Massive Self promotion, already not keeping a record on more than one thread, dodging questions with the "Attacked because I'm a so and so responses." It's going to raise suspicion of anyone. Not necessarily an attack on your gender so you can take that card off the table. Most of your posts have been about your twitter, which by the way, looks only a few days old. Hell, even your defensive posts have you advertising channels.
From what I've see over the years, Wannabe touts will be sniffed out and discarded pretty quickly here. Which is why I read this site. Try posting picks with a record and a unit amount, discuss without advertising all your "projects", and you probably won't be bothered by anyone here. You can save that "Chicks with Picks! Follow my Service!" BS for some other platform.
says the poster fishing for subscribers to a future youtube channel good stuff
i tried..offered you 2 glasses..if you came to're pm is off
Just speaking from a common sense standpoint.....
Why would people who right off the bat are having to explain themselves and defend themselves over and over want to stay here? Or why would anyone make a twitter and post here at the same time? and at 5 other forums right now? It makes no sense unless you are trying to appeal to everyone and start reeling in customers. The only reason why you picked a young college girl as your identity. Because you think sports gamblors will be attracted to you and want to give you money.
Well first off, girls do not look like you in this profession. Kevy has said this over and over and someone on your Twitter already called you out for this.
No college girl is on here trying to argue with guys about her identity LMFAO!!!
They are out getting drunk trying to get fucked. Not doing what you are doing.
Says here you are from canada and on your video you say you are in florida. I could care less but it is kinda misleading. Whoever you are good luck with whatever you are trying to achieve.
I removed that video. Was a practice video that I didn't want people to see. I said to look at the instagram video not youtube. My location was suppose to be private. My private life is my private life.Says here you are from canada and on your video you say you are in florida. I could care less but it is kinda misleading. Whoever you are good luck with whatever you are trying to achieve.