Each business at 25% capacity
not 25% of businesses
Don’t be jealous mob, not a good look
Each? Why are nail salons and gyms still closed then? You’re not opening fully. Stop touting that you are. Everywhere has restrictions still. Just what it is right now. Y’all acting like the shit is over wont do anyone any good.
Movie theaters, restaurants, and the mall all at 25% capacity. But what else is opened?
They’re “opening” because Trump is pressuring governors who support him to do so even if it is at 25% and you tout like you’re fully reopened. Comical
Hahaha what did I tout?
It's a first step in the right direction. They are doing it smartly in phases. It's nice to see things at least moving in that direction. But retail stores are open again. I can get my dog groomed, I can take these stupid blinds my wife bought back to Ikea, golf courses and parks are open. Breath of fresh air, but nobody is acting like "shit is over".
What exactly is your objection? Other than the fact that misery loves company.
Parks were already open. Could already groom my dog. Could already exercise and get breaths of fresh air. Could already launch golf balls in my yard. Fuck those blinds
My objection? I don’t have an objection to reopening a few things and allowing only a certain amount of people in. But, say what it is. There is still a lot of shit closed. So the most important thing is not to”keep your eye on the ball” whatever the fuck that means. The most important thing is to be smart and continue to social distance and not be ignorant to the situation. That’s the most important thing for you guys.