Headlines scream "four people killed in DC riots"


Apr 2, 2020
I do not consider people protesting police brutality and systemic racism terrorists, Subhumans trying to overthrow a democratic election because their candidate got his shit pushed in is terrorism.

Sadly, you are far too ignorant to understand the difference and a perfect example for why America is done as the world superpower.

George Floyd was a five-time prison inmate, applying for Tour #6 after passing counterfeit money, and resisting arrest.

Jacob Blake was being re-arrested at a house where HE HAD ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A SEX ASSAULT, and WAS TRYING
TO FLEE AFTER RESISTING ARREST, disobeying police commands while carrying a knife! The officer who shot him will
NOT face criminal charges.

These are NOT good examples of "police brutality" or "systemic racism". The first accusation is laughable and the second,
well, DOESN'T EXIST AT ALL. Just a pathetic revelation of your "victim" mentality.

And YOU are one stupid individual to allow the criminally irresponsible, uber-biased news media to think for you! face)(*^%

Jan 5, 2008
The officer/person in the suit in the pictures who shot that woman in the head should be arrested for murder.

What they did was pure evil and on purpose. She did not have a weapon, she was not doing anything but trespassing.
Arrest her then. No, this person shot her on purpose in cold blood and needs to be brought to justice.

She did dumb shit. No sympathy here. It’s the Capital and the officer/agent who shot her did no wrong. Be it the capital or some Rib Shack business, people enter doing stupid shit deserve consequence.

However, it’s BS one side gets treated differently. The media should report it as “unarmed peaceful protesters gun down by police” “say her name hashtags” and counter protest with burning shit down and declaring autonomous zones on the lawn. Calls for murder charges to the person killing her in the name of justice.

The hypocrisy is unreal. Watched hours of live streaming from Portland and other events. The shit media doesn’t even cover. Portland for 40 some straight days torched, burned, destroyed and threw maltovs at police and federal agents at the federal building. Literally watched them barricade an entrance to the building and toss maltovs inside. Officers kicked it down and put fire out. Then shot tear gas and watched them cry. Shouting ACAB blah blah blah.

You know damn well if it was Anti Trump folks there, shit would be spray painted up and down. The inside destroyed and looted. And the media likely spewing BS the right to protest and these are people who are hurting because our country oppressed them. And FWIW its a majority of stupid young white far left soy boys and purple hair chicks doing it.

John Sullivan was inside the damn capital. Seen him enough in these live streams. He is at all these BLM gigs and causes shit. He claims to be a activist who has lived a hard life. He comes from a wealthy family and was an Olympic skater lmao. Grew up in Colorado or Utah. You won’t see the media even bring his name up. And clear as day he is inside.

Sep 21, 2001
Destroying businesses
Mobs attacking people
Burning police cars
and can't leave out, mostly peaceful looting

Biden showed us why we think he's fucked in the head, enabled by his media of course

Not even one Gucci purse missing yesterday

Sep 21, 2001
George Floyd was a five-time prison inmate, applying for Tour #6 after passing counterfeit money, and resisting arrest.

Jacob Blake was being re-arrested at a house where HE HAD ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A SEX ASSAULT, and WAS TRYING
TO FLEE AFTER RESISTING ARREST, disobeying police commands while carrying a knife! The officer who shot him will
NOT face criminal charges.

These are NOT good examples of "police brutality" or "systemic racism". The first accusation is laughable and the second,
well, DOESN'T EXIST AT ALL. Just a pathetic revelation of your "victim" mentality.

And YOU are one stupid individual to allow the criminally irresponsible, uber-biased news media to think for you! face)(*^%

Blake deserved and needed to be shot - Floyd, while no prize, was simply murdered - by a murderer - who is now charged with murder - and about to spend the majority of his life behind the monkey bars

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Not at all. Just able to see how pathetic you and your kind are. Your country is fundamentally racist. You being a white male don’t see it that way but the actions of the terrorists yesterday show that whites can’t handle losses and react like savages.

Didn’t see Trump scream that the terrorists yesterday should all be rounded up and sentenced to 10 years in prison like he said about BLM protestors. Wonder why that is? Your answers will be as comedic as the pig you trot around and call Mrs. Willie.

You're fundamentally clueless, not your fault, it's genetics

Jan 5, 2008
Not at all. Just able to see how pathetic you and your kind are. Your country is fundamentally racist. You being a white male don’t see it that way but the actions of the terrorists yesterday show that whites can’t handle losses and react like savages.

Didn’t see Trump scream that the terrorists yesterday should all be rounded up and sentenced to 10 years in prison like he said about BLM protestors. Wonder why that is? Your answers will be as comedic as the pig you trot around and call Mrs. Willie.

You’re an idiot. You just applied racism against the problem you say is a problem. Everyone is racist to some degree get over it. You been in the true black community? They hate White people lol. Blue eye devils, cave beast or Artic monkey are the favorite choice of words when talking about white people. I’ve had plenty of years in that community. Good times, good friends and the truth is some things are just what they are. But facts are facts. The way people are treated or judged is not about color, gender or religion as much as people think. Environment, attire and how you carry yourself is. Been around many different walks of life. But I learned early on through work no race hates Black people more than the Chinese. I can speak a smidge of Mandarin, and in 4 years of work with a Chinese ran business, they absolutely hate Black people more than anyone. But it’s always white folks the problem as if they are the only racist lol.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
Not at all. Just able to see how pathetic you and your kind are. Your country is fundamentally racist. You being a white male don’t see it that way but the actions of the terrorists yesterday show that whites can’t handle losses and react like savages.

Didn’t see Trump scream that the terrorists yesterday should all be rounded up and sentenced to 10 years in prison like he said about BLM protestors. Wonder why that is? Your answers will be as comedic as the pig you trot around and call Mrs. Willie.
what a lowlife...making comments on posters family... not right....big scumbag... that should be your handle

Jun 4, 2015
You're fundamentally clueless, not your fault, it's genetics

You’re an idiot. You just applied racism against the problem you say is a problem. Everyone is racist to some degree get over it. You been in the true black community? They hate White people lol. Blue eye devils, cave beast or Artic monkey are the favorite choice of words when talking about white people. I’ve had plenty of years in that community. Good times, good friends and the truth is some things are just what they are. But facts are facts. The way people are treated or judged is not about color, gender or religion as much as people think. Environment, attire and how you carry yourself is. Been around many different walks of life. But I learned early on through work no race hates Black people more than the Chinese. I can speak a smidge of Mandarin, and in 4 years of work with a Chinese ran business, they absolutely hate Black people more than anyone. But it’s always white folks the problem as if they are the only racist lol.

I don’t know the black community well as I am not part of it. I could understand why they don’t particularly care for white people though. The track record isn’t so hot.

So you know the Chinese culture because you worked 4 years with some Chinese? Pretty presumptuous and arrogant statement. Did you also stay at a Holiday Inn Express? Understand this, the Chinese don’t care for anyone outside of the Chinese. They tolerate whites. Big distinction between like and tolerate. Don’t be fooled. You served your purpose to them, nothing more.
Dec 11, 2006
You do dangerous things, you get dangerous outcomes.

RIP Ms Babbit but you shouldn't have been there.

Jan 5, 2008
I don’t know the black community well as I am not part of it. I could understand why they don’t particularly care for white people though. The track record isn’t so hot.

So you know the Chinese culture because you worked 4 years with some Chinese? Pretty presumptuous and arrogant statement. Did you also stay at a Holiday Inn Express? Understand this, the Chinese don’t care for anyone outside of the Chinese. They tolerate whites. Big distinction between like and tolerate. Don’t be fooled. You served your purpose to them, nothing more.

I don’t know shit about culture, just a few things.. Going on 23 years of friendship with fellow workers and their families. But like any culture there are broad and specific differences. Cigarettes, tea and gambling (sports cards dominoes) make happy times for the gentlemen. They loved to bet the shit out of Dallas in the 90’s. Love betting favorites and teasers. If your not taking a clever hacking bones and all up with chicken or spare ribs and black bean sauce get out the kitchen. And be sure and slurp the eyeballs out of that whole fish. Keep quiet to strangers and don’t spread your business. Talk mad shit as soon as they leave. You get married your highly likely to stay married. Steal and use knock off technology only lol. It’s about the group not the individual. Drink lots of hot stuff. Everything you eat or drink is good for you supposedly. The women are horn balls. Work work work work and just do. White pepper or get out the kitchen. Big house means not much inside. Grandparents all the way down to the great grandkids love living together a bunch. American TV outside of sports is like some kind of cryptic toxic cult and avoided. Get hammered on Chinese New Years. They hate blacks but love to screw them over and take their money. Like you said tolerating whites not like. Whip the shit out of Mexicans like mules for labor. Keep your head down and shut up mentality in public. All about the group and definitely don’t like much attention from society.

Oh, and joke around and tell them “go fuck their mom” in mandarin always starts a a heated show no matter the joke. The older they are the more distant and shut down to anyone or anything Not Chinese. Younger folks seem to be more rebellious to anti American culture and love to piss grandparents off. The grandparents always seem grumpy and hate when white peoples visit even if they known you for 23 years.

Thats all I got lol. Besides American Chinese food is pure trash! I’ll take the real cooking.
Dec 11, 2006
I don’t know shit about culture, just a few things.. Going on 23 years of friendship with fellow workers and their families. But like any culture there are broad and specific differences. Cigarettes, tea and gambling (sports cards dominoes) make happy times for the gentlemen. They loved to bet the shit out of Dallas in the 90’s. Love betting favorites and teasers. If your not taking a clever hacking bones and all up with chicken or spare ribs and black bean sauce get out the kitchen. And be sure and slurp the eyeballs out of that whole fish. Keep quiet to strangers and don’t spread your business. Talk mad shit as soon as they leave. You get married your highly likely to stay married. Steal and use knock off technology only lol. It’s about the group not the individual. Drink lots of hot stuff. Everything you eat or drink is good for you supposedly. The women are horn balls. Work work work work and just do. White pepper or get out the kitchen. Big house means not much inside. Grandparents all the way down to the great grandkids love living together a bunch. American TV outside of sports is like some kind of cryptic toxic cult and avoided. Get hammered on Chinese New Years. They hate blacks but love to screw them over and take their money. Like you said tolerating whites not like. Whip the shit out of Mexicans like mules for labor. Keep your head down and shut up mentality in public. All about the group and definitely don’t like much attention from society.

Oh, and joke around and tell them “go fuck their mom” in mandarin always starts a a heated show no matter the joke. The older they are the more distant and shut down to anyone or anything Not Chinese. Younger folks seem to be more rebellious to anti American culture and love to piss grandparents off. The grandparents always seem grumpy and hate when white peoples visit even if they known you for 23 years.

Thats all I got lol. Besides American Chinese food is pure trash! I’ll take the real cooking.

Gee. Racial truthing. A breath of fresh air.

Jan 5, 2008
Gee. Racial truthing. A breath of fresh air.

Nobody wants the truth and racism. Everybody wants to pretend this fairytale utopia exist with unicorns and we can make it work. It’s like birds and the countless types, they are all damn birds but they won’t all get along or work together. Take a black man who loves nascar and hunting. Drives a big truck and talks a bit country. It’s not so much about his color as is who he is. That black man will be crushed in the Chicago hood and probably beat down. But in some backwoods hillbilly shit in Alabama he would be amongst friends in a crowd of white peoples. Environment, attire and how you carry yourself is the true difference in acceptance and this racism kick people are on.

Apr 2, 2020
Blake deserved and needed to be shot - Floyd, while no prize, was simply murdered - by a murderer - who is now charged with murder - and about to spend the majority of his life behind the monkey bars

I disagree that it was murder, although it COULD arguably be called second degree murder or
a reckless homicide. Yes it was an injustice, but I'd stop short of considering it an instance of
"police brutality"...because Floyd WAS resisting arrest.

As I stated previously, HE'D BE ALIVE TODAY if he'd simply obeyed. He brought about his own
accidental demise. That's not brutality. That's a perp high on a dangerous drug, being duly arrested
by a cop, and dying when the cop was simply careless.

Sep 22, 2007
I disagree that it was murder, although it COULD arguably be called second degree murder or
a reckless homicide. Yes it was an injustice, but I'd stop short of considering it an instance of
"police brutality"...because Floyd WAS resisting arrest.

As I stated previously, HE'D BE ALIVE TODAY if he'd simply obeyed. He brought about his own
accidental demise. That's not brutality. That's a perp high on a dangerous drug, being duly arrested
by a cop, and dying when the cop was simply careless.

Yeah, what's your "take" on that dumb bitch who tweeted that she was putting Dems "on notice," broke into the Capitol, and got shot dead, you funking skunk. How's that dildo on in your ass feel, Cyber SCHMUCK?

Apr 2, 2020
Is this English. What kind of moron writes like that?

An insecure, socially inept gasbag with absolutely NO life outside this forum. Pity him; he is
an isolated clown, a man-child living out a hellish existence as a momma's boy whose mother
smothered him and destroyed his natural personal development.

No job, no friends, no girlfriend to pop his cherry. Mom won't allow that.

He's Adam Lanza without the weapons.

I hope. So-Sorry-935&

Jul 14, 2007
I like Joey B today talking about how poorly the police have treated BLM - he forgot to mention the part about BLM shooting 4 cops dead in the street in Dallas

Yeah, I'm not sure what his point was. The police should've been more forceful with the Capitol bros because they were with BLM? I thought the Dems/BLM wanted them to be less forceful in general?

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