thanx...that trip was hazy and memorable...i was introduced to 'cherry bombs'...they sold these lil fuckers rite outside the superdome....cherries marinated in some liqueur fer months at a clip....tasty as hell but would mess u up...
1989 - Super Bowl XXIII - "The Drive" led by Joe Montana when the 49ers came from behind to beat the Bengals
1991 - Super Bowl XXV - Scott Norwood misses field goal and the Giants beat the Bills in Tampa while Huey helicoptors were hovering the stadium during the first Gulf War
1996 - Atlanta Olympics - US Boxer David Reid knocks out heavily favored Cuban boxer Alfredo Dufergel to win the only US Gold Medal in boxing.
2007 - San Antonio Final Four - Chalmers hits the three to overcome a 12-point deficit and send Kansas into overtime against Memphis.