Grading FUBAR, please read


Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
I was hardly one of the loudest against Blue, although I didnt like what he did. Had he not admitted to edited his picks, then I would not have had a problem with it.

HEre is my exact quote from near the end of that thread.

"The funny thing about this is I think that TRYTRY had a horrid week! Had Blue just left his phantom picks alone, then he would have been ahead after this week most likely.

I am not sure that he deserves to be eliminated, but HIS picks do not count this week at all! Blue should not be allowed to count his picks"

I was trying to give him an 0-6 at all, I was thinking more like 0-0 for the week. And I knew that he would BE WELL within striking range with a 0-0 record for last week with this upcoming week. I am not sure about this, but I dont think that they had to make a pick a week.

In this contest, I noted above in the rules where it talks about Plays not posted correctly are no action. I would even take that at this point.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
Hey PO69,

I'm a lazy shit and don't wanna look it up but I remember asking JMan about the "No Action" wording....if i remember, "no action" meant 0-4 (-440), not 0-0

I was asking cause my scenario is if I went 20-0 to start the season, if I could sit on my 2,000 and take 0-0 every week until someone catches up....he said no.

Only cause I can't catch you this feels like second life for me, but I don't wanna win like makes no diff to me if they count or not (i'd rather everyone's count as long as there was no bad intentions/advantages behind anything)

....but I don't think you should get 0-0 cause I already went over that wording and got a ruling.

another thing, seriously, why did you email the picks? (if you had a computer to email, then you obviously have internet....why couldn't you have just posted? i'm even assuming you had the rotation #s in your emails)

either way, good luck are on a tear....even if you get 0-8 for those, don't give up....crazy 3 week run of 12-0 and you are back in it.

New member
May 31, 2006
You might not should have reported this, bad karma will kill you in this contest

just saw across the street that you actually think I reported you? gimme a break

it's easy to see why you get absolutely no respect around here

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
I was hardly one of the loudest against Blue, although I didnt like what he did. Had he not admitted to edited his picks, then I would not have had a problem with it.

po, you're stuck and you're steaming...i understand. is a tough break, especially with the lead you had.

in my unofficial re-calculation, i have you going from a previous ytd figure of $1,250 down to $190. in week 6, you went 1-2-1 and in week 10 you went 3-0-1. if you eliminate those records and put in 0-4 for each week, you get a total net result of <$1,060>. its a tough break because i'm sure you didnt mean to post late but, rules are rules (as i found out the hard way).

also, i beg to differ with your above quote. i recall that you called me a "shady son of a bitch" and said i should be dq'd. now you say you wouldnt have had a problem if i did not admit to my edit? i'm sorry but, i dont follow that logic. you'd be fine with what i did if i lied about it? wtf?

anyway, it was a tough blow but you are not out of it. you are still positive for the year and there are a lot of weeks left.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
in week 6, you went 1-2-1 and in week 10 you went 3-0-1. if you eliminate those records and put in 0-4 for each week, you get a total net result of <$1,060>.

it was week 11 that you went 3-0-1 and posted late, not week 10. my bad.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
Well Blue at the beginning I said those other things. If you check my post at the end of that thread, I had sort of changed my mind in the options after thinking through everything.

Jan 21, 2000
bad karma will kill you in this contest

I'm with ya on the karma thing sir......but in this particular case, you might want to consider your own karma. You may not realize it but your posts in these contest threads are often pretty inflammatory.......and I actually believe that is unintentional on your part. But I have been seeing this for a long time. You act as if these contests are purely about you......and I feel compelled to break it to you.....they are not. The lack of sympathy you are receiving from your fellow posters is not an accident, nor is it random......not that the rules would apply any differently to any of the rest of us.

I have no idea who reported the snafu......but I must admit that I would have done so myself had I noticed it.

Your picks tend to be really good.....I have seen you near the top several times.....and I hope you are making your bookie suffer. You just need to get over yourself a bit. Trust me.....nobody is looking over your shoulder at your plays at this point.

Personally I hope you keep playing.....not just in this contest......but in others down the road. I like the competition. Just take a deep breath and be cool. This was a tough and unexpected beat for you......but if you can be objective about it (which is tough at this point), making those last minute posts was risky.

I hope this can be solved in a way that furthers the continuity of these post up contests. And as much as I'd love to gain from this, I gotta say.....that had the "offending parties" gotten penalized the first time they posted late, they likely would NOT have posted late a second my two cents worth is that maybe 0-4 for the second offense is harsh, given that the first offense slipped by unnoted.

It's really hard to be objective on this.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
Well Zapster, I am going to keep playing. I had said above that I would gladly take take the 0-4 for the first week, but it was the second week that I had a problem with. But I am going to keep playing in this one at least. There will always be post up contest at other sites including this one in the future.

And to think that I was one of the only guys who made MANY posts about having a 5th place prize! And that was when I was leading or near the lead. It sure would have been nice to have that right now even if was only for the $400 that I recommended

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
PO shocking you want 0-4 on your bad week but not on your good one. How admirable.

I wish I could take credit for catching this as I would love to own up.

You say to a guy hes a shady son of a bitch and hadnt even heard the facts. you are something

Sep 21, 2004
I think that the wrong decision is being made for the following reasons.

1) When the Picks threads for Weeks 1-12 were posted, Never has a Posting Time been listed. (I'm sure most contestants would assume they could post picks up until scheduled kickoff time of 1:00 ET) The Rules thread was posted 7/29/07 and was the only time that the Posting Time was ever posted in a thread for this contest.
2) If this decision was going to be made, it should have done when it first occurred during Week #6. Had it been done then, most likely it would have prevented it from happening to contestants from that point on. Instead contestants are being penalized for something that could have and should have been done when it initially occured during Week #6.

In retrospect the right decision would be to enforce the 12:55 posting time starting with Week#13.

Jan 21, 2000
I think that the wrong decision is being made for the following reasons.

1) When the Picks threads for Weeks 1-12 were posted, Never has a Posting Time been listed. (I'm sure most contestants would assume they could post picks up until scheduled kickoff time of 1:00 ET) The Rules thread was posted 7/29/07 and was the only time that the Posting Time was ever posted in a thread for this contest.
2) If this decision was going to be made, it should have done when it first occurred during Week #6. Had it been done then, most likely it would have prevented it from happening to contestants from that point on. Instead contestants are being penalized for something that could have and should have been done when it initially occured during Week #6.

In retrospect the right decision would be to enforce the 12:55 posting time starting with Week#13.

I think you are S.O.L. on number one. It is really up to all of us to know the rules when we enter these things. I do however think your second point is something that needs to be considered. I respectfully disagree with your final conclusion though.....for the same reason I disagreed with number one.

If I were the mod, I would likely give 0-4's to all that happened in Week 6 for sure......but I might be inclined to either leave the later weeks alone (only because nothing was said after week 6), or come up with a lesser penalty.

From a purely selfish point of view, I would of course LOVE to see 0-4's be given out to all of those on the list.....but I think there are higher principles that need to be considered.....and I don't want to win on a technicality. I guess it's a question of just how cut-throat this contest is supposed to be.

I also think some of us are inclined to take a harder stand becuse of personalities involved......myself included at first glance. But I think at the end of the day, we all (should) want what is fair.....if fair can actually be determined.

My heart goes out to the mods on this one. I doubt a formula can be used that pleases all of us. I for one will respect their decision without argument....whatever it is.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
gskiman's post has merit, there is no question about that, but does it have enough merit to let the plays stand? IMO and the opinion of all the other RX moderators it does not.

remember, we debated this for 2 days in the board room and this school of thought was discussed at length.

Sep 21, 2004
Due to an oversight by NFL Officiating Crews and Supervisors that was recently discovered from Week 6, the NFL announced today that the following game results will be reversed and these former losing teams will now be declared winners.

Week 6 Chicago
Week 7 Houstan
Week 8 Tampa Bay
Week 9 NY Jets
Week 10 Indianapolis
week 11 Baltimore
Week 12 Denver
:monsters- :missingte

New member
Sep 21, 2003
Thats a funny example gskiman, however, this actually happens in the olympics and other types of sporting events all the time. If a player breaks the rules and is discovered to have used steroids, they can lose their medal after actually having won it, sometimes weeks later.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
I will have updated contest results posted later this evening.

Sep 21, 2004
Due to an oversight by NFL Officiating Crews and Supervisors that was recently discovered from Week 6, the NFL announced today that the following game results will be reversed and these former losing teams will now be declared winners.

Week 6 Chicago
Week 7 Houstan
Week 8 Tampa Bay
Week 9 NY Jets
Week 10 Indianapolis
week 11 Baltimore
Week 12 Denver
:monsters- :missingte


Jul 23, 2006
Mods should not be allowed to participate in the contests they are running.....just my two cents.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
Mods should not be allowed to participate in the contests they are running.....just my two cents.

i like the juicier for paid entries, I like mod long as we trust them (in this case, i do)

Nov 2, 2006
-this rule makes it very clear that the emailing of plays is not permitted before the final 2 weeks.

-wilheim and Tanya have also reported that they have not received any such emails, but this is irrelevent anyway.

-Everyone had ample time to get their plays in and "Slow Site" cannot be used as an excuse unfortunatly, if you wait till the last minute, that is the chance you take.

Well insn't that interesting after all that has gone on this week :WTF:

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