Haitians in Ohio Killing and Eating Ducks, Dogs, Cats and Family Pets


Sep 21, 2004
Maybe the Bengals should start recruiting in this area of Ohio
I mean in an ideal world people would have more incentive to stay in their own country

Not sure how much US can influence that or if it’s our place to. It probably is better for us economically to get involved in certain situations
Going to hell in a handbasket

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Piping plover tastes like chicken. chukar good . Panda Express get some happy family.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I mean in an ideal world people would have more incentive to stay in their own country

Not sure how much US can influence that or if it’s our place to. It probably is better for us economically to get involved in certain situations
This guy doesn't know they're incentivizing millions of military-aged men with different language, culture, and beliefs to leave their country and then economically support them here after they magically end up in the same apartment building in the middle of bumfuck Kansas. He believes this all just occurs by chance and the ahemm refugees have been saving up for years to make the sacred pilgrimage to america. Impressive

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
This guy doesn't know they're incentivizing millions of military-aged men with different language, culture, and beliefs to leave their country and then economically support them here after they magically end up in the same apartment building in the middle of bumfuck Kansas. He believes this all just occurs by chance and the ahemm refugees have been saving up for years to make the sacred pilgrimage to america. Impressive

Dec 15, 2017
This guy doesn't know they're incentivizing millions of military-aged men with different language, culture, and beliefs to leave their country and then economically support them here after they magically end up in the same apartment building in the middle of bumfuck Kansas. He believes this all just occurs by chance and the ahemm refugees have been saving up for years to make the sacred pilgrimage to america. Impressive
I definitely do not believe that

But alright
Sep 12, 2022

Marines Confirm Animal Mutilations in Springfield, Ohio​

Michael Baxter
September 16, 2024

US Marines in Springfield, Ohio, have yet to see Haitians eating cats and dogs, but they did observe two Haitian migrants roasting a freshly killed goose on a charcoal barbeque grill in Snyder Park, a 226-acre recreation facility with placid lagoons, hiking trails, and paddleboat-ing in Buck’s River. The park is also home to dwindling gaggles of geese. Once a playground of scenic serenity, Snyder Park has morphed into the Killing Fields, occupied by machete-wielding migrants.

As reported last week, White Hats sent a small Marine detachment to Ohio to investigate reports of non-citizens slaughtering and consuming local wildlife and people’s pets, cats and dogs, with orders, we now know, to observe but not engage any migrants grabbing geese or chasing pets.

Our source called the deployment a reconnaissance mission with three objectives: determine the extent of pet abductions; ascertain whether the Haitian colony, 20,000 strong, has kidnapped and eaten local children (a source said White Hats have heard “anecdotal” reports of missing children in Springfield); and figure out why the Deep State and local officials are trying desperately to discredit and “debunk” authenticated animal abductions. While the latter is murky, at least one thing is certain: No goose is safe in Snyder Park.

At midnight Friday, four hours after the park officially closed, Marines saw what appeared to be two Haitian males performing a “bloodletting ritual” on a goose. The migrants, our source said, beheaded the goose with a machete, then took turns guzzling blood directly from its neck.

“They chanted something, the Haitians before they drank the blood, but it wasn’t in English, probably Haitian Creole. The Marines were watching from a distance,” our source said.

He added that the goose killers then gathered twigs and branches and placed them beneath the steel grate on a park hibachi. They lit a fire and grilled the goose, feathers included.

The Marines were appalled and called the Clark County Sherrif’s
Department’s non-emergency number, telling the answering party they had seen Haitians kill and cook a goose. The receptionist was hostile. She told the Marines their “goose would be cooked” if they didn’t stop making “prank calls,” and threatened to dispatch a patrol car to cite them for trespassing in the park after hours.

The Marines begged her to send a unit. “Please do, right away, so they can see what we’re looking at,” a Marine told her.”

When no patrol car arrived after 30 minutes, the Marines tried an unorthodox method of getting the cops’ attention—they dialed 911 and repeated the story, but, again, the operator disconnected the call.

By then, the Haitians had finished their goose banquet, had disrobed, and were taking a moonlight bath in a pond.

The Marines redialed 911 a dozen times, hoping to flood the line with so many calls that the operators would have to trace the calls and send a patrol car to end the harassment. Finally, 90 minutes later, a single patrol car showed up at the park entrance, and the Marines explained why they were in Ohio and what they had seen. The Haitians, however, had vanished by the time the cops arrived.

Our source said the police were sympathetic but feckless. “The police didn’t understand why the military was involved, but at the same time, they weren’t aggressive. They said they knew what was happening in town but were told by superiors to pretend like animal killings and pet abductions were a myth, fake news. They said the orders came all the way down from the governor’s office. They said they could be fired, or worse, for even discussing the issue.”

The cops also told the Marines that the sheriff’s department received daily phone calls about missing pets.

“The deputies said missing pets aren’t their priority, and they’ve been told not to make it a public issue,” our source said.

Elsewhere in Springfield, a different Marine squad found circumstantial evidence supporting the deputies’ contention. Those Marines saw an alarming number of missing pet flyers taped or stapled to utility poles and store windows in downtown Springfield—cats, dogs, and someone’s pet python.

“It’s wild,” our source said. “A flyer claiming an unknown person busted a window, came inside, and took a four-foot-long carpet python from a vivarium. The citizens are frightened, and it’s all getting covered up.”
In closing, we asked the source why General Smith amended his original orders to “repel or otherwise dissuade” Haitians from behaving abhorrently.

“Look, this is still an open issue, and obviously we can’t open fire on some guys cooking a goose. We think there’s more going on than meets the eye, and we have to pace ourselves to get to the bottom of it,” he said.
While I know this issue might seem trivial compared to yesterday’s events, we’re waiting for a response from both White Hat and sources in Florida before publishing anything on the assassination attempt. We want facts before printing.

Sep 23, 2004

Marines Confirm Animal Mutilations in Springfield, Ohio​

Michael Baxter
September 16, 2024

US Marines in Springfield, Ohio, have yet to see Haitians eating cats and dogs, but they did observe two Haitian migrants roasting a freshly killed goose on a charcoal barbeque grill in Snyder Park, a 226-acre recreation facility with placid lagoons, hiking trails, and paddleboat-ing in Buck’s River. The park is also home to dwindling gaggles of geese. Once a playground of scenic serenity, Snyder Park has morphed into the Killing Fields, occupied by machete-wielding migrants.

As reported last week, White Hats sent a small Marine detachment to Ohio to investigate reports of non-citizens slaughtering and consuming local wildlife and people’s pets, cats and dogs, with orders, we now know, to observe but not engage any migrants grabbing geese or chasing pets.

Our source called the deployment a reconnaissance mission with three objectives: determine the extent of pet abductions; ascertain whether the Haitian colony, 20,000 strong, has kidnapped and eaten local children (a source said White Hats have heard “anecdotal” reports of missing children in Springfield); and figure out why the Deep State and local officials are trying desperately to discredit and “debunk” authenticated animal abductions. While the latter is murky, at least one thing is certain: No goose is safe in Snyder Park.

At midnight Friday, four hours after the park officially closed, Marines saw what appeared to be two Haitian males performing a “bloodletting ritual” on a goose. The migrants, our source said, beheaded the goose with a machete, then took turns guzzling blood directly from its neck.

“They chanted something, the Haitians before they drank the blood, but it wasn’t in English, probably Haitian Creole. The Marines were watching from a distance,” our source said.

He added that the goose killers then gathered twigs and branches and placed them beneath the steel grate on a park hibachi. They lit a fire and grilled the goose, feathers included.

The Marines were appalled and called the Clark County Sherrif’s
Department’s non-emergency number, telling the answering party they had seen Haitians kill and cook a goose. The receptionist was hostile. She told the Marines their “goose would be cooked” if they didn’t stop making “prank calls,” and threatened to dispatch a patrol car to cite them for trespassing in the park after hours.

The Marines begged her to send a unit. “Please do, right away, so they can see what we’re looking at,” a Marine told her.”

When no patrol car arrived after 30 minutes, the Marines tried an unorthodox method of getting the cops’ attention—they dialed 911 and repeated the story, but, again, the operator disconnected the call.

By then, the Haitians had finished their goose banquet, had disrobed, and were taking a moonlight bath in a pond.

The Marines redialed 911 a dozen times, hoping to flood the line with so many calls that the operators would have to trace the calls and send a patrol car to end the harassment. Finally, 90 minutes later, a single patrol car showed up at the park entrance, and the Marines explained why they were in Ohio and what they had seen. The Haitians, however, had vanished by the time the cops arrived.

Our source said the police were sympathetic but feckless. “The police didn’t understand why the military was involved, but at the same time, they weren’t aggressive. They said they knew what was happening in town but were told by superiors to pretend like animal killings and pet abductions were a myth, fake news. They said the orders came all the way down from the governor’s office. They said they could be fired, or worse, for even discussing the issue.”

The cops also told the Marines that the sheriff’s department received daily phone calls about missing pets.

“The deputies said missing pets aren’t their priority, and they’ve been told not to make it a public issue,” our source said.

Elsewhere in Springfield, a different Marine squad found circumstantial evidence supporting the deputies’ contention. Those Marines saw an alarming number of missing pet flyers taped or stapled to utility poles and store windows in downtown Springfield—cats, dogs, and someone’s pet python.

“It’s wild,” our source said. “A flyer claiming an unknown person busted a window, came inside, and took a four-foot-long carpet python from a vivarium. The citizens are frightened, and it’s all getting covered up.”
In closing, we asked the source why General Smith amended his original orders to “repel or otherwise dissuade” Haitians from behaving abhorrently.

“Look, this is still an open issue, and obviously we can’t open fire on some guys cooking a goose. We think there’s more going on than meets the eye, and we have to pace ourselves to get to the bottom of it,” he said.
While I know this issue might seem trivial compared to yesterday’s events, we’re waiting for a response from both White Hat and sources in Florida before publishing anything on the assassination attempt. We want facts before printing.
If you ever have been to a public park where geese gather, you can't walk anywhere without having to avoid trails of gooey white shit. They are doing park visitors a favor if they grill a few of those up every night.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
If you ever have been to a public park where geese gather, you can't walk anywhere without having to avoid trails of gooey white shit. They are doing park visitors a favor if they grill a few of those up every night.
yes, cuz Orange Man Bad


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants Let's take a look at such an impressive abuse of power and bag chasing:


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