Hannity offers to be waterboarded: Olberman calls his bluff and offers $1000 per second.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You need to get rid of your, if the Republicans did it, it must be right, attitude and find out what is in the released information.

You couldn't be more wrong about me, I believe in my soul we need to be proactive in the war on terror, you don't.

I'm for saving innocent lives and protecting our lifestyle, I could care less about fucking terrorists. You are the polar opposite, I can't possibly think as you do.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Thank God that there are good and strong men that understand the nature of the evil we are fighting and worked hard to keep this country safe. Heaven knows there are too few of them, and too many people with their heads in the sand.

Are you talking about the president or American servicemembers?

New member
Nov 8, 2006
You couldn't be more wrong about me, I believe in my soul we need to be proactive in the war on terror, you don't.

I'm for saving innocent lives and protecting our lifestyle, I could care less about fucking terrorists. You are the polar opposite, I can't possibly think as you do.

Seems to me that if getting the terrorist was the objective that the bushies woulda stayed the course in afghanistan and annihilated OBL and his crew then got the hell out instead of invading a country that had no terrorist and locking us down in 2 never-ending ground wars.

I think the real reason for the strategies over there is to wrap themselves in the flag and help GOP donors loot the treasury.

Aug 6, 2006
From what I hear, no one goes 60+ min. You start throwing up, go into convulsions.

He's going to eat dinner at the Time Out Tavern before the event. So he's gonna throw up either way.

Aug 6, 2006
On a serious note, love how the far leftys here are coming to the defense of those who would slice their heads off with a steak knife if ever given the chance.

Aug 6, 2006
Another thing far leftys ALWAYS do on these boards is whine about Iraq when we "should have finished the jof" in Afghanistan. They think the rest of us don't remember how much they bleated about us going into Afghanistan in the first place.

Aug 6, 2006
I think you're wrong (and not just about the way the rest of us spell "job")

Please show us where any of the current crop of those you consider left went off about the initial Afghanistan invasion.

There will always be exceptions, but the opposition to Iraq for many came when it became known that funding/equipment earmarked for Afghanistan was being diverted to an impending attack against Iraq (on cooked up evidence no less).

Let's see some proof of those you refer to (whomever they might actually be) opposed the invasion and subsequent war in Afghanistan.

First of all, I know you realize I didn't misspell a three letter word. I did miss on the keyboard though. It can happen when you're typing with one hand and jerking off to Miss California with the other.

Second of all, I can't offer you proof on this forum. I was here in '01 as "Scott Landau" but there was no Poly Room. I did post in Major Wager's Canteen before it became the War Room, and if you feel like digging in there from 9-11-01 until the time Bush sent forces into Afg. you will see the same rhetoric, especially from the posters from Europe. I stand by my comment that the Far Left was as much against the invasion of Afg as it was Iraq.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Thank you for your service to this country. Anyone with such strong feelings must have quite the decorated record. At very minimum, they must have one of their kids serving.

I was fortunate to grow up at a time there was no military conflict, and saying what I might have done is a meaningless exercise.

WTF do my kids have to do with the type of cheese the moon is made of? Typical irrelevant looney left babble. Let me say I'll never come in here and discuss the losses or sacrifices of any family member, but I will proudly say "fuck you you loser of an asshole" with respect to this topic.

BTW: the stupidity of this type of lame argument is brought front and center by the fact that people who have supported the war are more likely to have served or have family members served while the looney left that opposes the war are people who have not served and that do not have family members who have served. Of course, as with any discussion, there are exceptions.

Aug 6, 2006
KTV, as a poster I think I'm pretty fair. And I welcome your opinions. If you feel I generalized, fine. But please avoid semantics and nitpicking with me. Thanks.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Thank you for your service to this country. Anyone with such strong feelings must have quite the decorated record. At very minimum, they must have one of their kids serving.

5. The Antagonizer

Comment forums are made for divergent viewpoints and intelligent, spirited debate. The Antagonizer, though, takes things to another, more primitive level, resorting to personal attacks and insults in what may be a nostalgic flashback to carefree bygone days as a third-grade bully.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
First of all, I know you realize I didn't misspell a three letter word. I did miss on the keyboard though. It can happen when you're typing with one hand and jerking off to Miss California with the other.

Second of all, I can't offer you proof on this forum. I was here in '01 as "Scott Landau" but there was no Poly Room. I did post in Major Wager's Canteen before it became the War Room, and if you feel like digging in there from 9-11-01 until the time Bush sent forces into Afg. you will see the same rhetoric, especially from the posters from Europe. I stand by my comment that the Far Left was as much against the invasion of Afg as it was Iraq.
i respect you as a poster scotty.....but 100% untrue......i was 100% behind afghan actions and 100% against iraq actions.........im sure i wasnt the only one

Aug 6, 2006
Cool guys. Like I said I may have over-generalized the viewpoints. I was going off memory.

At the time of the invasion of Afg. I was posting at Major Wager and the entire forum was a war zone.

There were many posters, mostly far-left Euros who read the Independent and the al-Guardian who thought the US brought 9/11 on ourselves, and claimed a distinction between the Taliban and the terrorist group al-Queda that they harbored.

Their arguments included the same points as Iraq, such as --You can't invade a "sovereign nation" because a "militant" group operates there; it's not a war but a "police action," etc.

I consider both you Judge and you ST as Liberals. And I have no bias at all against the term Liberal whatsoever. Many of my own views are Liberal. I don't consider you guys to be fringe leftys. However, your point is taken.

As far as ktv goes, I was asking him to accept something I stated from memory, but that failed to meet the rigorous standards he sets for what is acceptable as intelligent debate on this forum.

And since this is a room occupied every minute with intelligent discourse in which one extreme has 'proven' every breath we take in life is controlled by a nefarious entity called "them," while their polar opposites have "intelligently" demonstrated we had dinosaurs as pets 6,000 years ago, and that two guys blowing each other 6 miles down the road is somehow going to make their own dick and brain simultaneously explode......well, sadly I failed to meet those rigorous standards.
Sep 21, 2004
Cool guys. Like I said I may have over-generalized the viewpoints. I was going off memory.

At the time of the invasion of Afg. I was posting at Major Wager and the entire forum was a war zone.

There were many posters, mostly far-left Euros who read the Independent and the al-Guardian who thought the US brought 9/11 on ourselves, and claimed a distinction between the Taliban and the terrorist group al-Queda that they harbored.

Their arguments included the same points as Iraq, such as --You can't invade a "sovereign nation" because a "militant" group operates there; it's not a war but a "police action," etc.

I consider both you Judge and you ST as Liberals. And I have no bias at all against the term Liberal whatsoever. Many of my own views are Liberal. I don't consider you guys to be fringe leftys. However, your point is taken.

As far as ktv goes, I was asking him to accept something I stated from memory, but that failed to meet the rigorous standards he sets for what is acceptable as intelligent debate on this forum.

And since this is a room occupied every minute with intelligent discourse in which one extreme has 'proven' every breath we take in life is controlled by a nefarious entity called "them," while their polar opposites have "intelligently" demonstrated we had dinosaurs as pets 6,000 years ago, and that two guys blowing each other 6 miles down the road is somehow going to make their own dick and brain simultaneously explode......well, sadly I failed to meet those rigorous standards.

Um... name one poster in here that dogmatically touts a young earth
creationist viewpoint.

Funny how people in here love the dinosaur pet rhetoric, but I see
no one pushing that view.

I've said all along that I am a creationist, but I don't take a stance
on young earth vs. old earth.

Aug 6, 2006
So to sum it up it comes down to me typing ALWAYS in CAPS, and using MW as a point of reference.

Are we cool now, or would you like to declare victory or something?

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