HCG Diet


New member
May 7, 2006
HCG injected will cause fat loss and muscle build. It must be injected into the blood. This is off label vs the FDA approval. There are signiicant publications on this - I beleive one is in the nEJM but cant totally recall.

HCG orally will do nothing.

No idea if either is safe.

New member
Oct 13, 2005
kid44 the shot treatment has been around for decades. the oral drops not so much. icant stand when people talk about something without researching it.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Let him be the guinea pig. Quick weight loss diets are for the ignorant and lazy. Their is NO, quick fix, way to lose weight without eating healthy and exercise. Did not take over night to get fat, it will not take overnight to lose weight. For those looking for the quick fix, spend your money, take those pills, take that shot, and make those who know better, get rich off your laziness and stupidity. No offense, but my philosophy of eating things grown in our earth without chemicals seems to be working pretty good.

That is why they have to lose weight to begin with.

New member
Sep 21, 2000
No diet works.......I changed my lifestyle, joined a gym and ate healthy foods and lost 80 lbs. Sure any diet will work short term but changing the way you live is what you need to do. Is it easy, hell no....

May 22, 2007
My wife has been on the diet with hcg drops,not injections.

She has lost 13 lbs. In 14 days thus far.
Oct 10, 2006
No diet works.......I changed my lifestyle, joined a gym and ate healthy foods and lost 80 lbs. Sure any diet will work short term but changing the way you live is what you need to do. Is it easy, hell no....

Exactly! I see a nutritionist through my health plan. My weight loss has been slow but steady - it's a lifestyle change. Alcohol in moderation, less saturated fat, steady exercise . . .May not sound like much but over the past 8 months I've lost 25 lbs. I've got many more to go, but it's working and friends are noticing the results.

Nov 16, 2004
kid44 the shot treatment has been around for decades. the oral drops not so much. icant stand when people talk about something without researching it.

Well aware of the fact and its use with the Olympics, particularly East German woman. You will not find a script for it legally unless the doctor sees a reason for test. therapy.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Guys I went on Hcg about 11/2 years ago, drops not injectables. I lost 40# or there abouts in 35 days sticking to it to a tee. The first 2 days were brutal but after that it was easy for me. I could have gone longer but did not want to lose more weight.

The most important part is the 30 day maintenance right after in my opinion. In the year and a half since I have been off I have maintained with out any problems.

Stumblin' around, drunk on burgundy wine.
Oct 11, 2004
Guys I went on Hcg about 11/2 years ago, drops not injectables. I lost 40# or there abouts in 35 days sticking to it to a tee. The first 2 days were brutal but after that it was easy for me. I could have gone longer but did not want to lose more weight.

The most important part is the 30 day maintenance right after in my opinion. In the year and a half since I have been off I have maintained with out any problems.

What happens after the 30 day maintenance? What is your diet like now that you maintained your loss?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
in the past i have been able to lose weight no problem, work out, run , walk , etc. but the problem is i would lose weight in my face and legs. the weight around my stomach and my chest wouldn't come off.
right now it is coming off

that is what the diet claimed and that is what is happening

Wait, what? The diet claims that it can target where on your body the fat burns off? Nonsense. There is no way to target areas to take off fat.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
What happens after the 30 day maintenance? What is your diet like now that you maintained your loss?

The 30 day maintence makes sure you add foods back in slowly and helps reset your metabolism, as it was explained to me, the problem is that most people go right back to eating there old way and the body just goes back to its old burning fat. Diet has not changed much at all, never drank much booze or ate to much, so not a problem, watch my ice cream intake which is my favorite thing.....but like I said it has worked for me

Jan 8, 2012
First off, I've only posted once.. You might want to look at who posted what.

You are being scammed by a shot that isn't FDA approved and you are losing weight because you aren't eating a healthy diet. I couldn't give a shit what you do or how it affects your health. I just hope others on this board don't let themselves get scammed the way you did. Most posters here have enough common sence to see through the bullshit, unlike you. I've got some property and some weight loss socks to sell you.

I have a friend who is interested in the socks, she wants to know what colors are available?

Oct 31, 2004
I dont know why you started this thread when everytime someone has something to say that you disagree with you blast and insult them.
Seems to me you mind is made up.

Dont waste our time if all you are going to do is call people names everytime someone says something besides the HGC diet is the greatest thing on Earth.

Enjoy your diet and leave us alone.

OK troll i will bite

your first post was that we were getting scammed
now you are saying it is unsafe

which are you going with and i will continue

i like it, i am not obese, i gained 25 unwanted pounds that want come off as easily as i would like, i have been exercising regularly, the diet gets the weight off and i can continue the eating lifestyle change. i am aware of the risks.

the doctor you happen to use for your evidence just so happens to be a weight loss doctor.

RX Prophet
Sep 13, 2008
I have a friend who is interested in the socks, she wants to know what colors are available?
whatever color she wants. You buy them then send them to me with a return postage paid envelope, then I "charm" them and return. They are only good for one month though, so send plenty in separate shipments obviously!

New member
May 7, 2006
You guys are losing weight cause you are eating 500 calories per day, not because of HCG drops. HCG does not cross the intestinal lining.

If you took hcg shots and ate 2000 calories per day you'd lose fat too.

New member
Jun 7, 2009
fuk u pal, and i was quick to snap at him
i ask a question and dude came in to blast me. if you read what he posted the dr said "dont do that you should come and see me i can help you", well thats just about what she said.

it has been 23 days and i have lost 20lbs. and it came off my chest and waist. not that i have to defend myself, i can read and google just like the rest of you dik chops


i read a little about the diet and made a decision to do it based on what i read. and yes i did read the starvation, claims of bogus hcg injections etc.

but i will tell you. i did go to a diet clinic to get the HCG as you cannot buy it OVER THE COUNTER as betall points out, and she told me the same thing that i read, except that i would lose in my weight and chest specifically. and well it happened.

Also the AHCg did curve my appetite

i am not a dumby i am aware of a balanced diet and excercise, any one knows this is the best Liifestyle to maintain health and weight

i needed to drop 30lbs. can i keep it off? who gives a fuk really.... i amm going to do the 30 day metabolism reset and see what happens. i am also going to continue with a healthier diet and excercise

is 300 dollars a rip off? again who gievs a fuk, if that is alot of money to you then you have more problems than my diet

stinky are you and betall dik bumpers?? the kings of forum posting, when i get my self back in to shape, i will show you how to lift too

New member
Jun 7, 2009
my apologies sir, i am not sure why i thought you were awmllc3000, my bad to both of you actually.

bet all i am fukin with you

it is illegal OTC but not from a dr, there are alot of bad opinions due to being less than 1200 calories.


HCG diet: Is it safe and effective?

Does the HCG diet work — and is it safe?


from Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D.

No on both counts. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has advised consumers to steer clear of over-the-counter weight-loss products that contain HCG.
HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy. As a prescription medication, HCG is used mainly to treat fertility issues. HCG is not approved for over-the-counter use, nor has it been proved to work for weight loss. Companies that sell over-the-counter HCG weight-loss products are breaking the law.
So why has there been so much talk about the HCG diet? Perhaps it's because the diet recommends severe calorie restriction — typically just 500 to 800 calories a day. People who follow such a very low calorie diet are likely to lose weight, at least in the short term. However, that level of calorie restriction has risks, such as gallstone formation, irregular heartbeat, and an imbalance of the electrolytes that keep the body's muscles and nerves functioning properly.
If weight loss is your goal, there are safer ways to lose weight. Talk with your doctor or other health care provider about how to make healthy changes that lead to permanent weight loss, such as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise.

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