was Berry, and he got 1 year older and is that much more ineffective this year. The Linebacking core is still the same old same old. And the Secondary is the same as well. There is NO EVIDENCE that this team has gotten better on Defense.
YOU Overshot your wad, and because YOU have NO EVIDENCE to back your claim, you're turning it on me.
THERE IS NO PROOF THAT ARIZONA has IMPROVED defensively. Until proven with further notice, they are still a Middle of the Pack Defense that has yet to proven anything to us, because they have yet to face a real opponent.
Kojak I'm done with this though. When I make a comment, and someone asks why I think that, I BACK IT UP with actual facts and opinions, I don't turn it back on them and ask them to Prove ME WRONG. That's the easy way out. But I'm done, you have PROVEN to me that you are not willing to PROVE your statements and are not worth my time.