mods, please inbed the video if you can.
Nothing makes me enjoy living in this country more, than the right to bear arms,, and thinning of the heard is a big dam bonus,,
if I had a million bucks I woluld send this guard some dough,,
god bless america,,
Couple quick notes:
After watching the video twice. The perp did look black. I guess it was the gloves and mask, but I would have guessed black
The other younger tellers did look like wimps the way the cowared behind the desk. But in reality what are they going to do, it's a shoot out and they have no gun. You expect them to run into the middle , that would just be dumb. So they did the right thing, but their body language made them look pathetic.
Helping another person at a time of distress makes you a "yahoo"? OK. Make sure I'm never with you when you need help.